Yan lie probably understood that night Wan Wan was worried and nodded his head to tell Shu Zhuo Rui.

Back to the room, night Wan Wan fell on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Yan lie watched her for a while, then went to the balcony to smoke.

Shuzhuo Rui's room is next to them.

"Hey, give me one."

Shu Zhuo Rui felt that he was about to be suffocated.

"Do I really want to keep watch?"

Yan lie nods.

"The girl remained motionless all day, holding the corpse. If her eyes hadn't moved, I would have thought she was dead

Shu Zhuo Rui has not spoken for a day.

He looked at the state of Bai Yue, but did not dare to say.

But it's killing him.

Yan lie gave him a faint glance: "just look at it. Don't worry about others. Go in when you're done

"It's OK. You can see it here."

The room they ordered was the police hostel. It was the best room with a balcony and floor to ceiling windows. It was just right to see inside.

Yan lie also understood that this day was difficult for Shu Zhuo Rui, so he did not say much.

"Have you noticed that it's very cold today."

Yan lie shakes his head.

At this time, Yucheng is hot, how can it be cold.

"I'm really cold. I don't have air conditioning in my room. Do you think it's because of a corpse?"

Yan lie gave him a silent look: "are you really in the pit?"

Shu Zhuo Rui naturally understood what he said.

"Do you really have no fluctuation in your mind in recent events? Anyway, I feel that my three views are about to be overturned. "

Yan lie is silent.

Why is he not?

Now his brain is still in a mess.

This case, even with the explanation of night wanwan, he still felt strange.

"I'll tell you, I checked the blood here, and I found all the victims' DNA in it. It seems that the blood is the blood that the victims have been drained. But the question is, how did the blood come from? Gu Lang up to now, have not found the wound, naturally also can not test out the tool. "

Yan lie shook his head: "I didn't ask her. What else have you found besides the victim's DNA? "

"There are two more similar pairs of DNA, it seems that they are blood relatives."

Yan lie's heart leaped.

I didn't really want to be prophesied by night wanwan.

"What's the matter?" Shu Zhuo Rui knows him very well, even if it is only his pupil trembles slightly, he still can see the clue.

Yan lie held back his mind and shook his head gently: "just now yewanwan told me that prisoners and those who need to return to the sun are related by blood."

"Well, people like them know more than ordinary people."

In Yan lie's heart, the belief about this part is collapsing little by little.

He seemed to have entered a new world and was at a loss.

Shu Zhuo Rui has not seen confusion in his eyes for many years.

"In fact," he said, looking up and taking a long puff of his cigarette. His voice was almost inaudible. "After accepting it, I will find that it is actually a very interesting thing."

Yan lie turns his eyes and looks up to the sky.

Blue sky, dotted with small stars, quiet and beautiful.

His heart gradually calmed down.

"Rest early."

Say, no matter what reaction the other side is, turn around and leave.

When he came into the room, he saw at once that the bed was full of people who were snoring.

It looks like I'm really tired.

Yan lie didn't notice that a faint smile flashed across his eyes.

After taking a bath and cleaning up, he went to another bed and fell down.

At first, he thought he would not be able to sleep. After all, there was another person in the room who was not familiar with. I don't want to. I fell asleep soon after I fell down.

The next day.

Yan lie woke up at six o'clock on time. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the sleeping man on the opposite bed was still the same as he had been last night. He did not seem to have moved his body.

He watched for a while, got up to wash, and then went out for a run.

He did not pay attention to, in the moment he went out, the bed suddenly jumped up.

Next door, Shu Zhuo Rui stayed up all night. He couldn't hold on to it. When his head was lit, he always felt that he would fall asleep in the next second.

"Dong --"

suddenly, there was a loud noise, which scared him. He jumped up with a brush, his eyes were flustered, and he roared: "what's the matter?"

"Something happened to wanwan."

Bai Yue was stiff all over. When he got up, his hands didn't control well, so he fell on the ground.

And that sound is the sound of the body falling to the ground.

Shu Zhuo Rui wakes up, sees the situation, quickly walks over, raises the hand to carry "the person" to the bed."Will you wait here, or will you go with me?"

Bai Yue looked at the "people" on the bed, and looked at Shu Zhuo Rui, full of tangled eyes.

For a moment, she nodded, "I'll follow you."

Said, she quickly Shu Zhuo Rui one step out of the door, the look on the face also became congshen.

Shu Zhuo Rui saw the situation and put down a little bit. This is the only change in her face in the last two days.

