The middle-aged man only felt that the whole body temperature seemed to drop to the freezing point in an instant, and his heart shrank. He shivered under the body feeling reaction, and nodded his head.

"When the fishing village was rebuilt, it was demolished. But for some unknown reasons, the one that was put on hold at last has become a deserted village until now. Did you watch the video on the Internet to talk about adventure? "

Speaking of the latter, he felt a little less pressure on his whole body, and his words were much smoother.

Yan Bai grasped the words and asked, "adventure?"

The middle-aged man nodded quickly.

"There is a legend over there that sea monsters appear in the middle of the night. They confuse people with songs and let people eat them in the sea when they are delirious. In the past two years, many people were missing. It's said that they haven't been found so far, and there are no bones left. "

Sea monster?

Yan Bai picked up his eyebrows and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He thought for a moment and asked, "what's that video you said?"

Middle aged people seem to be this just to reflect, the purpose of the people in front of them is different from their own understanding.

"Haven't you seen it? What are you doing here? "

While asking, the hand action also did not stop, took out the mobile phone from the pocket, found the video and handed it to Yan Bai.

Yan Bai takes it, and Chu nianjin also comes over and stands on tiptoe. She wants to see it from behind him.

Yan Bai felt her approach, and the unique light fragrance of the girl's body was swept between her nose wings, like the cold fragrance of grass and trees. She ran across her heart from the nose wing, and her heart felt a little shiver and her thoughts slightly stopped. Not yet come back to God, the hand is subconscious backhand, a grasp of people, trapped in front of the heart.

The posture is ambiguous unceasingly, the atmosphere can not help but stagnate for a second, all people's eyes can't help flashing.

However, Yan Bai, as if he was unknown, held the person in front of his heart and opened the video.

The video was shot at night, probably with a mobile phone with poor pixel quality.

In the blurred picture, there are some "Zizi" electric current sounds in the sea waves.

"We are now in the legendary ghost village in Xinyuan. The time is 11:56 p.m. according to the survivors' description, the sea monster will appear at 0:00 on the full moon night. Now, I'm hiding in a reef on the coast. At this location, you can see the coastline clearly

The voice of the speaker's breath is very heavy, with obvious trills in his voice. Even though he tries hard to calm down, he still can't block his fear.

Yan Bai watched the video and simulated the scene in his eyes.

Don't clip the video for the first few minutes. As soon as the speaker finished speaking, the time jumped to midnight, and Yan Bai heard a long and distant bell.

With the spread of "Dong Dong Dong", the sound is like a hammer, knocking on people's hearts, which makes the spectators' hearts rise with it.

After the bell rang, Yan Bai suddenly heard a sharp cry, piercing and sharp, as if to pierce a person's ear.

Yan Bai Mei's heart couldn't help but frown. Then he saw the video shaking, and the picture quality was even worse. After the "zlazla" sound, there suddenly appeared three seconds of snowflakes. Before people could see anything, he heard a scream cutting through the sky. It was so tragic. Then the video was cut off, as if it had been cut off from it. It was inexplicable.

Yan Bai points the screen and looks at the video: "this, it's gone?"

His cold voice seemed to press some kind of switch. Suddenly, the noise around him came like a tide, and the silent environment became fresh again.

The middle-aged man followed him and nodded: "no more. Don't you think it's scary? "

He looked at Yan Bai's expressionless face and asked a lot of questions.

"The quality of the picture is too poor. There is nothing strange about the whole video except for that strange sound."

"Didn't you hear that song?" The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at him with strange eyes.


Yan Bai frowned suspiciously.

He heard a string plucking sound like playing cotton. Where is singing?

Before he opened his mouth, he suddenly felt his sleeve pulled. He subconsciously bowed his head and looked at Shang Chu nianjin with some formality. Then he listened to the other party's low voice and said, "that's the song of the shark, in order to expel people who are close to their territory. It will only drive people away, and there will be no such deceptive behavior as they say

Chu nianjin's voice was almost close to that of Qi, and only the two of them could hear it.

Hearing the explanation, Yan Bai was more puzzled.

"But why do I hear it, a different voice?"

He described what he had heard to Chu nianjin.

"That's because you are strong in mind and not easy to be confused or intimidated, so you hear the wrong voice."

