Yan Bai did not answer.

He was sensitive to the changes in his surroundings and gradually developed a sense of familiarity.

The ashes in the air, like gray snow, fall in pieces.

The world is quietly changing color.

Yan Bai looked up, as if to see the whole process of the stars.

Heaven and earth change, the sky slowly dark, finally, dark, no light.

Ah Yi was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

She was stunned for a long time, accidentally choked by saliva, a "cough" made a sound, but also recovered.

"Where are we?"

Yan white eyes light deep, gently moved the nose wing, took a breath, light mouth.

"The underworld."


Ah Yi screamed in surprise and jumped.

However, the body pressed a thing like iron stone, "Gudong" for a while, and his legs fell to the ground.

Knee straight knock on the ground, the pain she can not bear, and "ouch" called.

Hearing the sound, Yan Bai looked back.

She fell on the ground, and Jiang kept pressing on her back.

She was like a tortoise who couldn't turn over. Her limbs kept shaking and she was very embarrassed.

Yan Bai turned around and reached out to move Jiang Heng away. He helped him up, half lifting and half supporting.

Ayi gets up and grabs his arm with his backhand.

"Why are we here? Are they all dead? "

The voice trembled. The calf can't stop shaking. I don't know if it was just scared or the sequela of being pressed.

Yan Bai lowered her head and took a look at her eyes. She grasped her hand.

A Yi's inexplicable back a cool, back neck up a piece of chestnut, more afraid, hands not Yo tight, almost cry out.

"Am I really dead? I didn't do anything. I've never been out of the cabin a few times. I haven't seen the outside world yet. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. "

She was so flustered that she began to tremble.

Yan Bai turned her wrist gently and broke her arm free with a gentle movement. She patted her shoulder with her backhand, which was regarded as comfort.

"Not dead. I'll take you out. "

He can't even calculate it. He's in the hell.

So, how did Luo Wendong get out?

Or, from the beginning, it was not Luo Wendong who left here?

Ah Yi was so anxious and frightened that he almost jumped up.

"How can I get out!? You don't know what you say. I just said I could bring us out. As a result, I brought a ghost place

Yan Bai squinted slightly and glanced at her.

Ah Yi's feeling of inexplicable cold suddenly surged into her heart. Her throat was tight, as if she had been pinched. Her eyes widened. "Ai Ai Ai" and her brain "Duang" were shocked.

It's quiet.

Yan Bai takes back his eyes and recites the mantra lightly.

"Little master."

Small black Ben is arresting the soul, was called to come, even the new soul also brought over.

But the new soul did not seem to be at ease, and had been trying to get rid of the fetters. The sound of "Hua la la" was particularly harsh in the quiet environment.

Yan Bai opened his eyes and looked sideways.

"Where did you arrest him?"

Little black tilted his head and looked at the new soul, and his mind turned.

"Do you know?"

Yan Bai pursed his lips and nodded.

"I think so."

Who can think that he can see Luo Wendong's Soul here.

Xiaohei sighs helplessly and explains.

It turned out that Luo Wendong's soul did not know when he entered the underworld, and then he went crazy and made a scene in the ghost market.

You can't catch people who are still ghosts.

After a long struggle with his subordinates, he finally caught the man today.

"Little master, why did you bring two living people here?"

Yan Bai shook his head, did not explain, but said to him: "take people to check the hell again, Zai Zai carefully. Some people have made use of the underworld to create a small world fantasy. "

When the "door" is opened, it is connected with the underworld, so there must be an eye here.

Xiao Hei was shocked at the speech.

Which villain is so brave!? All the holes are in the dungeon!

Yan Bai did not know.

Recent events, one by one, pile by pile, came one after another, pressing him a little out of breath.

Seemingly unrelated things, there are some small details involved, changed with countless ties.

If someone is playing in the game, the game is a little bit infiltrative.

"Is he OK?"

Yan Bai found that there was something wrong with Luo Wendong's soul, as if he had no mind.Xiaohei reached out and pulled the soul rope, and whispered, "be honest.".

Turn head to Yan Bai helpless smile.

"I don't know. That's what happened when he showed up. But he was very good. During the capture, he escaped several times like a loach. "

At first, he thought that it was caused by incomplete soul. After catching it, he knew that his soul

Ah -

Yan Bai hooked Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei will understand and pass him the soul arrest rope.

Yan Bai held it and closed his eyes.

In a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and his pupils trembled.

"His soul..."

Xiao Hei nodded helplessly.

Yan Bai frowned.

Luo Wendong's soul was actually broken, and then reassembled again.

What's more, he felt a lot of different soul power in Luo Wendong.

Some people are like building blocks, reassembling his soul.

This is an illegal act in the underworld. Once found, it will be directly thrown into the purgatory of the northern underworld. He will be punished by the thunder of the underworld. He will live forever.

Yan Bai gives back the soul arrest rope to Xiaohei.

