Chapter 134

Name:Ghost in the City Author:
Chapter 134

I sighed as I stretched my arms above my head, finally home. I still hadnt really noticed any differences in weight or balance driving home, so I was very satisfied with Viks work.

That man deserved way more than the stack of eddies I had given him for his time and skill.

He deserved all the eddies!

Hey, there you are! Jun called out as I walked in the apartment. Jun was sitting on the couch, stupid ogre arms hanging over the top as he had obviously been staring blankly at whatever tv show he had been watching.

Hey Jun-Nii! I called out as I wandered over and flopped onto the couch beside him.

Oh? Whats got you in such a good mood? Jun asked, poking at me a little which I swiped away at him.

I got some new chrome. Vik took great care of me. I told him flexing my arms without going into detail.

Jun would know how long it would take to heal up from such an invasive surgery after all.


Just Bone and Muscle Lace stuff. I lied to him, before relaxing back and looking at the TV. Anything good on?

Nothing youd like. He said laughing.

Blegh. I answered, sticking out my tongue. I guess Ill get back to work.


Im trying to finish a new program, zappy zap. I muttered, wiggling my fingers.

I dont even want to know.

Its a Short Circuit hack!

Mhmm. He agreed, but really he was just ignoring me.

Well I know the first person Im testing it on. I muttered, and of course in response Jun reached over to grab me, and I kicked out and then we were wrestling, only now things were different!

Juns stupid ogre arm might be super strong, but now I could bring to bear all of the strength of my own chrome arms!

I reached out and grabbed his arm with both hands, and squeezed, actually forcing his arm to bend away from me.

Im strong! I told him my face splitting into a big grin.

Which is when Jun huffed out a laugh and just jerked his arm forward.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

I had about half a second to realize Jun was a fucking asshole before the movement flipped me entirely off of my butt and then off the couch, crashing into the floor with a loud thump.

You are such a dick.

Cant let you get too overconfident with those wet noodles you call arms. He mocked, flexing his arms at me, as I just lay there on the floor for a minute stewing.

I was going to chrome up so much that I could throw him around, I decided. Right then and right there.

Was I going to chrome up because I wanted to be a Cyborg? Because I wanted to be strong enough to kill Scavs, or to go toe to toe with cyberpunks like Thomas?

No. I must defeat my brother.

I stood up and brushed myself off ignoring the mocking smile on Jun's face as I stalked away with all the dignity I had left to go find my laptop.


I spent the rest of the night hammering away at Short Circuit.

Although I was making great progress. My version was already much smaller than the version I had originally picked up from Yoko. The problem was, I wasnt really coming up with anything to make it special.

It would just be an efficient version of the hack, which wasnt a bad thing, but if I was going to make something I wanted it to be more than just efficient.

Short Circuit at its most bare bones was a hack that attacked power systems for cyberware, convincing them they needed to do an emergency discharge to keep something from exploding.

That was actually why it was nonlethal. Sure an electronic jolt wasnt exactly a pleasant experience, and it might knock you out, but it wouldnt kill you.

The emergency discharge couldnt release enough power to instantly stop someone's heart or anything.

But I wanted more than just that.

I wanted something that would make a netrunner do a double take when they saw it. Something that Sasha wouldnt just blow off when I handed it to her. Something that might just save her life.

I had already added in the same multi hack functionality that I had developed for Reboot Optics, and Weapon Glitch.

This program would jump to anyone in the network and try to short them all. Of course it wouldnt be as effective as someone with something like a Tetratronic Rippler Cyberdeck, which was designed to allow multi hack.

Anyone with some bare bones ICE would stop the jumping hacks cold, but not everyone had that.

Plus that was just a bonus. A basic design addition that barely added any RAM requirements to the hack.

I wanted this hack to be unique.

It had to do something that no other Short Circuit could do. I pulled away from the keyboard as I grumbled, flopping onto my bed and trying to figure it out.

I had considered trying to make it do more damage to Cyberware, but that was what Cyberware Malfunction was. That was a different hack entirely, meant to do something entirely different.

So what was Short Circuit meant to do?

Disable enemies for a short time.

I couldnt really make it more disabling. The discharge function was surprisingly well protected against intrusion. I would have to make a variant against every cyberware I could come across Which might explain why Cyberware Malfunction was a much more RAM intensive hack.

So It was meant to disable someone. I couldnt modify the base function, but what could I modify?

I went through the code of my own implants, searching through information in my own system.

When it struck me.

Each piece of cyberware had its own battery. Small bits of flash cyberware might have tiny batteries, but the bigger pieces?

Or I could just klep it right out from under his nose.

