Chapter 31: Dark Energy, Breakthrough

Chapter 31: Dark Energy, Breakthrough

"System, I have another question. When I read the description of the Gene Enhancement Serum, I saw something about it allowing a natural awakener the ability to absorb dark energy without risk of mutation or death.

What does that mean and what is this dark energy? What does it do? Can I also absorb it?," Silas asked the system with a serious expression on his face.

The matter related to the dark energy has been on his mind since he read the description of the Gene Enhancement Serum.

At the moment, he's very weak and this dark energy of a thing seems like something that can help him to increase his strength and from the information he got after reading the Gene Enhancement Serum description, dark energy can be absorbed.

"Tell me system. I want to know everything about this dark energy and also, about my superpower," Silas said, with his eyes filled with anticipation..

[Host, dark energy is an energy that can be found everywhere in the universe

No one knows where it comes from or how it came to be. What everyone knows is that, before the creation of the Gene Enhancement Serum, dark energy could only be absorbed by those with superpowers to increase the strength of their superpowers.

The only problem is that absorption of dark energy comes with a risk of mutation or death due to the body being unable to handle its extremely high potency.]

"You're yet to answer all my questions. First, tell me, does everyone who are unawakened successfully awakens after taking the serum?"

[No. Not everyone can awaken even with the help of the serum.]

"Just as expected," Silas said while nodding his head.

He expected the answer the system gave him as he felt that superpowers aren't something that a mere serum can grant.

Now, he has another question; since not everyone can awaken even after taking the serum, then what's the difference between an unawakened who took the serum and another unawakened who didn't take the serum?

[There is a minor difference between the group of people.

For an unawakened who has taken the GES and was unable to awaken his superpower, there's still a bigger chance that said would be able to do so in the future.

Something that is almost impossible for the unawakened who haven't taken the GES.]

"I see. So how do I absorb this dark energy?," Silas asked excitedly.

[You can try to sense the dark energy around you to actively absorb it. Do note that the density of dark energy currently available in your planet is very limited.]

"I expected that," Silas said, and closed his eyes as he tries to sense the dark energy around him.

It took Silas a while before he finally felt some changes in the air around him. He could feel some strange energy in the air. It felt strange because on the surface, there was no difference between it and the normal air around him but for someone with superpower like him, he could feel the difference.

Silas didn't know that the noise caused by his breakthrough was so loud that it attracted the girls' attention. They were already aware of what happened in the library as they saw how the air current and water droplets were swirling around Silas, like a small vortex.

Silas saw another problem arise with what happened after his superpower broke through in rank.

'Will this always happen with every breakthrough? If so, then it means it will only become stronger.'

He didn't want to think about what will happen after he breaks through to C, B rank or higher. Yes, it's still far but he will still need to prepare.

'Sigh... It seems like I will have to put absorbing dark energy and increasing the strength of my superpower aside.'

'Until I get somewhere very secluded and one that can withstand the aftereffects of my breakthrough, no more absorption of dark energy.'

As Silas' thoughts drifted around, he remembered something and immediately brought out his phone to check the time.


"Phew... There's still time. Let's go check out some real estate management companies that have buildings for sale. Time to start my own business."

Silas went upstairs to take the Bugatti car key. When he came back downstairs, he saw Serah chatting with Emma in the living room.

He didn't say anything as he made his way to the garage. He decided not to tell them about the library as he felt they would find out when they do their routine cleaning.

Getting to the garage, Silas walked towards the Bugatti and got in, before driving off.


In the Villa's living room, Emma looked at the disappearing back view of Silas' car and looked back at Serah.

"Serah, something's not right. First, it was the bathroom incident with the black substance thingy and now, it's a massive whatever that thing is called, and that also came out of nowhere.

Worst of all, it was swirling around him."

"Emma, you were the one who was so excited to get a job that pays $5000 weekly. I tried to advise you against it but you were adamant.

Now, you have to deal with whatever you see or do you want us to quit the job?," Serah asked Emma with a sneer.

She sighed and stood up from the chair, and started walking towards the library, "Emma, stand up, let's go clean the library. The water that was swirling around him must have wet the floor and it's not going to clean itself."

Even though she didn't show it on her face, Serah was actually worried but what can she do?

She knew that they can only take things as they come as they were the one that put themselves in the situation they currently found themselves in.