Chapter 73 Breakthrough, Progress

73 Breakthrough, Progress

Silas sat in a lotus position and started meditating, trying to sense the dark energy in the air.

He had already done this before, and he already knew what to expect.

Unlike the first time, it took Silas less time before he finally felt some changes in the air around him.

He could feel the same strange and familiar presence in the air.

Unlike before when all he could do was feel the dark energy, now Silas could almost visualize it.

It looked like an enigma and gave off a subtle destructive feeling.

Silas knew what he had to do at this moment and he immediately began to absorb the dark energy in the air around him.

Immediately, it felt a vacuum formed around him and an invisible substance entity started funnelling into his body, and Silas felt his body's temperature and that of his surroundings drop sharply, to an almost freezing degree.

Unlike the previous comfortable sensation he felt, this time he felt like he was suddenly thrown onto a massive ice slab, right in the middle of the artic ocean.

It was a feeling that was supposed to feel very uncomfortable and deathly but strangely, Silas felt nothing more than a slight discomfort.

As the energy coursed through his body, Silas felt the sensation become stronger and he felt like his body were being frozen rapidly.

Silas was lost in the feeling and after an unknown amount of time has passed, Silas started feeling his consciousness slowly slipping away from his body.

The next moment, Silas found himself in the familiar dark space again but this time, there was massive change in it.

The previous dark space with sparse spots of light, was now filled with a huge number of light balls of varying colors.

The colors of the light varies, from blue, white and brown.

Seeing this, Silas could already guess that the colors of the light balls were related to the current progress of his superpower.

Silas could already manipulate the basic three state of matter, namely air (gas), water (liquid)and earth (solid) to an extent but he was still very far from perfect.

Without wasting much time, Silas immediately started studying the light balls.

Silas felt that his current absorption and cultivation session was better than before.

As he continued to study the light balls, Silas could see light balls of the similar colors merging together, and their size becoming bigger and their colors, brighter.

Silas understood what was happening, he knew that his superpower rank was increasing.

Silas didn't know how much has passed before he felt himself back in the island's clearing.

[System Point(s): 194,285,000(+)]


[Chained Mission (I): Start up a business and get an evaluation of $1 billion in a year.]

[Reward: Reward will depend on host level of performance.]

[Mission Progress: 60.9% (Evaluation: $609 million)]

[Time Limit: 294 Days 12 Hour.]

"Nice! My superpower rank increased!," Silas said, feeling very happy and satisfied with his current progress.

As Silas looked at his system panel, something else caught his attention.

"Wait... The time limit went from 301 days to 294 days?! How much time has passed?!," Silas asked, both shocked and surprised at the amount of time that has passed.

It was something he didn't take into consideration. He didn't know that he would have spent such a long period of time, cultivating.

Silas stood up and dusted his clothes, and left the site, as he made his way to the cabin house.

Silas wants to take a quick bath and refresh himself before going back to the hotel.

After he was done with that, Silas seeing no more reason to staying on the island any longer, made his way to the pier, where Mr Antonio and the speedboat waa waiting for him.

Few minutes later, in his penthouse's living room, Silas took his seat as LUNAR started bringing him up-to-date with things he missed when he was on the island.

{Mr Yusmairobis has been calling you for a while, with the frequency of his call increasing with each passing seconds.

Just today alone, he has called you a total of 243 times.

He has also been consistently sending messages without rest with its content varying, but they all have the same context; he wants you tlmo save hia daughter.

Also, ELLA has been launched in the free trial period and the response we got was very positive.

After three days of being launched, we now have 230,560 daily users and increasing.}

Silas heard this ans nodded in satisfaction. He already expected the massive positive response that ELLA got, but what was more important to him right now, is Mr Yusmairobis andhjs daughter's situation.

"LUNAR, put a video call through to Mr Yusmairobis."

Chapters Mass Release