I know which one I wanted.

To wait, because why make a gig that was meant to be annoying harder than it had to be?

On the other hand, I had other things I wanted to do today, and waiting around for this gonk to go home while he was in the middle of a TC block party didnt sound super fun.

So I sighed and found an alleyway, giving me enough cover from most eyes that I could quickly take four hops jumping up onto AC units, or apartment balconies to end up on the roof of the block.

Hurrying across I made it to just above the party to scope it out.

It took me a moment to find a good shaded spot that still let me look over the party while keeping me hidden from any casual look, as I started getting an idea of the party.

Sure a couple people were hanging out around the cars, but no one was directly on the Turbo-R I was here to grab.

I tilted my head as I started hacking.

The car's security wasnt bad, but we arent talking about Malcolms Caliburn. This was just a normal car's security and I broke in within a few moments. Once I was in, I tricked the security system into thinking I had the key and that was a big chunk of the gig done.

Now I just had to find my moment.

So I settled in, watching the movements of all the gonks. I just needed a moment where my target Joji? Koji? I dont even remember his name, it was in the data Wakako sent, but I had an eye on him now, and his name wasnt important.


He was distracted by a girl.

No one was sitting on the Turbo-R.

I found my landing zone, and Parkour guided me on a path.

I started the BD, then I leapt.

Off the building, my feet barely made a noise as I landed first on an AC unit, and then across an alleyway to hit the opposite brick wall and then used that to bounce back, and then again. Down the entire building bouncing across the ten foot alley until I landed in a quiet crouch on the other side of a pile of trash.

No one had seen me.

I moved crouched low and fast, until I passed the trash, then I stood up and sauntered as casually as I could through the crowd.

I might not have the colors, but I was still an asian girl. Just to fit in, I added a shake to my hips.

Sexy Motoko walk engage!

I slipped through the crowd with a little smirk on my face, and looked like I had something planned on my face. I wasnt bothered.

Walking right past a girl making out with a guy on a Shion right next to the Turbo-R, I ignored them. The driver door opened, and I slipped in, the door shut, and after checking to make sure no one was behind me, I started it up and throttled quietly out of the spot onto the street, and then started driving off.

BD over.

Gig complete.


Dropping off the Quadra Turbo-R into the garage Wakako wanted it placed in, I headed out and waited for my own Quadra Type-66 to catch up.

While I waited, it was time.

I called Sasha.




*Heeh! Whats going on kiddy cat?* Sasha picked up with all the excitement and energy I was coming to expect from the woman.

*Sasha, I finished that Quick Hack I was telling you about. The Short Circuit one. Want to take a look?*

*Hmm, I dont know Toko, its not really my style, you know?*

*Trust me, this one is good at disabling someone, especially someone chromed up for a much longer period of time than the off the shelf program. If someone with a bunch of chrome annoys you, you can hack them out, and leave them getting zapped on the floor for a good long while. Its preem.*

The line was quiet for a moment and then all I heard was a burst of giggles.

*Okay, okay that does sound like something I want to try on Maine some day. Im currently at the Turbos on Longshore, the one near the riverfront. Were hosting a party right now. You should come!

I blinked.

Wait. Turbos That was where Maines crew always hosted their parties and stuff But that was in Westbrook!? Are you telling me I lived like a block from where Maines crew had their parties!?

I was struck speechless for a long moment as the realization hit that I could have met Sasha and the crew so much easier!

*Toko you there?*

*Wha? Oh yeah. I was just surprised I used to live over there. Ill head over. I cant wait for you to see this hack Sasha, youre going to love it.

Eeeeh! Youre making me blush kid! Heh! Ive never had a little Kohai before! Eee! Its so cute I totally get it now! Cmon hurry up! I need to show off my little programmer to everyone!

Wha Im not a Kohai. I mumbled petulantly. But Sasha was ignoring me and all I could do was grumble and agree that I was on my way.

I mean I guess I wasnt at Sashas level with the netrunning stuff, I was definitely better at programming, but I guess I was a Kohai. Fine!

I grumbled as my Quadra finally pulled up.

Sliding in I started driving, finally getting my update from Wakako.

*Wakako: I confirmed the vehicle was secured, and reached out to the target. Turns out he hadnt noticed his car disappearing on him. I received quite the satisfaction in hearing his discomfort at that. Excellent work. I will have another gig for you soon. Payment and bonus has been sent.*

I blinked at the message, and checked the actual update, and whistled a little. She had given me a nice little bonus. Heh, I guess ghosting the car out from under his nose pleased Wakako.

Well. I guess it was a good thing I was going to a party. Time to celebrate another gig completed!