It's a special skill of the mackerel. The sound is recognized by the listener himself. What the listener thinks in his heart is what he hears.And Yan Bai, his heart is probably empty, hear is the most original voice of the shark.

Finally, Chu nianjin did not say, but bit her lip, lowered her head, and took a deep breath to suppress her inexplicable loss.

There is something in Yan Bai's heart, and he doesn't notice his abnormality.

"Didn't you hear the last scream?"

The middle-aged man saw that they had finished communicating with each other, but he couldn't help asking again.

Yan Bai nodded, indicating that he had heard.

"If the scream was from the photographer, then according to the legend you heard, he should have had an accident. Then who sent this video?"

"The man was live, and all the shots were synchronized. This video was edited afterwards. After the video came out, more and more people came to explore the deserted village. By the way, the video was a year ago. I heard that hundreds of people were missing. If you want to go there, you can't get in. "

Yan Bai light back a "yes", side eyes look at the man's eyes, but more than a point of inquiry.

The next step of his consciousness was colder and colder.

"Why do you think so of me?"

"Why did you go again since it was banned?"

The middle-aged man's eyebrows and feet can't be checked. He said with a smile, "what do you mean by this?"

"Is it? You may not have noticed that in your video collection, there is a piece of the latest film shot one day ago. If I am not mistaken, the picture of the video is similar to that you showed me. It is just a day and a night. If I am not mistaken, is this the night of full moon? "

The middle-aged man was stunned, but he was surprised: "when did you see it?"

Yan Bai hooked the corner of his mouth and did not speak.

From the beginning, the other party is too kind and eager behavior, it makes him feel a little strange. When he took over the mobile phone, he had an eye for it. He set a screen around him and Chu nianjin at the fastest speed, so that the other party could not see his action, and even the concept of time was blurred.

After watching the video, he searched for the extra things on the other party's mobile phone.

Who would have thought, he really found it.

It seems that the identity of the person in front of us is worth pondering.

The middle-aged man did not think that, in a short time, the other side will expose his old base to the seven seven eight.

He stared at Yan Bai for a long time.

In front of people, there is no trace of impurity pupil, like a black hole in general, in an instant to swallow it.

He sighed silently and nodded helplessly: "my name is Luo an, I am a we media staff member. The video you see is the content of our official account.

official account?

"What's the name?"

"In the middle of the night."

Yan Bai frowns.

Chu chin Jin again pulled his sleeve to his sleeve, and the little voice said: "the official account of the story of the gods." The last issue reported an ancient house on the other side of Jincheng. I've seen it. It's very well written. There is a message below, let people do port city wasteland. I didn't think that we were going to the village in this deserted village. "

Yan Bai nodded clearly.

, "you are your official account, what is your reason for stopping me?"

Luo an embarrassed smile, said: "in the front part of this video, an important thing is that if you want to see the sea demon on the full moon night, you can only go alone. If one goes alone, there is still a possibility of survival. If there is one more person, they are doomed to be taken away. "

What a mess?

The impatience on Yan Bai's face became deeper.

"So the man who made this video is back?"

"Back, back. This official account is what he did. He is our big boss, Zhang Yuan. We started from the legend of the deserted village. But later, I don't know what happened. The boss deleted the issue permanently, and his attitude towards that topic was obscure.

This time, he also did not agree to do, but can not help the voice of netizens, and sponsorship, had to do. After a long time of discussion and research, they finally chose me to do this program. I've been there two days ago. You didn't meet anyone. It was an accident. "

Luo an is because of some of the boss's guidance, avoid all possible cameras, sneak in. In addition, for a period of time, there were too many people missing, which also discouraged some poor and bold people from thinking.

He thought the mission would be simpler. Who thought, at the last critical moment, something went wrong.

He looked at Yan Bai with burning eyes, hoping that the other side would give up the idea of going to the deserted village. He thought for a while and hesitated and said, "why don't you go another day? We stagger the days. "

Yan Bai took the corner of his mouth and chuckled. He raised his hand and threw his mobile phone into his arms: "but, our purpose is the same. Tomorrow, I can still find... "Yan Bai pauses for a moment, smiles deeply and looks at him with profound meaning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!