On the dense paper, there were a few large characters on it.

Coax big ice cubes to fight.

The first trick: brush presence.

Chu Qingyan changed his practice clothes, estimated the time, and knew that the big ice cube was about to come out of the study at this time, so he ran to the door of the study and waited.

Gu Rong, who was dispatched some time ago, has returned. Today, he is still a guard with a large ice cube, and he is standing at the door.

"Little princess, the prince has ordered not to let people in, you go back!" Gu Rong reminded this with a smile.

Chu Qingyan waved his hand and said, "It's all right, I won't go in, just outside."

Although Gu Rong didn't know what she wanted to do, she still allowed her to go. After all, the grandfather did not say that the little princess was not allowed to stand at the door.

At this time, the door of the study was opened from the inside, and Xiao Xu, who was wearing a black ink coat, saw Chu Qingyan standing outside, and passed by without squinting.

Chu Qingyan immediately followed him, and walked around with a smile on his back.

Xiao Xu didn't know why she suddenly became so abnormal, frowned, and moved forward on her own.

The second trick: boo cold is essential

Every morning, big ice cubes will go to morning exercises and martial arts.

Chu Qingyan was going from the fire spirit side to the place where the big ice cubes practiced martial arts. He ran there early in the morning and squatted. When he finished his practice, he immediately followed him.

"Big ice cubes, are you hungry? Would you like some snacks that I have Huang Yi prepare for you?"

"Big ice cubes, are you thirsty, do you want me to make tea for you?"

"Big ice, are you tired, should I rub your shoulders?"

Xiao Xu couldn't understand why she has become so attentive lately, frowned, and he always refused what he couldn't figure out.

It's just that the fire spirit was bitter. The injury of the torture was not good. She was always pulled up by the little princess and rushed away. She said in the name that she was her assistant, but it was actually a labor.

Huoling looked at himself with a food container and a tea set, pulling his head and crying!

So this kind of thing has been going on and on. Every day Chu Chuyan will appear in his sight, no matter whether it is morning, meal, leisure, her figure is always shaking in front of her eyes.

Even if she was the most scared in the morning to accompany him for dinner, she can now meet her at the dinner table and help him to wear official clothes.

Although he didn't have the habit of dressing, but since she spoke, she did n’t want to refuse, so she went with her. It was just ridiculous. Her dressing was simply inconsistent. Every time he saw her tossing her official uniform, he actually had a strong idea of ​​taking a slap away, but in the end, he was defeated with her serious focus.

It seems that she is already in her life, pervasive and ubiquitous.

However, I am not exclusive.

On this day, Xiao Xu stepped out of the study, frowning without seeing the waiting person, and walked towards the hall. No one suddenly jumped out to scare him along the way. The chair was seated here, but no one asked him if he wanted to use tea.

Xiao Xu suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, like the usual lively house, suddenly quieted down, never felt the empty house, it seemed uncomfortably large.

He wondered if it was the ears that were disturbed on a weekday and suddenly calmed down, so he was a bit uncomfortable.

Those who stunned in his ear one day, I don't know where to go now to play! Suddenly there was something unpleasant in his heart.

The person who disturbed him all day has not come now, and he is really not used to it.

Finally, when Huang Yi sent the tea, Xiao Xu asked, "Where is the Qingren?"

Huang Yi replied with a smile, "The little princess entered the kitchen early in the morning and has not yet come out."

"Kitchen?" Xiao Xu wondered.

Huang Yi also replied in puzzlement, "Slave did not know, because the little princess would not let us down."

"Well, my king knows, let's go!" Xiao Xu said.

In recent days, the well-wounded Fire Spirit was guided by the little princess. She appeared next to the master every day, brushing her presence, reducing the discomfort brought to the master by the mistakes made before.

At first, Fire Spirit did not like the little princess's approach, but it was not easy to pour her cold water to see her persistence, even with occasional help. Now he saw that the master had not seen the little princess for half an hour, and he began to ask , Fire Spirit could not help but be surprised, could it be that the little princess has successfully fought?

After a while, a sound of familiar footsteps came over, and Fire Spirit subconsciously glanced at his master. Although the master's posture remained unchanged, he could obviously feel that the temperature around him had risen.

"Large ice cube, you haven't seen it for a long time, do you miss me?" Chu Qingyan smiled as he entered the hall.

Xiao Xu has never answered her people's madness, otherwise she would endlessly.

It was just when his gaze fell on her face that he pulled his eyes slightly, and the taupe powder covered his face, live | take off | take off a little cat.

Already accustomed to the shielding system of large ice cubes, Chu Qingyan was trained in the copper wall and iron wall body after hundreds of battles and was not afraid of his air conditioning.

The sharp-eyed fire spirit saw Xining holding a plate in her hand, "Little Princess, what did you bring?"

Because it was covered by a silver pot, the contents were not visible.

Chu Qingyan smiled mysteriously.

The third trick to coax big ice cubes: grab his stomach.

Chu Qingyan waved his hand, and Xining opened the lid clearly, exposing the yellow pastry with green leaves at the bottom. It was small and cute but coveted.

This is the morning pastry that she kept in the kitchen. She used to study fine food in the past, but only came here, Huang Yi has done a good job cooking, and because of her identity, she has never been down. After cooking, today, for big ice cubes, she rolled up her sleeves and fought with those unfamiliar wood stove stoves. After all, modern and ancient kitchen utensils are different. After a long time, she made a piece of pastry and said tears. !!

"Well, golden millet cakes, big ice cubes quickly, taste a bite, otherwise it won't taste good when it gets cold." She pushed the plate in front of him and enthusiastically recommended it.

Xiao Xu glanced at the pastry. "My king doesn't like sweets."

This sentence drove Chu Qingyan into the bottom of the valley, like a fuse, once it started, it began to spread.

She did so much these days, but never got a response from the big ice cube, like acting a one-man show, but no one appreciates it, and the confidence left is finally exhausted.

After hearing the words of his own grandfather, Xining was young and somewhat unbearable. In this way, he had to quarrel with his master. When he saw this, he was shocked and immediately pulled her out.

There were only two people left in the room. Chu Qingyan lowered her head, thinking whether she would go out by herself. Anyway, she stayed here just like the air, and he didn't care about himself.

Just as she was turning to leave, she suddenly reached out a hand and gently pulled her closer.