Great Demon King 15

As soon as Xin Lan felt that the hand was about to react, someone had already slapped the hand down.

“If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you touching things?”

Yu Wan Yan snorted lightly as she looked at the hand.

She didn’t like her prey being touched. When Xin Lan and Qi Haolin were fighting, she couldn’t interfere. Now, she couldn’t even handle this?

Xin Lan turned her head but saw no one; it was pitch black.

Zero Nine: Host, down there, by your feet, there’s a hand.

Zero Nine swallowed nervously, trembling as she gave the warning.

Xin Lan: Is it one hand or a hand?

Zero Nine: What’s the difference?

Aren’t they the same thing?

Xin Lan: The difference lies in how far the palm extends upwards.

Zero Nine: It reaches up to the wrist.

Xin Lan’s eyes showed contemplation. A hand that appeared out of thin air, only reaching up to the wrist—what could be the connection between this and the pitch-black philosophical room with chains?

Zero Nine: This hand can be scanned. Preliminary analysis indicates it’s a male hand, probably around seventeen or eighteen years old. There are scars on the fingers and back of the hand. Hmm… after comparing, it’s highly likely that it belongs to one of the philosophical tools left over there.

The situation became clear. A pitiful young man locked up in the dark room?

The hand belonged to this young man, so the key to this floor should be with him.

But the problem is, there’s only one hand now. How do we communicate? Should we just wait around?

The feeling of being deprived of sight is extremely uncomfortable. Even with eyes open, it’s just pitch black, not much different from being blind.

However, in this darkness, there’s still a faint glimmer of light coming from Yu Wan Yan.

Her body emitted a soft glow, making her stand out in this dark room.

Yu Wan Yan didn’t notice Xin Lan looking at her, staring at the hand on the ground.

The hand was lying quietly behind Xin Lan’s heel.

Xin Lan: Where is the light switch for this room?

Zero Nine: It’s outside.

Zero Nine marked a red dot on the floor plan; there is a switch, but whether it works or not is uncertain.

“Hey, why is it so dark in here?”

Ren Difei’s voice suddenly echoed in the room, presumably coming up from the stairs.

The layout of the stairs in this building was completely unscientific, but since it was already involved in supernatural events, scientific principles probably didn’t apply. The stairs on the first floor directly led to the rooms on the second floor, so once you came up, you couldn’t go back down.

Qi Haolin remained silent in the darkness, pondering something.

“Put on your glasses, can you see anything?”

“I’ll try.”

Ren Difei heard Xin Lan’s voice and quickly put on his glasses, but after a while, she took them off again.

“No, it’s too dark. I can’t see anything.”

Alright then, they needed to turn on the lights.

Xin Lan proceeded slowly, with Yu Wan Yan following beside her.

In unfamiliar darkness, people tend to hesitate, fearing that they might bump into something or trip. Xin Lan wasn’t too concerned, as the floor plan showed that this area was spacious. However, she didn’t rush forward either because she was a bit worried about stepping on other limbs.

“How about I hold your hand and we walk faster?”

Yu Wan Yan suggested.

In fact, she could even carry Xin Lan, but she knew Xin Lan definitely wouldn’t agree to that.

“No need.”

Xin Lan declined, as Yu Wan Yan had expected, and she wasn’t disappointed either.

They walked smoothly all the way to the door. When Xin Lan was about to turn the doorknob, she found that the door was locked.

“The door is locked?”

Ren Difei made his way over, feeling his way along. He heard the sound of Xin Lan turning the doorknob.

Ordinary doors couldn’t be locked from the inside, but this door was quite special.

“Should we look for the key? There should be one inside, normally.”

Ren Difei placed his hand against the wall. Even as he said this, he knew it was unlikely because there was no source of light. Even if the key were right in front of them, he might not be able to see it.

Xin Lan stepped back two paces and began kicking the door.

She was familiar with this task; during the first campus hunting battle, she single-handedly kicked down the doors of an entire building.

The dull thudding of the kicks resounded loudly. Xin Lan deliberately ignored the pain in her feet and before long, she broke the door open.

The world outside the door wasn’t pitch black. Moonlight spilled in like water, casting a somewhat melancholic hue on the furniture in the living room.

As Xin Lan was about to press the switch, she heard Zero Nine’s voice in her mind shouting to stop. At the same time, a cool and soft hand grabbed her hand, halting her action.

Zero Nine: Host, that hand was on the switch just now, ah ah ah! It’s a bit disgusting. Luckily, you didn’t press it.

On the white switch, a pale hand covered it.

Moonlight couldn’t reach this spot, so Xin Lan couldn’t see the situation in front of her. However, from Zero Nine’s description, she could imagine the scene.

“Thank you.”

Xin Lan expressed her gratitude to Yu Wan Yan, who was next to her, and withdrew her hand.

Yu Wan Yan felt the warmth in her palm suddenly disappear, and for some inexplicable reason, she felt a sense of loss.

On the other side, Ren Difei was waiting for Xin Lan’s action. He had intended to turn on the living room light, but he didn’t know where the switch was located. As a precaution, he stayed in place without moving.

On the light switch, there was a conscious dead person’s hand. Should he turn on the light?

