Chapter 78: Xin Yan popped a cherry! Paper Tiger!

78 Chapter 78: Xin Yan popped a cherry! Paper Tiger!

Elysia, being curious, had been keeping an eye on the son of heaven ever since he had arrived near this cave and was searching for the cave. Even she, herself was a little surprised by his luck and even clicked her tongue. After looking at everything Yuan Ming had just done, she thought that the boy suddenly received a brain injury. 'Even if he was testing the arrays, who does something like that. Thank god Noah is not like that.'

She felt creeped suddenly imagining Noah licking and touching mountains like that. Cultivators are known for shattering mountains and creating rivers but that boy might shatter mountains and create rivers in a different sense.

'Well since brother Noah has arrived in this world, he might have to get used to losing some of his opportunities~' She was the one who made the beast discover him. She wanted to give something in return for the drop of blood.

'He would not be a son of heaven, if he got depressed by a simple setback.'

Her thoughts were broken when she sensed people suddenly surrounding their group and a man suddenly acting creepy in front of them.

"We Meet again~"


Noah looked at the man standing in front of him speechlessly..

In front of him was a burly man walking in a weird way. Although to normal people he might look but to people with keen observation he looked like he had some hidden injuries at his lower region. Fiind updated novels on no/v/elbin(.)co/m

Noah's mind turned at fast speed and he turned to look at Xin Yan sending her a mental transmission.

'Did you do something to him? Why is he walking weirdly..'

Xin Yan was a little startled suddenly hearing Noah's voice in her head. She was busy looking at the middle aged man with a mustache on his face.

He was the leader of the gang and the person who tried to hit on Xin Yan with his low grade pick up lines. Hearing the question of Noah she blushed a little as she remembered what she did to the man.

''Do you remember how I told you that I didn't want to create a scene in front of Long Tian?'



Hearing Noah's confirmation Xin Yan continued in a meek voice similar to that of a little girl who had done something bad.

The boy bypassed his senses and killed his man in front of him... That man of his was at the Fourth level of Qi Condensation Realm..

He was a fucking Foundation Establishment Realm Cultivator. Who were way above the likes of Qi Condensation Realm. How dare that boy look down on him.

The difference between these two realms was like a dog and a tiger. Yet this level two dog got one over the Tiger.


"Don't look at me like that~ Your opponent is the same woman who gave you piles~"

Noah continued his playful demeanor as he turned into a Mirage.

"Movement Technique! That also is at least low grade earth level!!"

"Don't lose focus. Didn't you hear what my 'son' just said.."

The man looked at the place where Noah disappeared from in a trance until he heard a chilling voice of Xin Yan in front of him.

He did not even notice her move and she was already in front of her.

'This is just like back then!' he thought in panic as the scenes of his past flashed through his eyes. The scenes of him popping, the scenes of him being humiliated. Remembering those scenes his aura flared along with his Cultivation as he yelled.

"Don't you fuck with me!! I, Paper Tiger will not face humiliation again."

( A/N: his name is Zhi Laohu and "Paper tiger" is a calque of the Chinese phrase zhǐlǎohǔ )

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