Chapter 11: Shopping, Spending & Rebate Reward

Chapter 11: Shopping, Spending & Rebate Reward

A black Corvette stopped and parked in front of Oakland city's biggest shopping mall.

After parking, the two doors of the car opened up and Silas and Alex stepped out of the car.

"Wow.. This is the first time I'm coming to a place like this," Silas said in awe, as he looked at the huge mall in front of him.

Silas held Alex's and they walked into the mall. Inside the mall was very busy as a lot of people could be seen walking around; some were carrying shopping bags while some were taking photos.

Silas took in the beautiful view of the mall's interior with a smile. He could not remember the last time he went to a place that has so much traffic, except his former workplace of course.

"Now, where do we go?," Silas asked himself. He was at a loss at where to go due to the large size of the mall, and so many stores occupying it.

Silas was still in a dilemma when a man walked up to him and Alex.

"Hello. You look lost. Do you need any help?," The man asked with a warm smile.

"Yes... Can you take me to any of the luxury brands' stores? We came for shopping," Silas replied.

"You want to shop for luxury brands clothes?," The man asked in confirmation and Silas nodded, and he continued, "Then I'm the right person for you. I'm a salesperson for the Hermes store, do you want to come and take a look around?"

"Sure. Please take me there," Silas said and the man nodded.

The man turned and started walking towards one of the stores located in the clothing section of the mall, with Silas and Alex following behind him.

They got to the front of a store with the Hermes sign on top of the door and the man opened the door, and invited them in.

"Welcome to the Hermes store. How may I help you? What type of clothes are you looking to buy?," The man asked after walking into the store.

"Casuals, meeting and party clothes. Include jackets and some shoes, sneakers preferably and please," Silas said, giving the salesperson the instructions on the type of clothes he wants.

"OK. Please wait, I will get them ready immediately," The man said and started moving around the store, selecting different clothes.

While the man was still busy with selecting the clothes, Silas decided to take a look around the store as he walked towards one of the clothes on a clothing rack to check its price.

Silas grabbed the clothes's price tag and turned it over. Silas' mouth opened slightly in shock when he saw the price.


Silas was shocked. Yes, he knows that clothes made by luxury brands are expensive but to be expensive to this extent was something he didn't expect.

Silas' slight shock didn't last for long as he got an even bigger one when he saw a cloth with the price tag of $20,000.

Silas didn't know what to feel or think when he saw the price. He couldn't help but think of people who only wear clothes as expensive as this once and dispose of them.

"What in the actual f*ck?"

The Patek Philippe store salesperson was slightly taken aback when he heard Silas' question. From his perspective, he saw Silas as a kid, and he couldn't understand how a kid would want to know what the most expensive item in their store is.

He felt that Silas did not understand the question he just asked. Asking what's the most expensive product in a Patek Philippe store, one of the most luxurious brands out there.

He wanted nothing more than to chase Silas out and humiliate him but he didn't act on his thoughts. Why? Because of his professionalism and the two salespersons standing with shopping bags in their hands, were making signs at him.

Seeing this, he let out a light sigh and answered Silas.

"Sir, the most expensive watch in our store is the famous Patek Philippe Nautilus "Tiffany & Co" limited edition and its price is $6.8 million," The man said with pride.

Silas smiled wryly when he heard this. He knew that he made the right decision.

$6.8 million for just a watch?! Insane!

"Here, swipe the card," Silas said and gave the man his bank card.

The man nearly lost his balance when he saw this.

Is this world a joke? When did kids start making such an amount of money? Is he from a very wealthy family?

He had so many questions but no one to give him the answer. He couldn't help but question his life.

With a wry smile, he collected the card and went to swipe it. After swiping it, he packaged the watch and gave it to the male salesperson, who collected it and placed it inside one of the shopping bags in his hand.

After everything had been taken care of, Silas left the store and made his way out of the mall with the two salespersons following behind him.

When they got outside the mall, Silas walked to his car and opened the trunk and asked the two of them to drop the shopping bags in it.

"Thank you for shopping with us," The man from the Hermes store said after he was done placing the shopping bags in the car's trunk.

"I should be the one thanking you for your help. Thank you," Silas said.

The two of them decided not to say anything more as they nodded at Silas' words.

Silas saw this and nodded before getting into the car, and driving off.

"I wish I could have a customer like him everyday," The man from the Hermes store said, as he watched Silas' car disappear from view.

"You're not alone. I also have the same wish," The lady beside him said.


Silas did not know of the two salespersons' thoughts as he made his way home.

He was excited to go home and check how the new rebate reward system works, and if he unlocked anything new after the system leveled up.