Great Demon King 07

Xin Lan’s kick was extremely heavy, and Qi Haolin almost vomited blood.

He looked in astonishment at the girl in front of him who was grabbing his collar and retracted her foot while scolding him. For a moment, he couldn’t recover his senses.

The pain in his body made him acknowledge a fact – he had actually been beaten by Xin Lan.

If someone had told him before that he would be treated like this by Xin Lan in the future, he would absolutely never have believed it. How could that be possible? That’s Xin Lan, the woman who used to be innocent, weak, and easily deceived, the woman who would only shed tears when wronged, too afraid to talk back, and could only endure silently.

Xin Lan let go of him and shook her hand in disgust.

She really couldn’t stand people like him, with a look on his face that seemed to say, “You still love me for sure.” It was absolutely nauseating.

“If you’ve done something wrong, you should have some self-awareness. You can’t be so shameless, you know?”

Xin Lan sincerely hoped that after slapping Qi Haolin’s left cheek today, he wouldn’t turn his right cheek for her to hit again.

In case she lost control and didn’t deliver enough retribution, it would affect her final evaluation and salary.

Xin Lan used to not care about this, but after expanding the virtual space with Zero Nine this time, she had to care.

No matter when, currency is always useful.

Qi Haolin opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw Ren Difei suddenly appear at the door, he swallowed his words.

Almost everyone searched the place thoroughly and finally gathered in the living room.

Molly took out an apple she brought and took a bite. Others also brought their own food, but Ren Difei looked at one and then another.

Ren Difei: “Hey, why did you all bring food? Aren’t we here to play?”

Molly: “When you go out to play, don’t you bring fruits and snacks?”

Ren Difei: “I thought I could make it back in a day, so I didn’t bring anything.”

Molly: “Oh, too bad, you’ll be hungry then.”

Qi Haolin, Pi Tianzi, and Shen Lifan were all eating bread. Ke Xuguang brought instant noodles, but there was no hot water here, and even if there was, he didn’t dare to use it, so he simply sprinkled the seasoning pack and ate it dry.

Now, an important problem became evident – food.

There’s no possibility of having food here. Maybe, if they aren’t killed by ghosts, they will starve to death first. So, in the original story, the original host was gradually cut and eaten by Qi Haolin.

Hunger can drive people to do crazy and irrational things. When one is extremely hungry, there’s almost nothing they wouldn’t do. But it doesn’t mean that such behavior is justified.

In the original plot, Qi Haolin had already decided to use the original host as a reserve food source on the second day. This wasn’t a decision made under extreme circumstances; it was genuinely twisted.

Xin Lan sneered in her heart. She had to settle every single matter one by one, without exception.

Ren Difei swallowed hard, holding his stomach in distress.

There were some leftovers on the dining table, but he didn’t dare to eat them. That piece of meat, which looked intact but smelled bad, already indicated a problem. Who knows how long it had been left there? In case someone didn’t die from the supernatural events but from eating spoiled food, it would be extremely painful.

Of course, he also didn’t want to die from supernatural events.

Seeing his appearance, Xin Lan handed her bread to him.

Ren Difei was extremely shocked, and the others were surprised as well, especially Qi Haolin, who had a very unpleasant expression and glared at Ren Difei, as if burning with anger.

When Ren Difei received the bread, his hands were trembling. It was the bread given by the Lady Boss!

Does this mean he successfully buttered up to someone powerful?

The reason Xin Lan gave the bread was that the original host brought many small snacks like bread, but she wanted to eat meat.

Zero Nine: “Host, wait another half minute, the fried chicken will be ready soon, and there’s also ice cream. I’ll make you a chicken roll!”

Xin Lan nodded in satisfaction. Why eat small bread when there’s meat to eat?

Zero Nine, wearing an apron, was busy in the kitchen. This silent device seemed very useful; at least the host didn’t complain about the sizzling sound of frying in her mind.

Seeing the lack of food in this world, Zero Nine thought that after she left this world, she could still buy some fresh food or other things to ensure that the host could always eat delicious food!

After giving out several small breads, Xin Lan also handed a small bottle of probiotics to Ren Difei.

Ren Difei was almost moved to tears. If he dared to get closer and sit on the same sofa with Xin Lan, he would definitely lean over and hug her.

The other people looked at the two of them with strange expressions, especially the other girls present, including Qi Haolin, who had just been kicked by Xin Lan.

After everyone finished eating, they discussed what they had discovered.

Shen Lifan: “In the shoe cabinet over there, there are men’s leather shoes, women’s high heels, and children’s shoes. Also, there are shoes for taking off at the entrance, giving the feeling that a couple might be living here together.”

Molly: “I checked the dressing table in the bedroom. There were mostly women’s cosmetics, but there was also a bottle of men’s cologne.”

If it weren’t for the inappropriate occasion, Molly would have sighed at how those were all the brands she wanted to own. The woman who lived in this house seemed to be living such a good life, almost like her ideal life as a wealthy lady. It’s a pity that she was no longer here.

Ren Difei: “Although the house seems a bit messy, it doesn’t look like it’s inhabited by just one person. Some of the clues we found earlier are conflicting with what we see here.”

Qi Haolin leaned back on the sofa without saying anything, calculating this information in his mind.

