Chapter 47 Black Hand

47 Black Hand

When Silas saw Mr Williams on the caller ID, he could already guess the reason for the call.

"Hello Mr Williams."

"Mr Silas, I just went through the information you sent to me. If I may ask, how did you get all this information?," The curious voice of Mr Williams' came from the other end of the phone.

Silas smiled when he heard this.

'You're asking how I got the information? If I really do tell you, would you believe me?'

"Mr Williams, I have my ways around things. What I would like to know is if there's anything new you found after going through the information sent to you?," Silas asked, and the line went silent for some seconds before Silas heard a sigh.

"Mr Silas, I think we should just let this case rest. We should forget about the lawsuit," Mr Williams said with a heavy voice.

Silas was surprised when he heard this.

"What do you mean by forget about the case? How possible do you think that is?"

Even though Silas felt that the issue surrounding Daniel's father has more to it than what meets the eye, he feels that it's not enough reason for him to just drop the case.

"Mr Silas, I'm not sure if you have gone through the information yourself but there's something I learned after going through it and it's because of that, I'm telling you to forget about the case," Mr Williams said, trying to convince Silas.

"What is this thing, Mr Williams?" Silas asked, with his curiosity piqued after he heard what Mr Williams said.

"Mr Silas, it seems like Mr Lucas has an acquaintance with someone in the infamous Black Hand organization," Mr Williams said, and paused to let what he said sink in.

Hearing what Mr Williams said, Silas was surprised and confused.

'Black Hand? Why have I not heard of such an organization before, even working in the casino, a gathering place for criminals and all sorts of shady people.'

Mr Williams noticed Silas' silence and understood that his client might have never heard of the organization before.

"Mr Silas, it seems that you have never heard of the organization before. That's fine because they are not actually one to go around parading their identity in the public, as they prefer to stay in the shadows."

"The Black Hand is an extremely terrifying organization. It's an organization that consists of most of the world's top wealthy, influential and politically affluent individuals.

The members of the organization enjoy massive privileges as they are actually above whatever laws any country has. This is even possible for the lowest ranking members of the organization."

Silas was extremely shocked by what he heard. An infamous world renowned organization that he has never heard of.

How is that even possible? If they are world-infamous, at least some news and information about them should be readily available to the general population, or has he been living under a rock.

He could remember vividly one of his clients, one of Mr Lucas' numerous cases.

All relevant evidence was gathered and they had already prepared a strong case against Mr Lucas only for him to be acquitted with a flimsy excuse of him having an alibi.

This was even with the glaring CCTV tape that was submitted as evidence but the chief justice said that the tape has been doctored.

The girl and her family didn't receive the justice they deserved as Lucas walked free.

Mr Williams, seeing the defeated and tearing expression on his client's faces, felt very angry and ashamed of himself.

He saw how hard the girl and her mother cried, and how all her father could do was to lower his head into his palm.

Days after the verdict was passed, The image of the girl and her mother shedding tears profusely kept surfacing in his head and after a long time, Mr Williams felt that he couldn't take it anymore, and he went to visit them to advise them to submit an appeal.

Surprisingly for him, he was chased out of their house when he got there. When he was chased out, he looked at their faces and he could see the unconcealed fear in their eyes, and it didn't take a genius to understand that there was something more to it.

It's been years since that incident happened and now he's in another Mr Lucas' situation, but this time, it's extremely complicated.

The introduction of the Black Hand organization into the picture complicates everything and also the fact that the State Justices, Oakland city mayor, the captain of Oakland Police Department and other big names in the city might be involved in this made him feel like he's about to stir up a massive hornet nest.

"Sigh... Hope I didn't sell my life and that of everyone around me for $22 million?"


Silas has finished going through what LUNAR sent to him and he only felt that the situation was becoming more interesting.

"LUNAR, are you there?"

{Yes, sir.}

"Have you gathered the information I asked you to?"

{I'm almost done with it ,sir. It's just taking longer than expected.}

"It's fine, take your time. There's something I want you to do, I want you to get me every information related to the organization called Black Hand.

Also, I want you to create a trojan and plant it in every devices used by the people you hacked into. Is that possible?"

{Very easy, sir.}

"Good, let me know when you're done," Silas said, and cut off communication with LUNAR.