Out of the door, the white Yue footstep stopped, Mou color not from turn to alert: "you follow me well."

She turned and ran upstairs.

Shu Zhuo Rui did not know why to follow up, during the period did not forget to call Yan lie, their whereabouts.

After Yan lie hung up the phone, his heart was slightly shocked

when he went out, he was still sleeping.

Now, what is the situation?

He did not care to think, and rushed to where Shu Zhuo Rui said.

Bai Yue rushed to the roof, and saw the night Wan Wan sitting on the side of the building, looking at the sky, his legs swaying, I don't know what he was thinking.

Shu Zhuo Rui followed up and saw that his eyes did not change: "she this..."

Bai Yue quickly turned around and covered his mouth: "lower the voice, will frighten her."

Shu Zhuo Rui's eyes stare, nods and signals the other party to put down his hand.

"What's the situation?"

After Bai Yue let go, he approached to ask in a low voice.

Bai Yue shook his head: "no matter what happens in a while, don't open your mouth. Tell Yan lie to come here as soon as possible. "

She said that and crept over.

"Lala --"

the people on the roof seem to find no one close to the general, quietly humming unknown music.

Yuebai didn't dare to sleep for a whole night.

She was afraid that she would miss.

"Why are there living and dead people in the world

People on the stage suddenly stopped singing and raised their voices to ask.

She still looked at the sky, did not move.

Bai Yue knew that the other side had found his own existence, and stopped.

"It's the law of nature, and I don't know why."

Her eyes were fixed on the person in front of her. Her voice was flat, and she could hear a little tension.

"Oh, don't be nervous. I won't do anything to her. I just didn't expect to be able to shine the sun again before I left. "

Bai Yue pursed lip, the dignified in the eye again deep a cent: "you, who is after all?"

The people on the stage turned back, opened their mouths and gave her a smile: "who am I? Is it important?"

Bai Yue is silent.

She doesn't know.

Now she, also very confused.

"You know what? This body, and my soul are perfect fit, if I want to leave the truth, do you think you can still find me? "

She said, with a triumphant smile on the corner of her mouth.

Bai Yue Leng a second, sneer: "fit, is your? There is a prohibition between me and her, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I can find you. Take advantage of my good temper, leave quickly, otherwise, I don't know what I will do later

"Night wanwan" crooked his head, naive eyes, with a little gloomy.

"Is it? What if I jump from here? "

Bai Yue's face changed slightly.

That's what she fears the most.

Before, when she was in the room, when she felt the change of night line's body, she chased out. How could she not think that the person in front of her would directly climb to the roof and sit on the roof.

Here, the body, as long as gently tilted, will fall to pieces.

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, Yan lie came up, and his heart beat faster.

Without thinking about it, he walked quickly towards the night line.

"Where and what are you doing? It's not killing me

"Don't come here, come here, and I'll jump down at once!"

They screamed when they saw him.

Yan lie can't help but stop, frown, eyes in addition to worry, with a little doubt.

"What are you doing?"

The other side did not answer, just repeated: "you don't come over!" Say, still hold hands to stand up, as long as gently move, will fall down.

Yan lie had no choice but to stop at the same place. Look at her appearance, also subconsciously back a few steps.

Bai Yue eyes with a trace of anger.

"What do you want?"

"Night Wan Wan Wan" shook his body and said faintly, "I want you to investigate the case thoroughly and thoroughly with the method of criminal investigation."

Yan lie has more doubts in his eyes.

He turned and walked to Shu Zhuo Rui and asked in a deep voice, "what's the situation?"

Shu Zhuo Rui clenched his lips and shook his head, saying that he did not know.Bai Yue's face sank: "Oh, you want justice, that, those who died for you, who should look for justice?"

"But if you had given me justice at the beginning, things would not have been like this. To put it bluntly, isn't it also because the police are incompetent? "

"Then you go to the police?"

"Well -" she shook her head like a child. "I don't like men."

Bai Yue is weak.

If she had known that things would become like this, she would not have been self willed and "locked up".

"What do you want?"

A deep and magnetic male voice suddenly sounded, breaking the deadlock between the two.

Recently, there are many memories about you in Yan wanlie

Yan lie looked at it for a while and understood the situation in front of him.

This is probably called, ghost body?

Yan lie did not change his face and said in a cold voice, "well, so? I asked, "what do you want?"

"From the criminal investigation, you should be clear about the case."

Yan lie nodded: "you don't say, I will continue to check."

For Yan lie, the case just subsided, but there was no end.

"Are you serious?"

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