Agent 06

Qin Yuyan couldn’t explain why she hurried to the neighboring store to buy water when she saw the person walking out with a furrowed brow. That sudden urge to help appeared out of nowhere. By the time she snapped out of her thoughts, the water had already been handed over.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

The person expressed gratitude and took the water from her hands.

“Sis, what are you doing?”

Qin Susu called out in a bewildered tone.

“Well… Should I go first?”


At such moments, initiating further conversation to get to know each other felt awkward. Qin Yuyan stated this way, and Xin Lan responded accordingly.

It was a perfectly normal exchange, but as Qin Yuyan took a couple of steps away, she turned to glance at Xin Lan. She continued walking toward Qin Susu only after Qin Susu prompted her once again.

Holding the bottle of water, Xin Lan reflected on this mishap. The timing was off, the location was wrong, and the awkwardness was almost palpable. However, at least they had made eye contact this time. The next time they met at a gathering, Qin Yuyan wouldn’t be a complete stranger to her anymore.

She hailed a taxi, gave her address, and closed her eyes for a short rest.

On the other end, Qin Susu was still commenting on Qin Yuyan’s unusual behavior.

“You disappeared in the blink of an eye, you know that, right? And where did you get the water from?”

“I bought it from the neighboring store.”

Qin Yuyan responded somewhat absentmindedly.

“Do you really know her?”

“I don’t remember, but she felt very familiar to me.”

Qin Yuyan shook her head, suppressing the turmoil within her.

Qin Yuyan got into the car, and as the car drove farther away, that inexplicable emotion gradually faded.

“Perhaps we did meet somewhere after all. Anyway, enough about that. The item I ordered should be ready by now. I hope it doesn’t disappoint me; it’s a significant gift I’m presenting to grandmother.”

As the cool air from the car’s air conditioning blew, Qin Yuyan shifted her focus to the upcoming banquet as Qin Susu spoke.

After returning home, Xin Lan messaged An An. Setting her phone aside, she took a shower and put on her pajamas. She then made herself a bowl of sobering soup.

After finishing the sobering soup, Xin Lan checked her itinerary and went to sleep.

Cheng Zhi, who hadn’t reached the point of being able to handle things independently, was shooting an advertisement. Xin Lan had to accompany him for socializing purposes.

Sitting in the car, Xin Lan felt like her manager was akin to an old motherly figure.

For instance, at this moment, she looked at Cheng Zhi and let out a soulful inquiry.

“Have you gained weight?”

Cheng Zhi widened his eyes, wearing an expression of disbelief.

Cheng Zhi: “Really? Have I gained a lot of weight? I’ve just gained a pound or so!”

Xin Lan raised an eyebrow, “More than just a pound. Cameras inherently make you look heavier. If you don’t want to appear like a middle-aged man gaining weight in front of the camera, then start losing weight after we’re done shooting today.”

Cheng Zhi exclaimed, “Sis, I’m only 21! I’m not in middle age yet!”

Xin Lan gazed at Cheng Zhi quietly. Cheng Zhi received a deadly stare and quickly toned down his protest.

“I’ll lose weight, I promise! I’ll definitely lose weight!”

Amid Cheng Zhi’s antics, they soon arrived at the shooting location.

The original host’s judgment of people was still quite accurate. Even though Cheng Zhi had a carefree appearance, there was a certain vitality about him. Even when he had retakes (NG moments), his demeanor didn’t provoke anger when looked at.

In this industry, both talent and effort were equally important, with opportunities being even more crucial.

After finishing the advertisement shoot, when Cheng Zhi returned to the van, Xin Lan handed him two scripts.

Cheng Zhi became excited upon seeing the scripts, eagerly taking them as if they were treasures.

“Take a look at these two scripts yourself. Decide which type you’d like to play. But remember, neither role is a perfect match for you, understand?”

Cheng Zhi’s excitement waned a bit, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

The dynamics within the industry were such that a single role often drew fierce competition. The roles were often pre-arranged for well-established figures or those with connections, and not everyone had the privilege of merely going through the motions during auditions.

