Chapter 61 Testing Strength, Results

61 Testing Strength, Results

Oakland International Airport, RWY 28.

A matte black colored Gulfstream G650ER descended slowly and kissed the tarmac with a small thud, as it decelerated and slowly taxied to a stop.

After the aircraft taxied to a stop, the entry door of the aircraft opened up and the air stairs extended towards the ground, allowing a young man to climb down the aircraft.

The young man raised his head and looked at the beautiful gray ball in the sky reflecting light to the Earth's surface, and smiled.

"I was just away for some days and it feels like I have been away for months."

"LUNAR, are you done transferring the related game creation knowledge and information to APOLLO?"

{Yes. APOLLO has already been connected to the Main Server, and it has already started with the game's creation.}

"Good, have it send it to my Pod when he's done with it."

{Yes sir.}

Yes, the young man in question is Silas. After eight hours of flight, he finally arrived at Oakland.

Just like before, Silas spent eight flight hours playing VR game.

Back to the present, Silas left the tarmac and walked towards the airport terminal.

Just like what happened at Caracas International Airport, he didn't go through any formalities as he just walked through the terminal and made his way out of the airport building.

Silas strolled toward his parked car, deftly unlocking it before settling into the driver's seat and smoothly driving away.

The drive was fast and smooth with the roads being mostly empty as it was already midnight.

After 7 long hours of driving, the sun was already up by the time Silas arrived at the villa. Unsurprisingly, the villa was empty and quiet.

Silas drove into the garage and parked the car before going to his room.

Inside the room, Silas looked around and saw that it was just as he left it, only that it looks cleaner.

"I wonder when APOLLO will be done with the game," Silas said as he sat on his bed.

He has already slept throughout the flight and now he's not feeling sleepy, but the same energetic feeling he has been having after the incident on the island.

'Since I have nothing else to do, I can use the time to train in the Domain.'

Thinking of this, Silas got up from the bed and walked towards the pod. He placed his hands on the glass exterior of the pod and it opened automatically, allowing him to enter inside.

Inside the pod, after he was successfully logged in, he appeared in the lobby and he immediately clicked on the Domain's icon.

The next moment, he found himself standing on a beach. He looked ahead of him and and an endless ocean that spanned as far as the eye could see, with no end in sight appeared.

He turned back and he saw a barren, rocky land just as expansive as the ocean.

Yes, this is Silas' creation. It's a result of the Domain's reaction to his thoughts.

Silas took a moment to take in the beautiful scenery around him.

Ughh.. So confusing," Silas said as he scratched his head in exasperation.

Silas decided to check the results for his Agility test, as he looked towards a speed measuring machine beside the finish, where a string of numbers appeared.

{510 mph, 00:10:43}

Silas didn't want to be shocked but he couldn't help it.

"510 mph?!"

"How fast is that? Am I like those speedsters now?!"

Silas was shell-shocked at the results he achieved. He thought he was nerfed by the system but it seems he's actually overpowered.

He has the strength to explode the strongest substance in the world with a punch, he can punch a massive hole into a dense concrete pillar. His speed is comparable to that of a commercial plan and his stamina....

Thinking of his stamina, an obscene thought popped up in his head and his face turned red.

After he was done with testing his physical stats, Silas felt it was time for his training session.

With another thought, a fighting doll, a perfect replication of himself appeared in front of him.

Silas sized up the fighting doll before taking a battle stance.

"Ok, throw everything at me. Nightmare mode," Silas said with a grin.

The fighting doll, in response, threw an extremely fast, killing punch at him without warning.

Silas reacted instantaneously as he dodged to the side but he was a tad too slow and with a loud "bam" sound, the punch connected to his face and he was sent spiraling out of control into the air, and into the horizon.

The fighting doll looked at Silas' flying figure and shot towards him.


In a dimly lit room in the capital city of Venezuela, Caracas, Mr Andrés and some people were sitted around a round a table.

"Andrés, is what you said true," A man asked as he went through the documents in his hand.

"Yes, everything is true. He promised to pay off the debt," Mr Andrés replied.

The man put the document down on the table and looked at Mr Andrés in curiosity.

"Andrés, do you really believe that he can pay off a debt of such amount? I mean it's a debt of more than $1 trillion not $100 million, $1 billion or $100 billion. It's a debt of close to $2 trillion!," He asked with a questioning look on his face.

"You don't need to worry. It's not like he promised to pay it all at once," Mr Andrés replied confidently.

"If you say so. What do you guys think about this.... kid's offer? How do we proceed now that we have already gotten someone to help us, and you can speak up if you're against his conditions." The man said as he looked at the rest of the people in the room.

A lady dropped the document she was reading on the table and looked at Mr Andrés, and said, "Honestly, I don't think there's a need for this meeting. I mean, the reason why we made Andrés in charge of soliciting support is because we know how competent he is, and if he's really confident in this kid to agree to his conditions, then I don't think there's a need for us to debate it."

The rest of the people in the room heard this and nodded in agreement.

"Well, if that's the case, then we can just end the meeting and proceed to putting our plans into action. We have to implement it as soon as possible," Mr Andrés said.