Chapter 37: Splurging System Points(II)

Chapter 37: Splurging System Points(II)

"Ughh... Not as painful as before but still very uncomfortable," Silas said, as he massaged his temple.

He woke up feeling disoriented, with a slight headache and a little bit of discomfort in his head due to the knowledge transfer.

Silas pushed himself out of the bed and dragged his tired and sweaty body to the bathroom, to take a cold shower.

"Even with the increase in my Intelligence stat, I still feel the same pain I felt during the skill transfer."

"System, will I always fall unconscious during a knowledge transfer?," Silas asked the system.

[No, when your intelligence stat increases to a certain level, you won't feel anything during the knowledge transfer.]

"How many points do I need to have in my Intelligence stat for that to be achieved?," Silas asked the system, but he got no reply.

"Ok, fine.... Is there a limit to the points all my stats can have?" He's curious about this.

[There's no limit.]

"This is also good too. If possible in the future, I am no longer able to increase my superpower rank, my high stats will allow me to protect myself. Also, at that time, no more fainting during knowledge transfer."


Silas finished taking his shower and was putting on his clothes, when he got a knock on his bedroom's door.

"Yes, who's that?," Silas asked.

"Hello, it's Serah. There's someone downstairs, he said he's a lawyer from Vanguard Legal Services."

Silas blinked in confusion when he heard this. It took a few moments before he remembered everything.

'I almost completely forgot about that.'

"Serah, how long has he been downstairs?"

"About ten minutes now."

"Ahh... Please tell him I will be with him in a minute," Silas said, and Serah said ok before she went back downstairs.

Silas immediately put on his clothes and took his car key before rushing downstairs.

When he got downstairs, he saw a man in office attire sitting on one of the sofas, with a briefcase on his lap. Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

The man noticed Silas and stood up with an outstretched hand for a handshake, "Mr Silas. I'm Mr Rendall, the real estate attorney."

"Mr Rendall. Sorry to keep you waiting, something came up," Silas said as he shook Mr Rendall's hand in return.

"No, it's fine," Mr Rendall said.

Before coming, Rendall has been briefed and he already knows that the young man standing in front of him is the one that retained the law firm he's working for, for a whooping sum of $22 million.

How could he possibly be angry at such a person?

Silas didn't know what was going on in Mr Rendall's head or he would have let out a hearty laugh.

"Thank you for your understanding. Mr Rendall, shall we go now."

"I'm ready when you are, Mr Silas," Mr Rendall said, indicating his readiness.

"Ok, let's go then," Silas said, and made his way to the garage.

Silas drove the car out and Mr Rendall got in, and they left for the Newport branch office of Summit Realty Group.

It took them 10 minutes to get there and when they go there, Mr Brandon was already waiting for them at the reception area with the appraiser, Mr Patel

Silas walked towards them and they exchanged greetings before they headed to Mr Brandon's office.

In the office, Mr Brandon brought out some documents and passed them to Mr Rendall, who started going through them.

While that was happening, Mr Brandon looked at Silas and said, "Mr Silas, do you want to also purchase the new batch of buildings?"

"Yes, you can also prepare their papers. I will make the purchase after they are evaluated," Silas replied.

Few minutes later, Mr Randall was done going through the documents and he passed it to Silas with a nod of approval, indicating that the documents were perfect.

Seeing this, Silas collected the documents and signed on it, before bringing out his phone to make the payments.

Silas did the first transfer, $170 million and checked the notification that popped up.


[You spent $170,000,000. You received a 10x rebate of expenses made. You earned $426,000,000. The money has been sent to your bank account

You received 1.22% shares of Lockheed Martins Corporation.

You received a Koenigsegg Jezko. The car is parked at the Villa's garage.]

Silas took his time to go through the information in his head. When he was done, he realized that the description that was written under the knowledge was just an overview of it.

From the information he got after going through the knowledge, he saw that it goes beyond just 3D image projection, and it can be used in different forms.

"Going through the information brings to mind the sci-fi movies I've watched. Will I be able to replicate it?," Silas asked himself.

As a person who has always been a lover of sci-fi movies and high-tech, and the advanced technologies in them, he would very much love to see those things replicated into the real world.

"That will have to wait, I still have some lottery tickets to draw. My luck was peaking this morning, hope it continues like that.

"System, draw 19,600 lottery tickets."

[19,600 lottery tickets drawn.]

[You received 1000 system points.] x150

[You received nothing.] x2300

[You received 40,000 system points.]

[You received nothing.] x3900

[You received 1000 system points.]

[You received nothing.] x1900

[You received 5000 system points.]

[You received nothing.] x897

[You received a Quantum Computing Smartwatch.] x2

[You received nothing.] x3000

[You received 2000 system points.] x799

[You received nothing.] x7545

[You received 1000 system points.]


"I knew it. Tsk," Silas said to himself, as he shook his head in disappointment.

"System, status."

[Name: Silas Kurt]


[Race: Human]

[System Level: Max]


[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 15]

[Stamina: 15]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Charisma: 13]

[Stats Point(s): 0(+)]

[Superpower: Matter Manipulation (Rank F).]


[Lottery Ticket(s): 29,600?10,000]

[System Point(s): 9900?1,894,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 28.9% (Evaluation: $289 million)]

[Time Limit: 362 Days 11 Hour.]

'One million system points?!'