After receiving the script, actors put in effort to study their roles. It was common that a role might not end up belonging to them after auditions. However, this didn’t discourage them from studying the script thoroughly.

During the return journey, the atmosphere in the car was quiet. Cheng Zhi was engrossed in reading the script while Xin Lan was busy with various contacts.

【StarMap Management Subteam (6)】

【Bessie】: @Xin Lan Sister Lan, heard that you’re interested in Miss Qin?

【Xin Lan】: Well, what about it? Are you trying to compete with me?

【Bessie】: Oh no, how could I? I can’t even handle my own affairs. Just got the news that the Qin family’s matriarch is celebrating her birthday and has invited quite a few people. You might want to go and take a look.

【Chen Yi】: It seems like we didn’t receive an invitation, so we can’t go in.

【Bessie】: Find someone to take you. Even though the old lady is from the opera scene, there are influential people in her family, right?

When Xin Lan saw Qin Yuyan, the scan from Zero Nine had already provided her with a comprehensive overview of her family background.

Grandmother Qin was an opera performer, as was her late husband. Both of them were prominent figures in the entertainment industry. Grandmother Qin had three sons. The eldest son chose business over the arts, while the second and third sons followed the artistic path. The second son diverged from opera to become a pop singer, attaining a superstar status at the time. The youngest son had a passion for painting and became a renowned artist. The elderly couple didn’t insist on their children pursuing opera; as long as their disciples continued the legacy, they were content.

The wife of the eldest son was the daughter of a famous real estate magnate. They had a son and a daughter. The son pursued business, while the daughter followed her grandmother’s footsteps in the opera world, becoming one of the well-known figures in the industry.

The wife of the second son was a former national sweetheart. They had two sons and a daughter. The older son pursued a political career, the second son went into business, and the youngest daughter was Qin Yuyan.

The wife of the third son was the editor-in-chief of a well-known magazine. They had a daughter, who happened to be the Qin Susu that Xin Lan saw that day.

One could say that the Qin family was a massive clan, with connections and relationships spanning business, politics, art, opera, music, film, and television.

No wonder in the original plot, Shen Yun would abandon the original host to pursue Qin Yuyan.

Even if not considering Qin Yuyan’s personality and appearance, based on this background alone, it would be worth Shen Yun’s effort.

With Qin Yuyan’s impressive background, it also meant that she wouldn’t be easily swayed.

Xin Lan’s phone vibrated twice, bringing her attention back.

【Bessie】: Sister Lan, I heard that Dong Shuyu from StarMap Entertainment is determined to win over Miss Qin.

【Xin Lan】: Whoever can win her over will do so based on their abilities.

The shining star of the future, who wouldn’t want to secure it?

In terms of seniority, Dong Shuyu from StarMap Entertainment had an edge over the original host.

Having been in the industry for over a decade, Dong Shuyu had guided two Best Actress and one Best Actor awardees. The original host would respectfully address her as “Sister Dong,” but that didn’t mean Xin Lan would just give in.

The original host might be polite, but she wouldn’t be.

【Bessie】: To be honest, you’re at a greater disadvantage than her. You’re handling two individuals, whereas she’s currently focused solely on Qin Yuyan, without any companions.

【Bessie】: Moreover, she has an extensive network; I heard she even knows Qin Yuyan’s father, Qin Tiangwang.

【Xin Lan】: It’s a bit troublesome.

【Bessie】: Many want to win her favor, but not many can truly compete with you. However, having two people under your guidance might be a bit cumbersome. After all, resources are limited, and you’re also taking care of Shen Yun.

【Xin Lan】: I have my own plans. Thank you for your concern.

【Bessie】: No need to be polite. I didn’t come to see you just to discuss this matter. Tomorrow, my artist Yan Xuan and your artist Shen Yun will appear on the same variety show. Can we create some buzz around it?

【Xin Lan】: Is it necessary to generate hype for Shen Yun’s appearance just this once?

【Bessie】: Can’t we create a bit of a buzz? Sister Lan, help me out a bit. You know it’s just this one time.

【Xin Lan】: Fine, I’ll talk to Shen Yun and ask her to cooperate.