Xin Lan’s answer was, of course, yes.

She used one finger to press it, and the room immediately lit up as bright as day. But in the next instant, the light went out again.

The sudden brightness caused a moment of disorientation for everyone’s eyes. However, Xin Lan seized this opportunity to get a clear view of the room’s furnishings.

It was a large and spacious room, without even a bed. There was a big sofa, a toilet, and an entire cabinet full of philosophical tools.

Chains were lying on the floor, and one could easily imagine that they had once bound a person.

It seemed to be another not-so-pleasant story, and Xin Lan thought about it somewhat absentmindedly.

It appeared that she had been experiencing these kinds of things all along, seemingly enjoying turning the tables on others, but in reality, the original host’s experiences were even more tragic than those of the antagonists.

After all, truly miserable antagonists were few; most of them turned dark later on, and many of them had lived well in the beginning. But tragic ones were genuinely tragic.

“Now what should we do?”

Ren Difei was feeling a bit puzzled. At least the first floor had some clues, telling them what had happened to whom, but the second floor was completely pitch black. The light had just been turned on, and he didn’t even get a chance to see anything before it went out again.

Following Zero Nine’s prompt, Xin Lan turned on the living room light and sat on the sofa.

Meanwhile, Ren Difei was instinctively looking around, and Qi Haolin had also come out of the room, but instead of sitting down, he, like Ren Difei, was observing their surroundings.

The living room was decorated very exquisitely, but it carried a cold and aloof atmosphere, as if it lacked warmth or human touch.

“It’s not much different from before.”

Ren Difei said, taking off his glasses and looking puzzledly at Xin Lan.

Qi Haolin remained silent, not wanting to draw Xin Lan’s attention and trying to minimize his presence.

Xin Lan, on the other hand, wasn’t in a hurry. In terms of time, it was only their second night in this place.

She had seven days, this game, and Qi Haolin to contend with.

However, the duration might not be that long, as they had no water or food.

Ren Difei searched the living room, examining every place, but he didn’t find any valuable clues and ended up collapsing on the sofa due to exhaustion.

Xin Lan seemed uninterested in her surroundings as she sat on the sofa. In reality, she was just waiting. There should be three more people below. How many of them would come up, or would none of them make it?

A series of rumbling sounds echoed in the living room. Xin Lan looked up, and Ren Difei awkwardly covered his stomach, then he suddenly remembered something important, and his expression changed.

“Our belongings are all down there, and we didn’t bring any food up. Now we can’t go down. What are we going to do for the next few days?”

As it had been dark outside all this time and they had been through various incidents, Ren Difei now finally had the chance to take out his phone from his pocket, but he found that he had no signal. It was already very late.

In other words, he had only eaten a few small pieces of bread Xin Lan gave him and drank a small bottle of probiotics for the entire day. These things were very meager for an adult male, but under those circumstances, who cared about eating and hunger? Now that they had a moment to relax, all those feelings surged back.

Ren Difei looked at Xin Lan with a look of hope, as if he wanted her to provide an answer. But this time, Xin Lan couldn’t give him one.

Xin Lan’s silence left Ren Difei feeling somewhat desperate. He sighed and anxiously huddled in his spot.

Qi Haolin furrowed his brow, lost in thought. Xin Lan wasn’t worried about the food issue; she could endure hunger if needed, but it wasn’t necessary at the moment. Although Zero Nine could currently only make fried chicken and chicken rolls and the like, having meat was better than having none at all.

Not long after, Xin Lan keenly heard the footsteps coming from the room they were in just now. Shortly after, Pi Tianzi, holding an umbrella, appeared before them.

What drew attention was the scars on her face and the blood stains on the umbrella. The umbrella, which was originally white lace, was now dyed in a deep crimson, giving off an eerie aura.

Pi Tianzi had been wearing a cute Lolita outfit, and the contrast now emitted a dangerous air.

Xin Lan found it intriguing as she looked at Pi Tianzi. She didn’t know how Pi Tianzi died in the original plot. From the current appearance, she seemed quite strong. How did Qi Haolin manage to defeat her?

When Ren Difei saw Pi Tianzi, his body tensed up quietly.

Pi Tianzi’s current demeanor exuded an extreme aura, accentuated by her eye-catching attire. Even if there were forty or four hundred people here, she would still stand out.

The Lady Boss was different; she calmly leaned against the sofa, appearing very relaxed. However, the more composed she seemed, the more it made people feel alarmed and terrified.

Thinking about the rules of this game, Ren Difei felt a bit of a headache. He felt like he had no chance of winning, but he also didn’t want to die right now.

As Pi Tianzi stood still, a chilling air began to surge in the atmosphere, carrying an icy coldness. It felt like the coldness slowly climbed up their spines and penetrated their very bones.

“She has hidden my body in separate parts. I want you to find my body within one day and put it back together. If you succeed, I will give you the key.”

A voice suddenly echoed through the house. The voice was cold and hoarse, exuding a spine-chilling aura.

“If you fail…”

The owner of the voice let out a chilling laugh and didn’t continue speaking.

The disappearance of the voice was as sudden as its appearance, without any warning, leaving a sinking feeling in everyone’s hearts.