Yan Song didn't seem to see the impatience on Yan lie's face. Instead, he got close to him.

"Brother, I've just come, and you're going to drive me away. I don't have any brotherhood!"

Yan Lietou didn't twist either. He shook his shoulder hard, opened his head on his shoulder and turned away without hesitation.

Yan Song had expected that he would shake himself open. In the moment he shook his shoulder, he stood up and said, "brother, don't be so cold. I came with a mission. If you bully me like this, you'll be in trouble. "

Yan lie steps slightly, still did not look back.

"Yan Song, are you only three years old? Do you deserve the medal on your shoulder for such a thing as the black appearance behind your back? "

Yan Song shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "the move is not naive, it is useful."

He raised his feet and followed Yan lie's back step by step. He didn't care about the cold attitude of the other side.

June's eyes are round, shining a bright light at them two.

Yan Song's appearance is a little softer than Yan lie. In June, it was the military uniform that added a hardness to his temperament. If he wears a suit, his image is more like a shopping mall elite.

The man followed Yan lie with a mischievous smile on his face, like a big boy. He kept talking, but Yan lie didn't answer.

"Why, brother, are you looking for a girlfriend?"

June follows behind, hears this sentence, the light in the eye is brighter.

Yan lie also stopped, and finally gave up looking back at him with his eyes.

Yan Song was a little guilty by his Ning Ning eyes. Who made him afraid of the people in front of him since he was young. As soon as the other party stares, he can't help but want to run.

"Er - brother, don't look at me like that. I'm a bit empty."

Yan lie's face was expressionless and his tone was light: "what do you want to do

Yan Song pulled the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were empty: "it's right here to perform the task. After my mother knows, let me come to see you."

Yan lie's eyes are dark, and he stares at the person in front of him for a while.

Yan Song only felt that the other side's eyes were like searchlights, and looked straight through his heart. Step back, not consciously.

Yan lie saw this, the corner of his mouth slightly hook, looked at the person in front of him with a smile: "tell the truth."

"My mother's friend's daughter is in Tongcheng these two days. I know her. Let me introduce her to you. I hope you can look up to her and be a boyfriend and girlfriend." Yan Song body a shake, year-round backlog in the heart of fear, dare not have a second hesitation, the words all poured out.

Yan lie did not change his face. He glanced across his eyes and nodded: "since you know him, I will give it to you. I'm too busy to take you to play. "

When he had finished, he turned and left.

Yan Song didn't keep up with him this time. He stood in the same place, watching his back disappear in front of his eyes, and his mouth was shriveled in silence.

"That woman is specially prepared for you, I don't want it. Hum - "

after a few whispers, he decided to leave. One side of the head, I saw that the girl who had just helped her guide the way was staring at herself.

As soon as he turned his eyes, they were on each other.

He felt that he didn't miss the interest in the other person's eyes.

June was caught in a flash, stupefied for a moment, some embarrassed to pull the corners of the mouth, silly smile, turned around ready to run away.

"Wait a minute."

Yan Song didn't want to think about it, and stopped her.

June stopped, pulled the corner of his mouth, smile a little embarrassed, doubt asked: "Mr. Yan, what's the matter?"

Yan Song nodded: "are you my brother's subordinate?"

Although it is a question, the tone is affirmative.

June nodded. Thought, is that obvious?

Yan Song was excited: "do you know my brother has a girlfriend? I think he has. He has rings on his hands. He never carried those things before. What else are you talking about? You're a sissy. I brought those things in the second period of secondary school, but he said that I had brought those things

June was stunned. I didn't think that the person in front of me was a chatter.

Before he opened his mouth, the other side poured out all the words like beans.

Yan Song said for a long time, the other side did not answer a word.

He couldn't help wondering, "why don't you talk?"

June "ha ha" dry smile two times, pulled the corner of the mouth: "you have finished, also want me to say what?"

Yan Song blinked, the smile of the corner of his mouth was deep: "OK, then you tell me, my brother is looking for a girlfriend?"

June shook his head: "we don't ask much about boss's private affairs. You are his brother. You can ask him yourself later. I have something to deal with, so I'll leave first. It's up to you. "

When she finished, she did not care to be curious, and quickly turned to leave.

Yan song always felt that the other side had something to say.

He thought for a while, but he didn't think of any reason to come. Finally, he shook his head and left.After Yan Song left, he went straight back to his old house. After opening the door with the key, he always felt that the feeling of his home was different from that of his last return.

He took off his coat and put it on the coat rack. Just as he was about to change his shoes, he suddenly felt a dangerous feeling.

