Great Demon King 10

Xin Lan pinched her fingers, unexpectedly finding this scumbag to be so decisive.

The troublesome part was that she couldn’t kill him so quickly.

However, it wasn’t a big problem; sometimes, death wasn’t the most frightening outcome—it was being alive but worse than dead.

The female ghost didn’t act hastily; instead, she glanced with apprehension at Yu Wan Yan beside Xin Lan.

“To be honest, I always felt that the ‘green hat’ skill was quite tricky. Pick up the violin in your hands; my power resides within it.”

Hugging her arms, Yu Wan Yan actually wanted to intervene, but they had agreed not to interfere with each other’s actions when selecting their prey, as that would be unfair.

The long-haired ghost pounced forward, and Xin Lan instinctively set down the violin in her hands. She grabbed the ghost’s long hair with one hand and pulled back, simultaneously avoiding the ghost’s claws.

A portion of the female ghost’s long hair was pulled apart, revealing eyes with only whites and a mouth with sharp teeth.

The ghost’s claws were sharp, and the dark greenish-black nails reflected a cold light.

Xin Lan stepped back onto a platform, winding the female ghost’s long hair around her neck and choking her. Luckily, the ghost’s hair was very long, so after choking her neck once, Xin Lan could even bind one of her hands.

The female ghost let out a strange howl from her mouth and reached out with her free hand, attempting to grab Xin Lan’s face.

Xin Lan leaned back to dodge, agilely maneuvering around, and delivered a forceful kick to the female ghost’s knee pit, causing her to stumble and kneel on the ground.

Xin Lan released the hand that was grabbing the ghost’s hair and placed both hands on the ghost’s head, twisting it forcefully.

There was a crisp sound in the air as the ghost’s head weakly turned in one direction, and she angrily howled, continuing to pounce toward Xin Lan.

Meanwhile, Xin Lan ascended another step, kicking the female ghost down the stairs.

Yu Wan Yan was dumbfounded; she had a bad feeling when she saw Xin Lan let go of the violin. She didn’t expect Xin Lan to exhibit such a display of tearing the ghost apart with such calmness.

So violent and cool!

Yu Wan Yan looked at the abandoned violin and bow on the stairs, feeling as if she was worthless in Xin Lan’s eyes.

“You… You’re not Xin Lan, are you?”

Qi Haolin watched as Xin Lan tore apart the female ghost with her hands and even knocked down the ghost beside her. He was utterly incredulous.

This could definitely not be the Xin Lan he knew. The person in front of him was clearly fearless and composed. The Xin Lan he knew was timid and easily frightened, even by cockroaches. She was more innocent and timid than most girls. If someone scolded her, she would only blush and couldn’t retort, silently shedding tears. How could she be the terrifyingly calm woman before him?

Xin Lan didn’t respond; she looked down at Qi Haolin from a higher position.

She descended the stairs step by step, and the sound she made seemed like the gentle tapping of the Grim Reaper on a door.

Sharing the same name and surname as the original host always gave her a subtle feeling, especially when the person in front of her raised such a question.

The misery belonged to the original host, but the out-of-character (OOC) behavior belonged to her.

Anyway, she came here to prove a point, not to beg for survival.

Qi Haolin couldn’t help but press against the wall, and the female ghost beside him had quietly disappeared.

He wanted to run away, but the limited space here left him with nowhere to escape.

He looked at the ghost that appeared beside him, seeking help. It was a girl wearing a green hat.

Not long ago, this ghost suddenly appeared in front of him, telling him many things and giving him this hat.

“It’s okay, I can lend you many ghosts. If you want to summon them, just call out to them in your heart.”

Zhen Zhen said with a faint smile, her words laced with temptation.

All the other ghosts wanted to borrow their prey to go outside, except for her.

She had no liking for the outside world. When she first made her choice, she simply relied on her instincts and picked such a man who seemed to exude the aura of a scumbag. When he put on her hat and she was able to read his memories, she confirmed that he was indeed a scumbag.

It would be best to die inside here. It would be even better to summon as many ghosts and monsters as possible before dying. That way, she could make him feel the sensation of being devoured by many ghosts until nothing was left but a skeletal frame.

Qi Haolin had an instinctive feeling that this was not benevolent, but it seemed like he had no other choice for now.

The Xin Lan in front of him seemed to have transformed, possessing terrifying strength.

In an instant, three ghosts appeared.

The staircase was too narrow, making it impossible to deploy their full abilities.

Xin Lan didn’t want to experience what it felt like to be caught by non-human entities. She picked up the violin and the bow, placing them on her shoulder.

“With your thoughts, this wind will move under your control.”

Yu Wan Yan immediately spoke upon seeing her belongings being put to use.

The melody of the violin played, and the air responded to Xin Lan’s thoughts, forming a flowing wind wall.

Xin Lan didn’t ask Zero Nine to find any sheet music; instead, she played the same song Yu Wan Yan had just performed.

《Song of the Wanderer》 was not a cheerful and uplifting piece. Xin Lan closed her eyes and, with herself at the center, unleashed a storm.

The surrounding winds spun faster and faster, engulfing the approaching female ghosts. The wind cut into their bodies, tearing them apart into wisps of smoke before they could get close.

