Great Demon King 12

In the master bedroom, a fire was set, and the little girl died.

If it wasn’t the fire spreading to the adjacent room, then it must have been the little girl inside the master bedroom.

However, there is another possibility, though it goes against common sense.

The little girl is so young; how could she do such a thing? But in reality, nothing is absolute.

All the analyses here are mere speculations; the crucial point is when that little ghost will appear.

The last time they faced each other, when Xin Lan wanted to inquire, the ghost ran away.

That little ghost is mischievous and unpredictable, not knowing what she’s up to.

But in truth, Xin Lan didn’t really concern herself much about the little ghost because the danger of this whole situation was not significant to her.

If it weren’t for these so-called props, the other few people wouldn’t be formidable at all. However, now with this thing, they gained some advantage; that violin is still useful for showing off.

With these thoughts, she glanced at Yu Wan Yan beside her.

Yu Wan Yan has been silent since the beginning and hasn’t spoken to disturb anyone.

Miss Green Hat couldn’t stay outside for long and has returned to her own hat.

When she is quiet, she doesn’t give off the impression of someone who speaks. There’s a hint of melancholy about her.

When Yu Wan Yan first appeared in front of Xin Lan, Xin Lan noticed that she seemed quite young and her way of speaking wasn’t very mature. It seemed she might not have experienced much, still having a girlish appearance.

Yu Wan Yan noticed Xin Lan looking at her and smiled, appearing somewhat puzzled.

Xin Lan withdrew her gaze. She didn’t know how Yu Wan Yan died, but it didn’t concern her much.

Yu Wan Yan was just thinking about the future. She had a mysterious confidence in Xin Lan.

Or perhaps it couldn’t be called mysterious confidence, after all, Xin Lan was someone who could directly confront ghosts without relying on props. If nothing unexpected happened, Xin Lan would undoubtedly be the first.

It was a pity in this regard, as Yu Wan Yan wouldn’t be able to exclusively claim her prey.

But it was fine this way, at least she could explore a broader world.

In fact, everyone wants to go out, but nobody has a strong attachment to leaving.

Ren Difei finished his speculation and rubbed his eyes.

They didn’t know what to do next when they went outside. If the situation were stable, Ren Difei could explore freely. However, he dared not wander around now. Though there were five people on the second floor, only one person could go out. There might be someone with sinister intentions, and besides, there were still six people left.

The atmosphere in Xin Lan’s room was relatively peaceful, but tension filled the living room.

Sheng Lifan held his red wine and positioned himself farthest away from Ke Xuguang, then slowly moved to the left.

Ke Xuguang was tall and robust, despite the slightly comical cane he held. However, a strike from that cane could be fatal.

Sheng Lifan felt the prop he had suited him better. If he had a cane, it would be useless, as someone else would snatch it away in no time.

Ke Xuguang also had his considerations. Although they had to eliminate someone on the next floor, he couldn’t act as ruthlessly as Pi Tianzi, who killed someone without hesitation.

Pi Tianzi had a grudge against Molly, which is why she could act so decisively. Ke Xuguang looked at Sheng Lifan, who had reached the kitchen, his eyes contemplating.

Next door to Xin Lan’s room, Pi Tianzi stood among a heap of scattered toys, a constant smile on her lips.

She searched for clues in the room and, unintentionally, turned her head towards the direction of the window. There, she saw a dark figure crouched on it.

She was startled, but the dark figure suddenly disappeared.

Zero Nine’s radar had been scanning the entire first floor continuously. So when that dark figure appeared, she immediately notified Xin Lan.

Zero Nine: Host, that dark figure is not the little ghost, but it also lacks any life characteristics. It suddenly appeared outside the window of the neighboring room, and then Pi Tianzi saw it, after which it vanished.

In truth, Zero Nine wasn’t particularly fond of choosing a world with supernatural elements because it greatly weakened her abilities as a system. It felt like she became somewhat useless in such situations.

After all, ghosts and monsters are entities that science cannot explain.

But she really hasn’t seen any other better mission worlds suitable for her host. Most of them are about love and romance, which would undoubtedly make her host furious if she saw them.

Xin Lan despises deceiving people’s hearts, so she would probably prefer to knock down the scumbag men rather than making them infatuated.

That’s why Zero Nine can only do her best within her abilities to provide as much help to Xin Lan as possible, like rolling up some chicken rolls or making fried chicken.

Xin Lan: Disappeared suddenly? Did you record what it looked like, its height, weight, and gender?

Zero Nine: I haven’t scanned anything yet, and it disappeared already. It was a black shadow, and I couldn’t determine the gender, but judging from its size, it seemed to be an adult.

Xin Lan pondered for a moment. In fact, this matter isn’t that difficult to guess, as it has almost been pieced together. There are a total of four characters.

Let’s say for now that the four characters are the little girl, the little girl’s mother, the little girl’s father, and the stepfather.

The little girl clearly has a sense of aversion towards her stepfather, which is a very common situation and reasonable.

So, who could it be that started the big fire from the bedroom?