Years of vigilance, so that he immediately into the combat state.

Yan Song was so absorbed that he felt a strong wind coming straight to his face. He quickly backed back two steps, one side to avoid the attack, a sharp voice: "who

He raised his eyes, and his eyes were warily looking at the environment in front of him.

It's empty.

He couldn't help being stunned, and his eyes were filled with doubts.

Just when he thought it was his own illusion, his face suddenly ached, as if a sharp blade had crossed.

Although he turned his head in time, he was still scratched.

He looked at the environment in a steady way without even feeling a trace of popularity.

"I'll go. It's not going to hell, is it?"

Even if there was no one, Yan Song didn't dare to relax at this time, staring at his eyes, for fear of missing something.

Night Wan Wan Wan side hide in the dead corner of the second floor, looking at the people on guard downstairs.

After two attacks, the other side seems to have no intention of entering the door.

She began to observe each other's appearance.

When a man enters the door, he acts very skillfully and seems to be familiar with it. Moreover, she saw a little familiarity from each other.

She thought about it for a while and decided to call Yan lie.

After all, the other party opened the door with a key.

Yan Song stared at the living room for a long time, but he didn't see any figures. He couldn't help but feel a little empty.

He has always carried out some special tasks. He believes in some things that others don't believe in.

"My family is haunted by ghosts, isn't it

He thought, took out his mobile phone to call Yan lie.

And this meeting, night wanwan is also calling Yan lie.

Together, the lines are in conflict.

Because of something, Yan lie's mobile phone is tuned to vibrate, and no one's phone call has been received.

"On the phone." Yan Song is suspicious to pick eyebrows, put down the phone, and stare at the room, can not help feeling a little cold back.

No one answered the phone. Yewanwan took another look at the man at the door. His eyes lingered on his face and clothes. After thinking for a while, he decided to go downstairs.

"Who are you?"

Yan Song was just about to make another phone call when she was startled by the girl's voice.

He brushed the floor and looked back.


There are women in this family!

Yan Song's eyes are bright and full of consternation.

Night wanwan was dazed by his burning eyes.

She paused and came down the stairs. "What are you looking at?"

"Well, who are you?" Yan Song collected his mind and asked in a low voice, "is it you who hit me just now?"

Yewanwan nodded, "my name is yewanwan. And you? "

"Yan Song."

After he had said that, he suddenly returned to his mind. This is his own family. Why should he be bullied so much!?

"No! This is my family! Why are you here? "

Yewanwanzi went in and saw his face, and knew that he was Yan lie's family. In addition, his surname is "Yan". Is it brother who has not left, or is he a brother.

"Are you Yan lie's brother?" Night wanwan slightly hooked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "I have something to borrow for the time being. Yan lie didn't tell me you were going to come. I thought it was a thief, so I did it just now. I offended him. "

Her explanation, listen to a bit of Yan Song.

He thought for a while, and then he came back. The other side said a lot, but he didn't say that she had anything to do with Yan lie, or how she did it just now.

"What's the relationship between you and brother? And how did you do it? I didn't feel anyone in five breaths. How did you hurt me? "

Night Wan Wan pauses for a moment, goes to him, quickly reaches out his hand, and clasps his wrist when it is unprepared.

In a flash, he felt his hair stand upright. Subconsciously, he wanted to do it, but he found himself as if the other side had controlled all the action power, as if he had turned into fish on the chopping board and couldn't move.

"You are also a monk."

In a moment, night Wan Wan slowly and leisurely released his hand and raised his eyes to look at him.

Yan Song's heart leaps, his eyes are out of control. You blink and blink, and immediately understand that the person in front of him is also a fellow. Moreover, Taoism is higher than oneself.

"Didn't my brother always believe in these things? How can it get mixed up with such things? "

Although the voice is small, it is not enough to see in front of the night line with strong five senses.

"Speak up if you want. I can hear you anyway."Suddenly caught bag, Yan Song Leng for a moment, some embarrassed smile.

Night wanwan thought, he may be this time, the so-called people sent down from above.

She nodded with Yan Song: "I'm sorry just now. I didn't mean to. I have something else to do. Help yourself. "

Yan Song stupidly nods, counts as the response, looks at the other side to turn to leave.

Night wanwan left, Yan Song can't wait to take out his mobile phone to call home.

"Mom, I have a woman in my family! Although he didn't say it, I can guarantee that it must be his girlfriend. Even if he is not a girlfriend now, it will be his girlfriend. I see acridine, the sister paper you introduced can make him quit. "

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