Chapter 248

Name:Gilgamesh in DxD Author:
Chapter 248

Finally, the battle of thousands has become a battle of two. Gilgamesh faces his opponent, who is six feet tall and easily 121 pounds of pure muscle with a giant shield and axe as his weapons. He rushes at Gilgamesh, shield and axe at the ready, determined to kill the blond man. He tries to attack Gilgamesh, but only hits the air.

Gilgamesh tries to take advantage and hit his side, but his opponent's quick reactions block and he swings his axe down. Gilgamesh deflects it and counters, leaving a cut on the man's arm.

The giant of a man steps back and studies his prey more closely. Gilgamesh, however, just wants to get it over with, so he sets off for an all-out attack. Swinging faster than before, he slowly but surely tears away the strong defense his opponent is showing. He leaves several cuts all over the man's body and his Merodach sings for more blood.

Not wanting to be outdone, the man pushes Gilgamesh back just as Merodach hits his shield and tries to cut off Gilgamesh's head. Gilgamesh narrowly dodges, and sends more attacks.

His opponent, now totally on the defensive, just withstood the strong attacks for another minute before one of them broke his guard and hit him deeply in the side. After that, it was simply a matter of Gilgamesh getting rid of him.

Odin slams the handle of his spear once more into the ground and all the dead rise and appear back in the long hall, with tables full of food and mead.

"Gilgamesh, descendant of the King of Heroes! You have entered our house and opposed the best souls of Valhalla with nothing but your physical power and skill! The gods of the Aesir and Vanir are in awe of your accomplishments and welcome you as if you were one of us! You became Freya's champion this month! Please, come to our table!" exclaims Odin.

Gilgamesh sighs as he unsheathes his sword and approaches the table of the gods. His eyes widen at the sight of Freya's beauty, for he can safely say that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Six feet tall, long silver hair, half golden eyes, in one of the most provocative clothes he has ever seen, something like a black dress with a red trim that exposes most of her belly and breasts. Her body is perfectly proportioned with a breast and he can tell with every step she takes that it is firm too.

If Gilgamesh were any other man, he would have a nosebleed, just as almost all the men around him do. But because he has the [Player Mind] he manages to stay calm.1

But he cannot deny that he is extremely attracted to her.

"Shut up Regulus! She is married and to Odin" Gilgamesh speaks to him as he looks at the goddess. He feels a shiver run down his spine as he looks into her eyes and sees Lust with a hint of desire breaking him.

"My God, aren't you interesting?" Freya says softly, her voice somehow curious with a strong dose of lust. She leans next to his ear and whispers, "Perhaps you would like to have fun with me?"

Gilgamesh sniffles, not letting the blood that was almost dripping from his nose show as he looks at her curiously and then his gaze shifts to Odin, who was standing there watching.

Freya, recognizing where her gaze has gone, whispers

"Oh, don't worry about that old man. We may be technically married, but neither of us have been so for centuries. He has lovers, I have lovers and we go on and on" She frowns, her intent known is clear so that basically everyone can see that she wants this warrior in front of her.

"Thank you for the magnificent battle, Gilgamesh" she states loudly, adding a sensual tone to his name. All the warriors look at him with jealousy and respect for getting the attention of the Goddess of Beauty. Interestingly, the gods and goddesses look on with pity.

"Why do you all look at Gil like that?" Valerie questions.

"Because, dear, Freya's favorite pastime is to break boys and then discard them like yesterday's trash" says Sjfn sadly. As a goddess of love, she can understand Freya's desire, but she tries hard not to do such a thing to her own lovers.

"Yes, I'm sorry, girl, but your friend is screwed. Freya is insatiable. She will chase you until she takes it all and then leave an empty shell of a man. That's why no male god will be with her anymore. It may take decades to overcome this. Only Odin was able to resist and this because of his power and his other wife, Frigg. They also haven't slept together for almost 600 years" says Hoenir.

"Let the party begin!" Odin announces with and a great clamor erupts. None of the warriors hold a grudge from the battle, as each fought to their absolute best. With their attention no longer focused on Freya and Gilgamesh, the former drags him by the hand. Valerie, heeding the words of the gods and goddesses, runs after them.