Chapter 58: Threats

Chapter 58: Threats

Vex trailed the boy through Gleam, stepping from one shadow to another. It was a fairly pointless exercise, but after the pain it had taken to get into the city, he couldnt resist observing the meddling Karma Cultivators protg.

Part of him wanted to end the boy there and then, but his survival instincts were strong enough to realize how much of a mistake that would be. Eliminating him would take considerable effort, and Vex would have to take extra care to ensure the karma of the boys death didnt fall on him. Karma was powerful, but it wasnt all-seeing.

The more he watched the boy, the more annoyed Vex grew. There was nothing special about him. Vex tripped a large, heavily muscled cultivator with a tiny tendril of dark water as the boy passed by him, curious to see how the boy would handle the conflict.

The man cursed and spun, grabbing Chance by the shoulder. Despite his size, the movement was slow and heavy-handed. Vex could tell the boy saw it coming, but he did nothing to stop it.

Im sorry, mister. Is everything okay? Chance asked.

You tripped me.

Did I? Im sorry. I was caught up in my thoughts. I didnt mean to cause you any inconvenience. Are you okay?

What? I yeah. Of course Im fine, the man snapped, the wind dropping from his sails. Watch where youre going.

Ill make sure to pay more attention. Sorry for the bother.

It doesnt matter anymore, the man said, trudging away.

Vex shook his head. Taking blame for something he hadnt even done without an instant of hesitation. The kid was a coward. He just couldnt see what the Karma Cultivator saw in him. In the end, it didnt matter. The boy would be dealt with but not before Bella.

A tingle ran down Vexs spine. He bared his teeth, a tiny flicker of white in the darkness. Nobody stole from him and got away with it. Bella had already lived several stolen months. It was time for him to reclaim them.

He dismissed his cloak of shadows and prepared to step from the alley. A cold hand fell on his shoulder, and a stillness passed over Vex. A powerful chill washed down his back, making his hair stand on end in a way that it hadnt in hundreds of years.

You, Vex snarled, batting the hand away and spinning around. He already knew who it was nobody else had snuck up on him in recent years.

Yamish floated in the alley before him, streamers of black and golden light twisting around his arms. The Karma Cultivator cocked his head to the side.

I believe you were instructed to keep your distance from my student.

You dont own the city, Vex said. And youre just a will fragment. If you interfere, Ill crush you. This isnt the same as the last time we met.

Yamishs lips parted in a grin, revealing pointed teeth. Perhaps. And then you would be struck down by my true self for the great Karma you would incur upon killing me. A true body in exchange for a clone. A fair trade, I think.

Black water roiled at Vexs feet. It bubbled up around him, the watery tendrils ripping through the stone around them and leaving jagged furrows behind. Yamish watched idly, completely unperturbed by the other mans tantrum.

Very well. Ill leave the boy alone, Vex said. Hes worthless. But I will not be denied what I have already paid for. The girl is mine.

He turned, moving to walk out of the alley. The world spun around Vex, and he found himself standing to face Yamish once again.

We have not finished our conversation, Yamish said, interlacing his fingers. Sit down.

Ill do nothing

And if I did? Those who dare stand against me deserve nothing more. I would show no mercy to anyone that dares disrespect my strength.

I think, Yamish said, placing a finger on his chin, that you are a pathetic man. Any cultivator who would stoop low enough to crush out a tiny spark just because it has irked them is no cultivator in my eyes. You are a bitter, sallow sack of flesh.

Is this how you typically converse? Vex drawled. Because I dont believe it to be very productive. I was unaware that Karma Cultivators enjoy spending their time forcing others to listen to worthless insults.

No insults. I only speak the truth, Yamish said. But, if the girl has a life debt, it would indeed establish bad Karma if I interfered.

Im glad were on the same page. Release me, then. Our business is over.

Unfortunately, Yamish continued, ignoring Vex completely, I have taken more of a liking to my student than you seem to believe. He would be upset if you killed the girl without giving her a fair chance.

Vex blinked. What? Are you asking me to spare her because you dont want the boy to be sad? And you think Ill just do as you ask? How arrogant are you?

Infinitely so, Yamish replied. But I did not say spare. I do not care nearly that much. I simply require a fighting chance.

There is no universe in which she could survive a fight against me, Vex said. It is impossible for her to have a chance.

I see, Yamish said. Very well. Enjoy your time in gleam.

Yamish turned, floating toward the dark end of the alleyway. The stone bindings covering Vex didnt budge.

You havent released me, Vex said.

I was not the one holding you captive, Yamish reminded. You will have to take your complaint up with the city. Unfortunately for you, I believe it likes the boy far more than I. You might be here for a few dozen years. It has a nigh endless source of Essence.

Vexs eyes widened. Wait!

Yamish turned to look back at Vex. Yes? I was under the impression you no longer wanted to speak.

Youre a bastard. What do you want from me?

Want? I want for nothing. The universe delivers unto me all of my desires before I know them, Yamish said. And you are the instrument of my next movement in this game. You will aid me in my goals. In doing so, you may find that your own are also accomplished.

Vex spat on the ground. Frilly words do little to hide that youre asking me to do your bidding. Do you truly believe you can hold me here if I do not wish to be held? Karma be damned, I am no mere pawn. Push me farther, and Ill kill you, Karma be damned.

Your words would be more intimidating if you were not bound in rock.

I am allowing myself to be held for the time being, Vex growled. Do not confuse my desire to avoid a massive fight with complacency.

Yamish smiled. I confuse nothing, even if you overestimate your abilities. For the time being, I believe our goals may line up. If this is the case, as I previously mentioned, we may both be able to achieve what we desire. Of course, you have no obligation to hear me out. Just be aware that I guard my investments very closely. Misstep, and we will have a true problem. Our cordial conversation is over. If you wish to treat with me, then say such.

The stone covering Vex released him. Water rushed up to catch him, righting the man before he could fall. It slipped up through his pant legs and vanished. Vex glowered at Yamish.

Speak, Vex said, crossing his arms. I will hear you out.