Chapter 14: Team Building Excercise

Chapter 14: Team Building Excercise

She dragged him out of the booth and out the restaurant. They wove through the streets, shoving through dense crowds for several minutes until they burst free into a small park. Multicolored trees ringed it, their trunks shimmering with glistening sap. A small, purple lake sat in the center of it, rippling gently in the wind.

This place is pretty deserted. We can talk a little more freely here.

Bella brought Chance over to a bench nestled between two trees and flopped into it. Chance carefully sat down next to her.

Were you really just there by coincidence? Bella asked. You werent following me?

I just wanted some food and picked a place that looked good, Chance replied, shivering slightly as a cool breeze brushed past them.

That is the unluckiest coincidence Ive ever heard of, Bella said with a bitter laugh. Do you have any idea how many years of work youve managed to undo in a few minutes? I spent so much time

Bellas voice broke and she just slumped back over the bench, craning her neck back to stare up at the trees above them.

Does this have something to do with why you wanted to work alone?

Of course it does, Bella snapped. She pounded a fist against her knee. I worked so hard to convince Gibson that I was strong enough to be a lone Shikari. I spent so much time training and taking tests to prove that I was strong enough. And then you just stumble along and ruin everything.

Sorry, Chance said, rubbing the back of his head. I didnt mean to. But why are you so determined to work alone?

Are you stupid? Bella asked, sitting up and squinting at him. You saw Vex.

Yeah, he was a grade A asshole. Chance grimaced. But isnt that more of a reason to get help?

I forgot youre from Earth. That isnt how things work. When Vex said he was a god, for all intents and purposes, he is. He was a god ranked Shikari many years ago, and I dont even know how powerful hes become now. Anyone next to me could get killed just for being there. I cant afford to have a team. Id just get them killed.

Thats why you were acting so rude?

Bella shrugged. Its worked so far. As long as nobody gets close to me, Vex cant use them against me.

Thats a horrible way to live, though. You cant actually enjoy being alone.

Of course I dont, Bella snapped, glaring at him. I dont have a choice. And Im not going to share any more about that. Im not trying to get your pity, Chance. Im trying to warn you.

You saw what happened when he threatened me, Chance said. You arent the only one with a stalker ah, dont ask about him, though. I dont think I can answer any of your questions.

I figured as much. That was clearly another incredibly powerful cultivator. Both he and Vex are so far beyond us that we cant even comprehend how strong they are, but that should just make things even easier for you to understand. Really, youre lucky. Vex might not bother you with a benefactor like that, so youve got another chance. Stop spending time around me when you dont have to. Stop offering to include me in things. Just leave me alone. Find a way to get Gibson to put you and Yeo onto a different team. If you dont, youll die.

And, what? You just keep on living like this?

Yes. Hows it any of your business how I live?

Chance shook his head. Nah. That isnt happening especially now that I know you arent actually as much of an asshole as you pretend to be.

Bella stared at him. Are you dense? You understand that Vex will kill you, right? This isnt a game. Your protector wont always be around.

Ive died once already. Chance shrugged. And I decided that I was going to live how I wanted to this time around. That includes not letting someone live in misery just because theyre worried some super powerful prick is going to kill anyone they talk to.

Is that what youre going to tell Vex when he shows up again? He might find that amusing enough to buy you a few breaths.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

If hes as bad as youre saying, then hell try to kill me anyway, Chance pointed out. Id imagine that Im well onto his hit list by now.

Bellas hands tightened. Its possible, and thats my fault. I should have been more aggressive in trying to get you to leave.

I just wanted some soup.

Figures, Yeo muttered. You do have some control over luck, dont you? Maybe thats whats going on.

I dont actually think its just luck, Chance said, his thoughts going back to what Yamish had told him. No idea what it actually is, though.

Well, if we want to perform well at all during the ranking, youre going to have to figure more out about it, Bella said, copying Yeos stance and crossing her arms.

Oh? Youre excited about that now?

Yeo, if Im going to do this, you better believe that Im going to try my absolute hardest. Did you understand a single thing we told you about what could happen if we dont get powerful?

Oh, all of it, Yeo said, baring his teeth in a grin. But Ive already got my goal. This changes nothing. I did notice youre shooting for the top. And that means were opponents.

What happened to the whole team thing? Chance asked, desperately trying to keep everything from falling apart.

Oh, you can still work together with people you compete with, and were only on a team until were Knights, Yeo said, flashing a grin at him. But this means Bella is now officially my rival.

Youre kidding me. What, are you getting your tropes from old shows?

Yeo cleared his throat. My dad had a lot of stories about those. They might have stuck around.

Why isnt Chance your rival? Bella asked.

Are you kidding? Hes way too nice. You know. Imagine he beats me at something. There would be no banter! Hed probably apologize.


Actually, I see it, Bella said, nodding.

What, is this now turn-on-Chance day?

Call it a team building exercise, Yeo said. His face grew a little more serious and he nodded at the urumi resting by Chances side. Jokes aside, we need to get you into fighting shape.

I can easily bring him up to speed, Bella said. It shouldnt take too long to get him competent.

Whoa, there. Id say Im a little more qualified to be the teacher here, between the two of us, Yeo said, tapping his chest with a thumb. Ive been training since I was a little kid. You barely just decided you didnt want to barricade your door.

Ive been a Shikari for two years, and I operated on my own perfectly well, Bella replied, narrowing her eyes. Ive got more experience in the field. Your arrogance is going to either get you or all of us killed.

At this point, Im not sure if Ive actually improved anything. Somehow, this might actually be worse than where we were at before.

Only one way to settle this for sure, Yeo said, rising to his feet. Actions speak louder than words.

Bella stood as well. A sparring match. Agreed.

They swept out of the room and Chace grabbed his urumi before racing after them as they rushed onto the front lawn.

First blood? Bella asked.

Yeo snorted. That would be boring. Three hits.

Fine with me, Bella said. Chance raised a hand, then lowered it with a sigh. It was probably better to just let them have at each other.