Inside, spring business moves.

Outside the door, windy leaves move.

Xining took the man from the kitchen into the yard, and saw the earth spirit standing under the tree and greeted with a smile, "Master Earth Spirit."

"Want to bring food to the two masters?" Tu Ling turned back and smiled.

"Yes, the Lord said that he would have dinner with His Royal Highness tonight. He asked the kitchen just now, and His Highness has not used any food." Xining asked and answered.

In the past few years, Xining's growth has also been in their eyes. At first, the little girl who was inconspicuous in the British King's House, followed the little princess, and then she faded from being immature. Already a competent woman who can take charge of the size of a house.

The earth spirit couldn't help admiring the princess's abilities, not only Xining, but also Xinxin, Yang Xiaohuan. They were slowly transformed into butterflies under the princess's hands.

"Then Xining will now send his meals to His Royal Highness's room." Xining blessed himself and prepared to walk forward.

Tu Ling stopped her, "I'm afraid it's not convenient for the two masters at this moment. It's better to let people go down and heat up the food before they are delivered."

Although Xining was puzzled, she recalled the hurried steps before the master left, immediately nodded, and then ordered someone to return to the kitchen.

Within a single door, the two gasped apart.

Chu Qingyan nestled in his arms weakly, panting heavily, and the air in his lungs had been squeezed out by him. At this moment, she was like a fish that had not been soaked in water for a long time.

Xiao Xu leaned on the back of the chair, stroking her hair, looking extremely lazy. Normally, the white porcelain face has been lingering just before, and it is stained with a slight red halo. If there is no water stain on the lips, the tight eyes have loosened, and the bright light outside the window falls on him In the eyes, shaking with the wind, soft and warm colors floated away.

She looked up inadvertently and saw such a picture.

If this is the case, people and gods are angry.

Several entanglements, because she was so shy, she never looked at him as boldly as this moment, after he was so close, he was so amazing.

Suddenly she had a desire to monopolize this beauty and could not allow her to peep, but the moment she remembered, she was taken aback by her domineering. When did she become such a selfish person?

But soon she gave herself the answer, like, it was selfish, no matter if the man smiled, or was sad, or at the moment and in the future, he just wanted to be with him.

Maybe it was then that she realized why the big ice cube was unhappy when she saw Xiao Ran's letter.

It was probably her mood at the moment.

When she suddenly wanted to say something, someone had spoken before her.

"I'm jealous, but I know that when I saw the letter, some sourness came up in my heart." The voice was a bit dull and low-pitched, but when she rang, she inadvertently carried a faint within Temptation.

It was just too late to taste him, Chu Qingyan was shocked, not because he was jealous, but because he was ashamed of himself.

"I have never been in touch before, but now I have tried it one by one, Ayan, what should I do with you in the future?" A helpless sigh, with a willing relief.

It is better to be planted in one's hands than to be alone in the empty world.

He confessed his fate because of one person, and then rejoiced for her, angered her, mourned her, rejoiced because of her sorrow, because of her joy, because of her pity, because of her love.

Joy and sorrow, sorrow and love.

The words were like a violent wave crashing into her heart.

If these words were changed to someone else, maybe she would not have such strong emotional ups and downs.

Because the person in question is Xiao Xu, that is a person who treats the enemy like cold winter and has never been softhearted, but now he is willing to cut open his heart and spread the weakest side in front of himself, how can she be Don't touch?

Such an arrogant man, a person who is struggling in the fiery fire, who has no compromise in life, has a deep affection for her, how can he keep her untouched.

Thanks to Xiao Xu's whole heart, it was her luck in three lives.

At this moment, she had the idea of ​​living with him for life.

Life and death are common, sad and happy.

At this time, words are pale, and only actions can convey the heart.

She stretched her hand on his chest again, and offered herself reverently.

The entangled lips just breathed each other's breath, and the hot lips had no idea who was who.

Xiao Xu was somewhat surprised by her initiative, but nothing moved her more than her slightly trembling eyebrows.

He leaned in and deepened the kiss, a bit less fiery and a little more tender.

This is the person he cherishes in his palm.

When the meal came to the table, when Xining saw the strange bright red on his master's cheek, he was a little scratched, but at the request of His Royal Highness, he obediently led the deceased person to retreat and cover the door smoothly.

Xiao Xu took up the chopsticks, and said to the people beside him, "All people are gone and buried again. Are you going to be an ostrich?"

At this time, Chu Qingyan was about to bury her head in the bowl, and the picture just flashed in front of her eyes. She regretted how she had taken the initiative again?

What about the face? What about the face?

She was crying without tears.

And the big ice cubes pierced mercilessly at this moment, it is really hot, I wonder if girls are easily shy?

However, she knew what kind of person the big ice cube was. She took a deep breath and raised her head to start eating. Just tossing for so long just now, she had no energy and her stomach was groaning hungry.

Keke, just before the big ice cube heard the cry of her stomach, she couldn't help laughing, and stopped the two people's growing affection.

She blushed unconsciously before she covered her throat with a slight cough.

She had a sweet and sour pork ribs in the bowl when she was chopping rice, and she blinked and looked at him.

"Eat more meat to make up, it was too light when I just held you." Xiao Xu remembered that when he just held her, it was not enough for him to hold one hand. Although the meat on the little guy was comfortable to pinch, he still Feeling wrong to eat a little fat.

"Ahem!" Chu Qingyan was choked by his words without swallowing.

Xiao Xu didn't have any kind of consciousness caused by herself. She patted her back with one hand free, "Can't I be wrong? Eat more, and feel better!"

As soon as the words fell, Chu Qingyan coughed even more.

Xiao Ran did not see the big ice cubes again after this incident. Chu Qingyan was very puzzled, and finally she couldn't help asking.

Just listen to Xiao Xu answer.

"At first you couldn't control your emotions because you were sullen in your heart. Later I thought about how my face is good enough to prevent others from admiring you. So for me, the most important thing is As long as you are always with me, what else will prevail in the others? "