Chapter 655 To go or not to go, that is the question (1)

Chapter 655 To go or not to go, that is the question (1)

Within the time-accelerated VR's private space, Aron, Gaia, and Nova sat silently, gazing at the scene before them. Aron was struck by surprise, while Gaia and Nova struggled to reconcile what they saw with their prior understanding of reality, based on the data they had previously used to gauge the world.

This silence continued for more than ten minutes as each of them digested the information in different styles.

Without surprise, Aron was currently digesting the information about Liafu, which, to him, was the second most important piece among the messages sent. He realized this knowledge was something he would only have learned if he had bought advanced-level mana knowledge, if not higher, as it was a worldview-altering revelation. Despite not changing the current events, this information was akin to discovering a new fundamental law of the universe. It didn't impact ongoing matters but provided a framework to understand previously unexplainable phenomena and offered a new tool to exploit in the future.

"So, just as the laws of physics are the fundamental laws of the universe, mana also has its own fundamental laws, some of which have gained consciousness," Aron said, his voice steady and reflective as the scene around them faded. His words were not directed at Gaia and Nova, who were beside him, but rather served as a means to vocalize his thoughts.

He continued, more to himself than to his companions, "Does that mean all other laws might also have gained intelligence?" He paused, contemplating the implications. "It should be the special properties of mana that are the differentiating factors in gaining intelligence. But that's just a theory at this point in time. Contemplating it any further without a means of proving our theories is pointless."

Aron knew that diving deeper into such philosophical and theoretical discussions would not be productive without concrete evidence. "I currently need to go through more of the information," he reasoned. "I'll leave it to the scientists to do the thinking for now."

However, in just a few years of the empire's existence, several factors mitigated this risk. Complete health rejuvenation for all citizens, combined with secure housing, abundant food, and numerous incentives for having children—such as low-cost and subsidized necessities free and high-quality education—led to a significant baby boom. This boom indicated a continuing trend for the coming years as the costs of raising children were expected to keep decreasing.

The influx of new working-age citizens from the Proxima Centauri exploration further alleviated the potential manpower shortage. The empire's proactive measures ensured a steady growth in population and workforce, supporting its expansive ambitions and securing its future.

{But we will only reap the full benefits if they join the empire. It seems that requires Sir Aron to physically visit them before they decide whether to join us or become our ally,} Nova interjected, reminding Gaia of the requirement, even though she was sure Gaia hadn't forgotten.

Instead of responding to Nova's statement, Gaia turned to Aron and asked, {Will you be visiting them?}

{Sir?!!!} Nova asked upon not receiving a response to Gaia’s question.

But that, too, was met with silence from Aron's side. He could be seen tapping on the armrest of his chair, clearly deep in thought, weighing the pros and cons of both choices before him. To go or not to go, that is the question.

But that didn't last long as he abruptly stopped tapping on the armchair. He turned to Gaia and Nova and began, "Ten...