【Bessie】: [Hug.jpg]

After a moment’s consideration, Xin Lan recalled that Bessie managed a four-member boy group, with Yan Xuan as the center. This group had enjoyed a period of online variety show popularity but was currently on a decline. On the other hand, Shen Yun was currently in the spotlight, propelled to new heights by the success of the drama where she played the lead. Skillful manipulation would only make things better, so it wasn’t surprising that they wanted to capitalize on her popularity even for a single variety show appearance.

Bessie shared with Xin Lan the information she had heard, and it was only appropriate for Xin Lan to reciprocate.

Over the past few days, aside from that one message, this was the first time she had a chat with Shen Yun via WeChat. She explained the situation succinctly.

Originally, she had intended to have Zhou Qinqin relay the message, but considering Shen Yun’s character, she might not necessarily comply. It was better to personally handle it.

Shen Yun quickly replied, her attitude clearly reluctant.

【Shen Yun】: You want me to create buzz with a man?

【Xin Lan】: Or would you prefer to do it with a woman?

【Shen Yun】: I refuse.

【Xin Lan】: You don’t have the right to refuse.

【Shen Yun】: Why not?

【Shen Yun】: Even if we’re stirring up CP or rumors, it shouldn’t involve that A-list celebrity, right? Besides, he’s a singer.

【Xin Lan】: It’s my arrangement. Not willing?

Shen Yun tugged at the corner of her mouth. How could she possibly say she wasn’t willing? She didn’t want Xin Lan to hold it against her.

【Shen Yun】: Understood, I’ll cooperate wholeheartedly.

Amidst their busy schedules, Grandmother Qin’s birthday banquet arrived.

Xin Lan and Yuan Xiaoyuan met at the predetermined location. Yuan Xiaoyuan was dressed in a blue evening gown, her hair styled up at the back of her head, revealing delicate and elegant collarbones, along with her fair and slender figure.

When she saw Xin Lan, she politely greeted her with “Sister Lan”.

Xin Lan smiled at her and complimented that she looked very beautiful. Yuan Xiaoyuan was quite fortunate in her appearance.

If it weren’t for her liking Cheng Zhi, Yuan Xiaoyuan wouldn’t have been so reserved in front of Xin Lan, resembling a person meeting their partner’s parents.

However, in the entertainment industry, a manager truly was half of an artist’s parent, worrying about this and that, especially concerning their public image and romantic relationships.

The car had been driven by Yuan Xiaoyuan’s driver. Since they were attending a banquet, Xin Lan had also dressed elegantly for the occasion. She wore a black one-shoulder evening gown, her hair loosely flowing down, covering the exposed back.

When it was time to put on her dress, Xin Lan realized that An An had provided her with a backless dress with a V-neck design. Fortunately, it didn’t plunge directly from the hips upward; it started at the waist, and with her long hair flowing down, it just managed to provide adequate coverage.

The venue for the banquet was the Qin family mansion, a grand Chinese-style structure that exuded a sense of magnificence.

Numerous luxury cars were parked at the entrance. Xin Lan followed Yuan Xiaoyuan inside, making her way to the main hall.

It seemed that many people had already arrived. There were servants at the entrance receiving gifts. Yuan Xiaoyuan had brought a small jade Buddha statue as her gift, while Xin Lan had chosen a pair of jade ruyi (a symbol of good fortune).

Familiar faces engaged in conversations, and amidst the atmosphere of the banquet, Xin Lan spotted several renowned singers, some of whom were still active while others had retired from the spotlight.

“Lanjie, some people I know have arrived. I’ll go greet them first. You can take a look around on your own. If I see Miss Qin Wu, I’ll try to strike up a conversation and facilitate an introduction between the two of you.”

Yuan Xiaoyuan’s mother is a disciple of Grandmother Qin’s junior sister, so there is a connection, albeit a distant one. That’s why when Yuan Xiaoyuan addresses Qin Yuyan, she uses “Miss Qin Wu.” This is because Qin Yuyan is the fifth in line among her generation in the Qin family.

Xin Lan nodded and took a glass of wine from a server, then began to search for her target.