The little girl, the girl’s mother, the girl’s father, and the stepfather.

Xin Lan is more inclined towards the first and third possibilities because, from the little girl’s memories, it can be seen that her mother always dressed beautifully when going out. There is no reason for her mother to set the fire or harm her own daughter.

As for the girl’s stepfather, Xin Lan doesn’t think it’s impossible, but she feels it’s unnecessary.

If he wanted to harm the child, he could have chosen other methods, such as food poisoning, gas leakage, getting her lost outside, selling her to someone else. There was no need to use such an obvious method that clearly points to him as the killer to get rid of the little girl. Moreover, if he wanted to kill the little girl, he could have set the fire in her room. Why would he choose to ignite it near his own room’s doorway?

If the little girl’s father is the culprit, then it’s easy to guess the motive—it could be driven by a sense of revenge.

But even if it’s driven by revenge, it shouldn’t involve the child, right?

Of course, we can’t be certain that the father wouldn’t hold resentment towards her daughter as well.

Then there’s the little girl.

However, if the little girl set the fire at the bedroom door, it would mean she intended to burn the people inside. There’s a high possibility that she would have been burned along with them.

But the child’s capacity for such actions is too weak. No matter how much she dislikes her mother or stepfather, it’s highly unlikely for her to do something like this.

But the arsonist can only be one of these four people. If it were someone outside of the plot, there should have been at least some clues introduced, but they haven’t found any.

Xin Lan thought about it extensively and felt that it would be quicker to confront the little ghost and ask her one by one for the answers.

If it’s wrong, then move on to the next answer. There’s no need to limit it to just one-fourth; they can go through them one by one.

The mist thickened again at some point, and in the vast expanse of it, she could only see Yu Wan Yan’s face clearly; everyone else’s was obscured.

“She’s here.”

Yu Wan Yan said so.

The next moment, Xin Lan felt her consciousness being pulled away, and then she saw a man.

It was the same man who appeared in the wedding photo, whom Xin Lan defined as the little ghost’s stepfather.

“Xin Yu, are you happy that Uncle took you to the amusement park today?”


Xin Lan heard a childish voice and realized that the voice was coming from ‘her’ mouth.

Xin Lan tried to contact Zero Nine in her mind, but she couldn’t reach her.

She wasn’t too panicked and waited to see what would happen next.

“Then what reward do you want to give Uncle?”

The man crouched down, aligning his gaze with Xin Lan’s.

Xin Lan furrowed her brows, but she was confined to a specific environment and couldn’t move, only able to watch as the man pointed to his cheek.

Is this little ghost going to kiss her uncle next?

Xin Lan started to feel a bit agitated.

However, unexpectedly, that didn’t happen.

Xin Lan sensed ‘her’ take a step back and shake her head at the man.

The man looked somewhat disappointed but then smiled and stood up.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to kiss. Look, Uncle also bought you a new dress.”

The man took out a beautiful dress from a bag behind him and waved it in front of Xin Lan.

Suddenly, Xin Lan felt an overwhelming sense of fear surging up from the depths of her heart.

This intense and unfamiliar emotion came from ‘her’.

Xin Lan hasn’t felt fear in a long time.

So long that she has forgotten what it feels like to be afraid of something.

It’s truly a feeling of helplessness that disgusts her.

‘She’ is shaking her head, and Xin Lan senses ‘her’ resistance.

“Don’t you like this dress? But Uncle thinks you will look great wearing it.”

“Why are you shaking your head? Don’t you like it? Don’t you like the gift Uncle got for you? Uncle even took you to the amusement park today.”

‘She’ suddenly starts running towards the door of the neighboring bedroom.

“Mom! Mom!”

‘She’ is knocking on the door, and Xin Lan feels her urgency.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

The woman opened the door with a gentle smile on her face.

“Uncle… Uncle…”

“What’s wrong with Uncle?”

“I bought a dress for Xin Yu, but she seems to not like it.”

The man walked over, smiling somewhat helplessly.

“When Uncle buys you clothes, you should thank him. How can you be so impolite?”

The woman scolded gently, but Xin Lan could feel ‘her’ panic about to overflow.

“Mom, can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Xin Yu is a big girl now, she should sleep on her own. Why are you so clingy to Mommy?”

The woman caressed ‘her’ hair and said with a soft laugh.

“No need to worry too much; she will gradually accept it. After washing up, she’ll come in to sleep,” the woman said to the man, then she looked in Xin Lan’s direction, “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

The door was closed, and in that moment, Xin Lan felt a sharp pang in her heart, as if it were being twisted painfully.

‘She’ wanted to knock on the door, but suddenly, someone covered ‘her’ mouth and dragged her back.

Xin Lan couldn’t move, only passively experiencing that sense of despair.

‘She’ was dragged into her own room, and the door was closed.

Xin Lan saw many dolls in the room, and those toys were gazing at ‘her,’ while ‘she’ also gazed back at them.

Translator: Ah f*ck! Of course the stepfather is a p*do!