Chapter 83: Purchase Complete! Manager's Action!

83 Chapter 83: Purchase Complete! Manager's Action!

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Zhu Lan saw the boy pulling the rope of the hand bag and emptying the spirit stones on the table. Since the hall was big, not many people paid attention to the group until they heard the sounds of the Spirit stones dropping on the table.

Their eyes went wide at the sight of such a huge amount of money falling on the ground. They even had the impulse to snatch the money but when they remembered where they were standing none of them dared to make a move.

At this time the manager of the store descended the stairs and saw the scene. A look of astonishment flashed through his eyes before he continued his steps. Appearing in front of Noah, he cupped his hands and asked.

"May I know your name, Dear Guest?"

Hearing the rough and familiar voice Zhu Lan came out of her shock and looked towards the manager and hurriedly bowed. She was not the only, the rest of the staff members also gathered to greet him.

Noah turned to look at the old man who was looking at him with a professional smile on his face. He could feel the strong Aura deep inside the old man. It was even stronger than that of the mercenary Leader Xin Yan had killed.

"Long Tian."

After a moment of break Noah replied, his reply made Xin Yan's eyes tremble a little but it went unnoticed by everyone. She pursed her lips and did not speak anything. Elysia, who had been silently hidden beside the duo, looked at the woman and sighed.

"Long Tian, What a nice name! This must be your mother?" The old Man nodded at the Xin Yan, seeing the similar feature in both of their appearances the old man guessed their relation. Xin Yan also curtly nodded at the old man.

"I am Shao Heng! The Manager of this place. Let's talk in a private room. This place is getting crowded."

Seeing the people entering inside the hall and looking at the stones with greed flashing in their eyes, the old man simply pulled out a Storage bag from his robes and sucked in all the stones laying on the table. He could tell that they were 100 thousand Low grade spirit stones, the amount required for the courtyard they had selected. Although he could not understand why someone would want to pay such an extravagant amount for such a place, it was not his place to ask.

Noah followed the old man with Xin Yan and arrived in a private room. The room was well decorated and furnished with two large Sofas facing each other. "Please take a seat, guests." The manager gestured for them to sit and signaled the servant outside the room. Taking the hint the servant went away and the manager activated a sound proofing formation inside the room. Noah sensed the formation being used but did not say anything while Xin Yan simply raised her eyebrows but since Noah did not say anything she shrugged it off.



After glancing at Xin Yan who was calmly sitting beside Noah, he continued his thoughts.

'Even though their clothes are not that expensive or luxurious, they are above average and something about them does not seem right. The boy handles himself quite well despite how young he looks. I cannot see through either of them. It's better for me to act cautiously.'

After a moment of pondering the man brought out a small book from his storage pouch. He passed the book to Noah and explained.

"This book explains everything that the Eternal Jade guild offers. If young Master Long wants to know about them, you can read that. Think of the book as a complimentary gift with the purchase."

It was Noah's turn to be stunned. He looked at the old man and felt he was quite shameless to have the gall to say that after he charged him 100,000 spirit stones for the house.

"Then I would have to thank you for your 'generosity'. We will be taking our leave now." The old man was a little embarrassed when he heard Noah emphasizing on his generosity but he coughed and shook it off like he did not hear it.

"Cough! very well, do let us Know if you have any complaints or need help regarding the house."

Noah smiled and walked out of the room without responding. Shao Heng watched Noah until his back disappeared from the store and then his face turned cold. Walking out of the room, he saw that some people were still talking about the pair of mother and son while the others were talking about the stores they had dropped on the ground. He even notices some people following behind the duo but he just ignored their actions and turned towards the young man who called him down. He seemed to still be in a little daze of what just happened.

"Du Cheng! You should thank that boy that he did not care about your pesky life. If it was someone else with that much power they would have directly killed you. Even though our store does not treat their employees badly, it does not mean we tolerate idiot employees."

The manager also released his pressure as he continued speaking. Du Cheng fell to his knees and coughed up blood. He did not dare to say anything and despaired thinking that he might lose his job.

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