“Aren’t your ghosts a bit useless?”

Qi Haolin exclaimed in terror, staring at the composed figure beside him.

Zhen Zhen wasn’t angered by the remark. At present, Yu Wan Yan was indeed stronger than all their ghosts combined. However, the abilities of the person using them also mattered. The items they provided for their prey’s use were designed to be effective according to the prey’s own abilities.

In other words, if the user was already powerful, using the items provided would naturally make them even more formidable.

Zhen Zhen believed that if her green hat were placed on the woman currently playing the violin, the ghosts she summoned would definitely tear apart the nearby prey.

Xin Lan opened her eyes and abruptly stopped the storm at a cresting high point, causing the tempest to dissipate.

Yu Wan Yan wasn’t wrong; this violin was indeed very effective.

Including the initial three ghosts, Qi Haolin had already summoned four ghosts.

Four ghosts were enough to make him feel utterly miserable.

Xin Lan set down the violin, carefully leaning it against the wall.

“If you want to kill me, let’s see if you have the ability to do so,”

Xin Lan said, rolling up her sleeves to reveal a gracefully slender wrist.

Qi Haolin subtly clenched his fist, watching the woman slowly approaching.

When Xin Lan reached him, he swiftly threw a punch.

The punch carried great force, and there seemed to be a sonic boom as it headed straight for Xin Lan’s face.

Xin Lan raised her hand to catch the punch and retaliated with a punch to Qi Haolin’s face.

Qi Haolin’s face turned to the side from the impact, and he spat on the ground. His other hand struck back at Xin Lan with a malicious expression.

He wasn’t a gentle person to begin with, and Xin Lan’s actions completely ignited his fierceness and madness.

The two of them started fighting in this not-so-large space. Qi Haolin was no pushover; like Xin Lan, he didn’t focus on defense but rather used a reckless and aggressive approach.

Caught off guard, Xin Lan was elbowed in the face, and the pain stimulated her nerves, making her even more excited.

She grabbed Qi Haolin’s neck with one hand and kneed him in the stomach. Qi Haolin winced in pain, and his face turned blue and purple.

Xin Lan threw him to the ground, breathing heavily, but her eyes were shining brightly.

Stepping on Qi Haolin’s chest, he trembled, and he grabbed her foot.

He tasted the surge of bloody smell in his mouth and tried to stand up again, but he was kicked in the head.

He felt a moment of dizziness, his vision darkening for a brief moment.

“Stand up.”

Xin Lan said as she kicked Qi Haolin, still not entirely satisfied.

This one was truly more durable than the previous two. Let’s not even talk about the second one; she hadn’t fought him. But this one could take more hits than the first one. The first one went down within a few minutes, but this one managed to hold on, and even hurt her in the process.

She touched the still tender spots on her face, and the relentless fighting spirit in her body began to boil again.

Qi Haolin’s body shifted, but he still couldn’t stand up from the ground.

For a moment, Qi Haolin thought he had gone blind because he couldn’t see anything in front of him.

However, after a while, his vision gradually became clear, and he saw Xin Lan’s face.

She was saying something, but he couldn’t quite hear it clearly.

Time seemed to slow down, and everything in front of him felt like a dream.

The terrifying game suddenly felt like changing into the ex-girlfriend of another person.

Qi Haolin looked at that familiar yet unfamiliar face and couldn’t help but feel a sense of realization.

“Lan Lan…”

He murmured.

Xin Lan was amused by his words and kicked Qi Haolin’s body again.

“You don’t deserve to call me that, Qi Haolin. When people live, they should have some self-respect. Do you even know how sincere you are yourself? Watching women being toyed with by you, are you pleased with yourself?”

“I despise men who live off others, and even more so, those who live off others and still think they are something special.”

Xin Lan sneered; she had wanted to say these words for a long time.

Whether it’s toying with emotions, deceiving and exploiting, or taking away money, don’t they feel any guilt for consuming others like this?

Is it because they like someone that they deserve to owe them something?

So, is the price to pay money, time, and even life?

Looking at Qi Haolin lying on the ground, somewhat incoherent, Xin Lan felt no hint of pity in her heart.

Originally, she had planned to find something to break Qi Haolin’s leg because she wanted to leave him alive until the end, to let him taste the feeling of success being within reach but still powerless to grasp it.

Now she changed her mind; she wouldn’t break his leg.

After all, if he couldn’t walk, she would have to drag him up the stairs, which would be too troublesome. Besides, the space to move around in this place was limited, and she had no way to escape from here anyway.

“Your prey is so fierce; you will definitely succeed in getting out of here.”

Zhen Zhen exclaimed, having witnessed the entire process. She called out to Yu Wan Yan, feeling strangely pleased to see her prey being overthrown.

Yu Wan Yan responded but seemed distracted, gazing at Xin Lan’s profile with some melancholy.

Xin Lan would surely succeed, and getting out meant that Yu Wan Yan wouldn’t be able to have Xin Lan all to herself anymore. This realization made her somewhat disheartened, despite the initially joyous occasion.

Xin Lan was dangerous and alluring, undoubtedly enticing.