"Give the man to Meng Po and tear it down again. Check whether there are lost souls in the underworld. In addition, pay attention to the disappearance of new souls. Give me a thorough check. "

The tone of warm anger made Xiao Hei shiver.

He shrunk his neck, looked back at the crazy Luo Wendong, hesitated.

"Do you really want to dismantle it?"

He didn't guarantee that Meng Po would be able to put them together after she took them apart.

Yan Bai frowned, a little irritable at the bottom of his heart.

"What can we do without dismantling it? Can you bring him back to his senses when he is like this

Luo Wendong is like a body now. He has a lot of souls and broken souls. No one has a clear mind.

Keep it. What can I do?

Xiao Hei is still a little lucky.

"Now there is such a soul in hand. If it is disassembled, the clue will be broken."

"Take it to Meng Po. Let her try. If she can regain her consciousness, she will keep it. If she can't, she will tear it down for me

Yan Bai motionless waved to him, indicating that he had left.

But why

People don't wake up?

He hesitated for a moment, tentatively patted Jiang Heng's face twice.

There was no force left on the hand, and the "Pa Pa Pa" sound seemed to bring a response.

A Yi was startled, and a spirit suddenly came back to him.

"I You... "

She turned her head and looked. The man who had just disappeared was in a panic.

"Where are the people just now?"!? That's Luo Wendong, right? It's him. It must be him. "

Although she was crazy, her facial features were distorted and her face was dirty, she recognized it at a glance.

Yan Bai didn't answer. His attention was focused on Jiang Heng.

Just now he found that Jiang Heng might have been hurt by being photographed, and his eyebrows frowned.

He hesitated for less than 0.1 seconds, then slapped Jiang Heng in the face.

Ayi can't get a response. She is anxious and almost drives her crazy.

She walked quickly to Yan Bai's side and reached out to draw his attention.

Don't want to, she didn't stay, stepped on Jiang Heng's hand.


The sharp pain suddenly stimulated the comatose man's nerves.

Screamed and sat up straight.

Ah Yi was scared by the cry, and then he called with "ah".

Yan Bai's face collapsed. He had a headache and his temples suddenly jumped.

"Shut up!"

He pulled his face and yelled in a deep voice.

Two people a Zheng, suddenly like someone choked the throat, like a duck general "quack" called twice.

They looked at each other stupidly, and their faces suddenly turned red.

Jiang Heng regained his consciousness, only felt that his whole body was soft, which hurt everywhere, especially the back of his head and hands.

He looked down at his hand, which was gray and could not see anything.

It moved. It didn't seem to hurt the bone.

He reached out and touched the back of his head again. He felt a bulge, and his hands felt a little greasy.

What is this?

Ah Yi looked at his action and thought about it. His face was red again. He hesitated and said:

"sorry, I didn't notice that I stepped on you just now."

Jiang Heng's body is stiff, the corner of his mouth is pumping, his face changes when he looks up, and he smiles with her indifferently.

"It's OK. It's just a little painful. You don't have to care. "

Ah Yi felt more embarrassed and squatted down to reach for his hand.

Jiang Heng, like a frightened bird, sidestepped to avoid his action.

Think about it, I'm a little aggrievedJiang Heng's heart was tight, and he hastened to comfort him.

"I'm fine. I'm really fine. Don't worry. By the way, where is this? "

He didn't dare to go around, so he started to change the topic.

A Yi small mouth slightly shriveled, shaking his head, pointing to Yan Bai said.

"He said it was hell."


Jiang Heng tilts his head and looks at Yan Bai. His big eyes are full of confusion.

"Can the living come to this place?"

"But it's just a space, nothing can't come. It's just that your presence will have a certain impact on space. "

He clapped his hands and stood up.

"Come on, I'll take you out."

Jiang Heng hands pestle ground, turn over, do not know which action, once pulled to the head, a burst of pain pulling nerve.

He couldn't hold back and murmured.

Hearing this, Yan Bai stood down and turned to see his face in pain. His whole face was wrinkled together.

"What's the matter with you?"

He was a little worried. He turned around and put his hand on the other side's pulse.

Jiang Heng took a deep breath and pressed the pressure. He relaxed a little, took a silent breath and waved his hand.

"It's OK. I just didn't know where it was. I had a bad headache. It would be much better."

Yan Bai felt that his pulse was smooth, so he put down his hand and said something about the back of his head.

Jiang Heng was stunned.

"According to you, my brain is just a bite?"

Yan Bai: "yes. Do you remember the wound on Luo Wendong

Jiang Heng thinks about it a little, lowers his eyes, and moves his feet when he looks at his feet.

Well, it feels strange.

"I'm not going to end up like Luo Wendong, am I?"

Yan Bai chuckled.

"Don't worry, it's me you meet."

Luo Wendong probably met a man who could have saved his life. But the treatment is different, he finally became the other party's experiment.

Jiang Heng, Yan Bai's tone of determination, the heart also fell.


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