Chapter 56: Promise

Chapter 56: Promise

I cant believe it. Well, I can, but still. Bella said once theyd stepped back into the room. Especially you, Chance. Yeo did brilliant as well, of course, but you only got to Centurion a few months ago. Winning the Squire ranked tournament this quickly has to be breaking some kind of record.

Yeo slapped Chance on the back. It was our rivalry that spurred him onward.

Since when did that happen? Watching the fight was the first Id heard of it, Bella said, narrowing her eyes.

In the fight. He just knew wed become rivals, so was working harder the entire time in preparation. If Id done the same, I would have been way better too. Thats just how smart Chance is. Yeos face was completely straight, and his words so serious that if Chance hadnt known him better, he would have wondered if the boy was actually being serious.

Bella gave him no such benefit of the doubt and socked him in the shoulder. Yeo yelped, hopping back and cradling his arm. Youre the one with the super defense, not me. Keep those thumpers of yours to yourself.

You get the rest of the day, Bella said. After that, were sparring. I cant believe you held so much back when we fought before. I feel like a complete idiot.

It was for my dramatic reveal. Yeos grin flickered and fell for a moment. Sorry about that, though. Didnt mean to make a fool of you.

Its fine. I probably should have seen it coming, Bella said, shaking her head. Ill do better next time. Ive been saving up quite a bit of the money weve earned, unlike the two of you. Im going to get myself access to someone who can guide me out of the rut Im currently stuck in.

The doors behind them slid open, and dull chatter filled the halls as other young Shikari filed out. Several groups passed by their room, and they got several waves from the tournament participants that recognized them. Chance returned them, even though he couldnt remember if hed gone against most of them. It was just the polite thing to do.

Wren was really something else, though, Chance said. Did you see him helping me train while we fought?

Bella nodded. Hes got to be the son of some really powerful family, or his master is unbelievably strong. I felt like I was learning just from fighting him, and he wasnt even trying to help me like he was for you.

Maybe you could pay him to hang out with you, Yeo suggested as the three headed out of their room and joined the stream of people walking to the exit of the arena. I bet that would be really effective. Hes pretty hot, though. You might not be able to afford his time.

Sounds like youre jealous, Bella said. Wishing you saved up some of your own money?

Me? Jealous? Never. Yeo placed a hand above his heart and looked into the sky, nearly stumbling into the person in front of him in the process. He caught his balance and, without pausing, struck a dramatic pose. I am a paragon of all virtues.

Right, Bella and Chance drawled in unison.

They headed out of the colosseum and down the massive golden pathway back into Gleam proper. When they reached the bottom, they broke away from the churning crowds and sat down on a bench near the commotion.

You think Pete will be able to find us here? Chance asked. Its really busy.

It should be fine. We can wait a bit, and if he cant, we can just head back to the Whiteheart house and meet him there, Yeo said, rolling his neck and slinging his arms over the back of the bench with a sigh. Man, Im beat. That was fun. You think the next tournament will be soon?

Chance and Bella stared at him.

Bella choked. What? I dont need

Karma cultivator indeed, the man said, his smile growing wider. I recall her fight against Wren. An impressive defense, but still some confusion on your Essence. Preservation, was it?

Bella shifted uncomfortably. Yes, it was. I dont feel comfortable having Chance spend a favor on me, though.

Ah, but you are part of his team, are you not? An increase in your strength will also aid your friend.

Wren gave her a thumbs up. Might as well give in. Hes set on it now.

Yeo opened his mouth, then closed it and shook his head. Theyre right. None of us want you to fall behind, and Chance keeps getting lucky with his encounters. You might as well mooch some of it. I sure will be.

Bella flushed and let her head fall slightly. Okay. If youre sure.

Splendid. I will look into what I may be able to do to aid in your problem and send Wren once I have discovered a solution, the man said. He put a hand on Wrens shoulder and smiled. I look forward to watching all of your progress. Gleam is in great need of powerful cultivators.

A gentle haze washed up from the ground around them. It coiled around their bodies and warped the air. Then it faded, taking Wren and his master with it.

You really didnt have to do that, Bella said, her cheeks still red. I dont want to just hang off your coattails.

Make it up by getting strong, Yeo said. Then you can help him out when he needs it. Also, youll be able to withstand my unstoppable flurry of blows without crumpling like a leaf in the wind.

I think youve gotten a slightly skewed perception of how our fights have gone, Bella said, her eyes narrowing.

Oh? Yeo cocked an eyebrow in a clear challenge. Well have to repeat them when we get back, then.

Chance suppressed a smile. Intentionally or not, Yeo had just completely shifted Bellas embarrassment away and gotten her to think about something else. Out of the corner of his eye, in the middle of the slowly shrinking crowd, Chance spotted Pete heading in their direction.

He raised his hand in greeting and the older mans eyes lit up. He slipped around the last few people in his way and hurried over to them, raising his hands as he drew up.

You won! And, by the gods, all of you performed incredibly. Simply marvelous. Im very proud of all of you.

You helped a lot, Yeo said. All those extra sparring sessions we had made a world of difference.

I only did my job, and poorly at that, Pete said, shaking his head. None of this lies on my shoulders. It is entirely on you and your hard work. Splendid indeed. I think we shall have to get something in celebration of this occasion, my treat. Ive got a little extra coin from my last job, as I destroyed less of the city than usual while completing it.

They all burst into laughter. They headed away from the bench and into the crowd, allowing Pete to lead them toward a restaurant.