The two pairs of shoes at the entrance, the leather shoes and high heels in the shoe cabinet, the leftover takeout on the table, the fast-food boxes in the trash bin, half-cut meat on the chopping board, a large bag of vegetables, men’s cologne on the dressing table, clothes in the wardrobe, only two people’s photo albums, hidden pictures of them together, burning photos, a defaced wedding picture, a little girl’s shredded dress, diaries and sketchbooks documenting different moods… When all these pieces were put together, what kind of story did they tell?

Each person fell into deep thought. Xin Lan stood up and walked towards the right.

“Where are you going?”

Molly asked loudly.

“The bathroom.”

Xin Lan walked in the direction of the bathroom and closed the door.

This bathroom had two levels; below the steps, there was a sink, and an empty space housed a washing machine, separated from the shower area by frosted glass.

The glass door was closed. After activating the Absolute Domain with Zero Nine’s help, Xin Lan began to eat the fried chicken and drink the cola.

The Absolute Domain was a shielding function that isolated all sounds and smells within a one-meter radius, making it an ideal place for private conversations.

After finishing the fried chicken and cola, Xin Lan wiped her mouth and left the bathroom.

As soon as she pushed open the door, she sensed that something was wrong.

The faint mist filled the air again, just like last night.

Suddenly, the voice of a child came from within the mist, getting closer.

Xin Lan remained in place, but she felt that something around her had changed.

The little ghost from last night ran past her as if not seeing her, heading to the bedroom door and starting to knock on it.

“Mommy, Mommy, can you play with me today?”

“Mommy doesn’t have time, Xinyu, be a good girl and play with your toys in your room.”

A beautiful woman, meticulously dressed and carrying a handbag, walked out of the room, appearing ready to go out.

“Mommy, are you going out again?”

“Yes, if you get hungry, remember to order takeout, Mommy’s leaving now.”

The little girl standing there wanted to say something more, but she saw her mother had already passed her and walked away.

“Bad person.”

The little girl watched her mother’s departing figure with an expressionless face and muttered a sentence.

She returned to her own room, and Xin Lan noticed that the room was not messy at all, completely different from what she had seen earlier.

“Even if I tidy up, Mommy won’t praise me anyway.”

The little girl pouted, picked up the stuffed toy beside her, and threw it on the ground. She even vented her frustration by stomping on it a couple of times.

She began to destructively wreck the room, messing up all the neatly arranged toys.

The Barbie doll that was originally on the windowsill was pulled down by her, and with a gloomy expression, she started to disassemble its limbs. After disassembling only half of it, she impatiently threw it aside.

She took her watercolor pen and ran towards the bedroom.

Xin Lan took a closer look at the man and woman in the wedding photo and raised an eyebrow.

The woman was indeed the same person, but the man was different from the one in the family photo seen in the album.

The little girl struggled to climb onto the bedside, although it wasn’t easy to step on it. She reached out, unable to see clearly, and made a mess.

“You all don’t want to accompany me, you’re all bad people.”

The little girl muttered until she finished venting, and then she sat on the big bed.

Suddenly, she turned her head and looked in Xin Lan’s direction.

Her body was facing forward, but her head twisted in an almost 180-degree arc, grinning at Xin Lan.

“Sister, will you come and play with me?”

Most people would be startled, but Xin Lan remained very calm, standing there with her arms crossed.

“How did you die?”

She asked straightforwardly.

“I’m not telling you, hehehe.”

The little girl stood up and made a spooky face at Xin Lan.

“Come and catch me, if you catch me, I’ll tell you.”

The little girl ran outside, and at that moment, a raging fire suddenly broke out.

She ran towards the flames and waved at Xin Lan from there.

“The game has finally begun! Come quickly!”

The fire grew larger and spread around Xin Lan.

She could even feel the scorching heat. In the midst of the flames, the voice of the little girl drifted farther and farther away.

Xin Lan remained calm and bent down to touch the flames.

Her palms felt extremely hot, but there were no burn marks left.

A thin mist gradually enveloped the surroundings, and Xin Lan found herself back in front of the bathroom.

From somewhere, a violin melody started to play, beautiful yet carrying a hint of melancholy.

Zero Nine: “It’s a famous violin piece called ‘Song of the Wanderer.'”

Following the direction of the music, Xin Lan walked ahead. In this foggy environment, everything became blurred; she couldn’t see the furniture or walls.

The scene in front of her gradually became clear. A girl in a white dress was playing the violin by the French windows.

That face seemed to have been meticulously crafted by God, exuding astonishing beauty.

Xin Lan felt like she had seen her somewhere before but couldn’t recall where.

The moon’s gentle radiance bathed the girl, making her appear like a moonlit fairy.

As the music came to an end, the girl looked at Xin Lan with a smile on her face.

“Welcome to the Game of the Brave. My violin and I will accompany you until you succeed or perish.”

“My name is Yu Wan Yan. I’m gifting you this violin. Once you start playing it, you’ll understand its purpose.”

“The game has officially begun, and you don’t have much time.”

“Find the key, and you can go upstairs. The exit is on the rooftop.”

“Only five people can reach the second floor, three can reach the third floor, and one person can reach the rooftop.”

“Work hard to survive.”

In the moonlight, Yu Wan Yan’s smile became somewhat eerie.