Seeing the little guy standing in front of him intact, Xiao Xu's raised heart finally fell.

He raised his hand to cover her head, and softly rebuked, "Why are you adept at running to Chaoyang Palace? You are all mothers, why are you so improper?"

Although she was reprimanding her, she couldn't even hear the harshness of her spoiled voice.

Chu Qingyan knew that he was doing it for his own sake, holding his arm for a moment, and stunned, "I know, I know, next time I won't, and I told you, I'm not a child, no matter how I can Protect yourself, and if you put so many people around me, you are not vegetarian, don't worry about it. "

While admitting to admitting mistakes and explaining for herself, she always knew how to deal with him.

Xiao Xu wasn't really angry. After being smoothed by her hair, she took her hand and walked to the temple. "As long as you can say, what is your mother looking for?"

"About the Liang family."

Xiao Xu whispered, "Sure enough."

Chu Qingyan knew that the surface of the big ice cube would not be said, and he was definitely disappointed. Queen Liang should haven't looked for him before. He avoided it because he didn't want to experience the abandonment of his affection again. She agreed when looking for her. The idea is to solve this heart disease for big ice cubes.

"Don't you ask me what I've gained?" She pretended to playfully pull his hand, trying to dissipate the gloom from his brows.

Xiao Xu was amused by her childish appearance, and she was not so upset in her heart. She squeezed her cheeks. "So naughty, let's say, what did you gain?"

Chu Qingyan patted him, always loving pinching her hand, winked at Jasper, and Jasper immediately walked up and presented two brocade boxes.

Xiao Xu noticed these two boxes before thinking that they were rewarded by Chaoyang Palace. Seeing her, there should be an article in it.

"What is it?" Xiao Xu signaled, Tu Ling and Fire Ling stepped forward to take the boxes, then opened, revealing the two things inside.

Chu Qingyan patted his hand, "Go and see, I'll surprise you."

Xiao Xu did n’t know, so after taking the booklet, after turning a few pages, his eyes suddenly freeze. After closing, he smiled coldly, “Before, I felt that the silver of Liangjiafu's treasury was far from real embezzlement. The thought is here. "

Chu Qingyan naturally did not know that the big ice cubes had been discovered for a long time, and nodded after hearing the words, "Three Rabbit Caves, the more wealthy people in general, the more they know how to hide, but they can hide the information network of Xiaolie ride, It's really amazing. "

Xiao Xu was unconcerned, his eyes fell on the token in the second box, and Chu Qingyan saw this and repeated the words of Empress Liang immediately.

Xiao Xu was expressionless. After Chu Qingyan finished speaking, he threw the two things back to the box. "The account book was given to the second prince, and the token was given to King Yi. Let them deal with it."

The earth spirit and the fire spirit didn't say a word, and they went out of the palace holding things.

After giving the order, Xiao Xu shook his head for a while, as if thinking a lot, but as if he didn't think about anything. At this time, the cold palm was more warm and soft, and he turned his head to the pair of empathetic people. Eyes.

"Big ice, I accepted these two things without your consent, but it bothered you?"

Xiao Xu grasped the softness in his hands, and his lips painted a smile. "No, don't think about it. You did this to help me solve the problem. I should thank you."

"That's good." She nestled beside him, leaning her head on his shoulders, with a look of attachment.

Xiao Xu's loss of indecipherableness in the mind disappeared after feeling her strong dependence. He should not laugh anymore. He is no longer the helpless teenager of ten years ago, and now bears a sweet burden on his shoulders. He has more warmth than in the past, and everything in the past has passed.

He raised his hand and caressed her long hair, enjoying the peace and quiet at the moment.

"Why did you give these two things to Xiao Yao and Xiao Hou just now?" Chu Qingyan lifted his head from his shoulder, his eyes blinked, although he asked, but his eyes were full of jokes. Cunning.

Of course, the little guy guessed what he thought, but he just wanted to be verified with him.

Xiao Xu chuckled, "Guess what, you get rewards."

"You want to take the opportunity to exercise the two and choose the best successor from them?" She licked the corner of her mouth, showing a treacherous smile.

Xiao Xu tapped her forehead, and her eyes were full of pampering. "Yes, they have good minds and can take up heavy tasks, but they still have some reluctance to be qualified for the emperor's career."

Xiao Yao used to be lazy and lacked some constraints, so he sent him to supervise urban construction, in order to let his temperament converge a bit, this time the Liang family was handed over to him for the same purpose, and he will definitely contact during the period Many stabbing officials took the opportunity to train his hands.

Xiao Hou still had some fighting spirits in the past, but after Pang Yuejing's incident, his personality changed a lot, and he was a little desperate, so he must inspire the militants in his heart, and there is another reason, the token was delivered He can play a greater role.

"Big ice block, you are so treacherous. If they know your intentions by then, will they pick up and quit?" Chu Qingyan supported his chin, imagined Xiao Yao jumping up and down, and Xiao Hou was uncertain. Can't help laughing.

"You didn't come up with this idea?" He asked with a smile.

what? At first, she just felt that there were so many princes in the royal family. He was so busy alone that he couldn't explain it! That's why I thought about pulling these two people into the water. Where do I know that the big ice cube has other ideas!

"But it still takes time to sharpen them, and Chao Gang's instability, so this emperor, I'm afraid I have to be a period of time." Xiao Xu clasped his chair with his fingers, seemingly a headache.

"It can only be said that those who are capable have worked harder." So many people in the world want to sit on the seat, but her big ice cubes are dismissive. Sure enough, the man she looks after is so different!

"By the way, you said I guessed the prize right. What reward?"

"Reward the most noble people in the world to warm you up."

"Big ice cubes, you're getting shameless!"

"Thank you lady for your compliments, and I will continue to work hard in the future!"


Too bad, too bad!

However, she was used to it, so she continued to cry.

Second Prince's House.

Xiao Yao thought he could relax for a few days, but Huo Ling brought his own brother's mouthpiece and box. He drew a corner of his mouth and walked into the room relentlessly, thinking in his mouth, "I must be It's not awake yet, I have to go to sleep. "

And when he saw the token, Yihou Mansion, Xiao Hou cursed shamelessly in his heart, and on the surface had to smile to pick it up.

Okay, but still have to smile!