After sending Pang Yuejing away, Chu Qingyan went to his yard, and when she entered the room, she saw the sitting person. She couldn't help raising her eyebrows and smiled, "Why didn't anyone tell me, are you here?"

"They should all be used to my presence." Xiao Xu raised her eyebrows.

She couldn't help but slap his lips, as if he were the master here, but strictly speaking, the entire palace is his, and there is no shortage of this yard.

"Why did you think of coming to me?" She sat opposite him, and naturally took the tea cup he handed over, took a sip, and relieved the dryness of her throat.

"Today, the princess Nan Cang comes, you are too busy to see people, and I have no such treatment."

Although the words were calm, how did she feel like she was jealous.

"Hey, hey, big ice cubes, the other party is a girl, where do you want to go!" It's a jealous man regardless of male and female, but it's just how beautiful it is?

"Once you occupy your time, what's the difference between your person, male or female?" Xiao Xu snorted softly.

"Okay, you're reasonable, wouldn't I be satisfied with you in the future, would you be satisfied?" She supported her chin with one hand, and tilted her head to tease him.

He was serious about that, "This is a good idea!"

"Ah? Not like that!" She protested with a raised cheek.

Such Chu Qingyan, where there is dignified Xianliang in front of Pang Pijing, this is what she should be like at this age and be spoiled.

Xiao Xu laughed lightly and raised her hands and rubbed her head. "What do you say to that Princess Nan Cang today?"

It seemed very happy to see her return, and he asked.

Huh, she actually changed the subject. She glanced at him, and it didn't rush to speak.

"Very good, I still think she is a good girl. Nan Cangguo's invasion of us is quite abominable, but it does not mean that everyone there is very sinful. Just like Xixuan, there are evil people, not all good people. "

"Speaking for her?" Xiao Xu didn't aim at Pang Yuejing, but felt that his little fellow had been distracted by others, and his possessiveness immediately went online.

Chu Qingyan smiled in his heart, and the big ice cube was so jealous.

"Hey, this is true!" She finished, her expression turned positive. "But big ice cubes, I found one today."

"Oh? What is it?" Xiao Xu was intrigued.

Chu Qingyan immediately said, "I think Princess Pang may be under control."

Xiao Xu frowned slightly. "How do you say?"

"When she came to the palace today, I noticed that she had a heavy heart and she turned everyone away, so she dared to tell me what she asked for. This was one of the two things. She had a chain on her feet. It is very expensive to go up, but it is actually a device that can be monitored by others. She wants me to hire someone to help me untie it. So I can neutralize the above two points. I think she may be in control, otherwise she wo n’t beg me Come up, after all, she is a princess of a country. "

Chu Qingyan slowly spoke out her analysis. Xiao Xu frowned slowly while listening. "If you say so, then she came to Xixuan for a purpose, or, The people behind her want her to do some kind of task. "

She shook her head. "I don't know, but I don't think this girl is bad by nature. You can tell from the airy letter yesterday that I intuitively told her that she wanted to ask for my help."

Xiao Xu knew that she had pity on this Pang Yuejing. It was rare to see a few friends around her, some loved the house and black, and she could not help raising her hand and put it lightly on the back of her hand, comforting her. However, since too many people have recently stared at the Nan Cang mission, it will not be too soon to find out the news. "

Chu Qingyan focused her head, and she was relieved that there was a big ice cube.

The reason why there is such a strong desire for protection is that today, the reliance and carefulness in the eyes of those water spirits touched her heart.

This piece comes to an end.

"Yes, why did Mu Ling suddenly return to Kyoto?" She was curious about this.

Xiao Xu folded her hands on the table, her expression slightly converging because of her words. "There are some situations in the mountain where he was worried that he could not say clearly in the letter, so he ran this trip."

The mountain refers to the Fuli Mountains. She nodded, and she must be cautious about it.

She also wanted to ask what happened when Shining came in and smiled. The kitchen was ready for dinner and asked if it would be served.

She nodded, and forgot to keep asking.

At this time, what she didn't know was that in the streets of Kyoto, a person was caught in a moody transition of stagnation, shock, runaway, and surprise because of her and a gift in a flower sleeve.

Pang Minjing sniffed the crystalline liquid over and over again. It wasn't until the end that she was able to convince herself that this is a modern toner. The fragrance is too familiar.

Because she has a sister who loves to dress up her, her sister usually wears her make-up into various looks, so that in the end, with closed eyes, she can smell which fragrance is of which brand and for what.

What struck her was why such modern things appeared in ancient times?

Then she thought that she could cross, and others could, so she ran away!

Finally, she guessed that the traversor might be right next to her, goddess? In the flower sleeve? Still others! But no matter what, she suddenly had a feeling of intimacy, whether she was a good person or a bad person, she was always a person of the same world, so she was extremely surprised.

Soon, she opened another box and poured it in her palm. It was talcum powder. Wow, this thing is so useful, especially on this hot summer day!

She was getting more and more excited. She wanted to return to the Royal Palace immediately and ask the goddess to find out who made it! Will it be her!

However, reality soon knocked her down, because the bell on her ankle warned her that she was not free.

With a sad face, no, she must be free immediately.

Tomorrow is the palace feast. She doesn't want to count the King and Goddess with Xiao Hou, so she can't wait for half a month on Mu Ling.

So what should she do?

She was holding two boxes and was lost.

At the same time, the flow of people was evacuated, and the carriage began to move, and her eyes were absent-minded as the carriage moved and then fell on the street outside.

Suddenly a shop came into her sight.


She blinked and suddenly sat upright.

Got an idea!

She immediately yelled, "Stop!"