Chapter 177

Name:Ghost in the City Author:
Chapter 177

The security on the hotel wasnt impressive. Pressing myself against the rear door as the camera swiveled above me, I took a few seconds to breach the security pad, I knew the design, and I knew how to get through without problems.

They all had a factory default admin code from the producers.

I entered it and it popped the door open without even needing to breach it.

Sliding inside, I ducked down and hurried down the hall, the large window that had a staff break room didnt even see me as I moved right past.

The security room was three doors down, and I made it without seeing anyone.

Security here was tougher, whoever had set up the secure room knew what they were doing.

Unfortunately, the security guy was probably from ten or more years ago and long since fired.

The security panel was top of the line about that long ago. I hit the button on the bottom of the panel, flipped it open, licked my fingers and pressed against two of the wire ports.

A zip went through my arm, and the door popped open.

Security, security never changes.

Flipping the panel closed again, I slipped inside, and pushed the sliding door closed. Then as the room was empty I walked over to the rolly chair and slipped inside.

*Im in the security room. Giving you all credentials now. Go ahead and move towards the elevator.* I spoke into the call that all of us were in.

I did a few checks to find out if there was a netrunner connected to the system, but after nothing pinged me back I relaxed, mostly.

Time to get to work. Entering in elevator credentials was super easy, something done hundreds of times a week.

I easily added the group in, and then started accessing the rest of the system. Locking down any NCPD alerts that would be sent out was almost childs play. It was literally on a toggle. I guess the hotel owner wanted to be able to ensure that sometimes his residents werent able to call for help through the hotel security.

Moving on I accessed the camera system, and hooked in.

I was the eye in the sky, looking through the camera system on the top floor. The animals were still wandering around, most of them were doing a pretty good job on keeping watch, but at least half were fucking around. One was working out, pumping a dumbbell, another was making a sandwich.

It worked for me. Made it easier.

*Pinging all enemy locations now. Please let me know if there are any optical glitches.* I spoke into the call and then sent a ping through. The golden lights were a bit weird from my perspective, considering I was so many floors below, but it would look fine for the team.

*Wait, each of these lines is an Animal?* Mira asked, suddenly sounding eager.

*Or the target, he is on the security channel with the Animals as well.*


*Never worked with a runner before Mira?* Sam asked over the line and I heard her scoff in return.Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

Then it went silent, as I watched through the cameras as they accessed the elevator.

*Straight run to floor 19, best access point looks like room 196. Its empty at the moment, door is unlocked.* I mentioned, as I prepped their path forward. Then I had nothing else to do but focus on the top floor.

Switching between the different cameras I checked where all of the Animals were located as best I could.

Unfortunately there werent a lot of cameras to access up there.

Instead I started getting things ready.

Weapon Glitch uploaded and sent, letting it bounce around the animals up there. Preparing for the eventual gun fight.

Then I waited. I lost the team on cameras, so I just followed them with what I knew of their route.

Waiting wasnt fun, but it was what I had to do. I was the woman in the chair this time. It was an interesting experience, but I didnt much like it.

The sound of a gunshot coming through the camera meant it was time.

I dropped the Short Circuit into the group, and watched multiple Animals fall over.

Waiting, I saw Hakase for a moment, his Katana shining as it cut through an Animal like butter.

Then it was basically over. I watched on the elevator camera as they dragged an unconscious man into the elevator, and then they were down. The Animals were injured, dead, or still being shocked prone.

I quickly cleared footage, deleting the entire days recordings, and left a small apology message for the netrunner they would bring in to find out what happened.

Then I disconnected from the system and walked back out the way I came. Hitting the alley, I jogged down a bit and slid into my Quadra.

*Im out.* I confirmed into the line, and started driving. The meeting place after was the Afterlife.

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Its not funny.

Its hilarious! Okay! Okay! You are officially invited, you should join me at the Den sometime. Youre a bit young, but fuck it, youre an Afterlife merc. You should enjoy yourself. I have to bring you around, and tell everyone!

Hell no.

Aww cmon its great! So many people to pet!

Mira, lay off. The kids a teenager.

So? There are kids her age that are Exotic!

You know that wasnt what you were offering. Bishop responded rolling his eyes, and I just huffed.

If I ever have to sneak in, Ill remember you.

Hah! Good luck. We got some great security As you know! She cackled teeth flashing wide.



Back home with a fresh pocketful of eddies, I realized that my sense of money was skewed.

I had been given a couple grand of eddies, not a bad payout I think? But for me it was kinda light for a full gig.

If it had been Section 9, the weapons, and equipment the Animals had left behind would have been another couple grand easy.

But that was fine. We were a bit different, more willing to scrounge for the eddies. I had a feeling it wasnt considered cool to do that sort of thing.

I shrugged. I didnt care about being thought of as cool, as long as people know I wasnt someone they could fuck with.

Home again, I noticed Jun wasnt home, and I was once again feeling bored. Grabbing my guitar I strummed a few notes thinking about what to play.

I was feeling pretty mellow, something chill

Fingers started strumming and I smiled as I heard the notes. I knew what to play.

Underneath the bridge. Tarp has sprung a leak. And the animals Ive trapped. Have all become my pets. I mumbled aloud, as I just let myself remember another Nirvana song.

Something in the Way was very simple, but it just Felt nice.

I played through the song once, and then just let it trail off.

Need to actually record that And the rest of the Nirvana songs. I hummed a bit, a familiar refrain and I laughed as I decided I might as well.

I grabbed my music box, plugged it all in, and started working. My Cyberdeck handled the cutting and editing of the tracks, adjusting the sound levels as I sang and sang and sang.


No, I dont have a gun! No, I dont have a guuuun! Come as you are belted out with all the emotion I could pack into the song continued on. Every riff was locked into my brain, burned into my memories and the emotions I remember with every sung word coming out as heavily as I could.

Which is when the door opened.

Sorry. Jun greeted me as I stopped mid word.

Thats okay. Welcome home! I greeted as I stretched, but then I looked over and frowned. Jun?

Its nothing Imouto. He responded back, but I could tell he wasnt okay. I rose up and padded after him, as he went to the fridge and grabbed some food, and he rolled his eyes as he noticed me looking at him. Its just Yuto, I tried calling him, and havent heard from him Im worried hes doing something stupid. He tells me and I relax.

Oh okay then. I moved away, if it was just worry about his choom that wasnt something I could really help with. I headed back to the couch, and picked up my guitar might as well finish the song, when Jun settled in.

That tune You played it before right? A long time ago. Youve improved a lot.

It Yeah, Ive gotten a lot better. Figured it all out basically. I muttered, feeling my ears redden, Jun remembered me playing badly!

He laughed at my embarrassment and then settled onto the couch, but I could see that he wasnt relaxing, his eyes flashed as he was making calls.

So I did my best not to disturb him, focusing on editing some tracks and getting it right.

I had finished Something in the Way. So maybe Ill play that for Jun once he was done?

But before I could jump into it, Jun stood up with a sigh, and started leaving.

Jun? I asked, but he didnt say anything just dropping a heavy hand on my head to reassure me, before heading right back out.

It was going to be one of those days then huh?

Jun left, and I got back to it.