Chapter 66: Ocie

Chapter 66: Ocie

The way you say talk makes me think theres something in particular youve got in mind, Chance said, exchanging a glance with Bella. Go ahead, though.

While Yamish may have bound us, I have no plans of sacrificing large portions of my cultivation for you. The chances of a human gaining enough enlightenment to become immortal are astronomically small. However, I have no lifespan. The drawback is that I cultivate much, much slower than you do.

Oh, thats fine. Chance shrugged. I wasnt really expecting any of your cultivation or whatever. Besides, we arent cultivating the same thing. Im following the path of Good Karma, and youre well, everything. What use would me taking away from your work even do?

The rocky face of the Old City twitched in a remarkably human manner. Bella stared at Chance like hed just tried to swallow a live rat.

What? Chance asked.

Inanimate objects that gain awareness and seek to reach enlightenment without following a specific path essentially have pure Essence, Bella explained. Very, very concentrated pure Essence. Just think about how much energy it must have taken for an entire city the size of Gleam to gain a personality. Even a small portion of that power could give you an enormous boost in strength.

Oh. Thats why all the cultivators would have wanted the Old City! Chance exclaimed. Guess thats why Yamish was eyeing you too.

Exactly, the Old City said with a nod. Which is why I needed to address it now. As we are bond, you may have the temptation to draw energy out of me.

Nah, dont worry about it. Chance waved a hand dismissively. I really dont need your Essence. Keep all of it. Really, Im just glad that everything worked out with Yamish. Cant you just I dont know, keep cultivating and doing whatever you were doing?

The Old City cocked its head to the side. What?

You know. You were cultivating before we met, werent you? Just keep doing that.

You dont want anything?

Ive already got my urumi, Chance said, patting the bracelet on his wrist. And I dont like the idea of having to rely on other peoples power to get stronger, especially if it means stealing it. You do your thing and Ill do mine.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Bella started to laugh as the Old City fell silent, watching him with empty eyes. Chance frowned.


I think youre the only person in the history of Centurion that would voluntarily reject a fast track through the ranks. Just a tiny amount of power probably would have boosted you all the way up to Baron or even Earl.

Yeah, but it wouldnt have been my power. Chance crossed his arms. And that doesnt feel right. If you have to steal from others just to get powerful, then you arent really that powerful yourself. Youre just using a bunch of crutches. It would go against my path. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?

The Old City slowly shook its head. Not at the moment.

Great. Glad we got that settled, Chance said. By the way, we really need a better name for you, especially if youre going to be talking to me frequently. I cant keep thinking of you as the Old City.

I am the Old City.

Yeah, but thats too wordy. What about Ocie?

Chance nodded, and the two of them fell silent. The rest of the trip to the wooden walls only took a little less than an hour, and the two travelers soon found themselves standing in front of a quaint log gate.

It was just large enough for a large wagon to pass through. Compared to Gleams towering entrance, it was almost funny. Two guards manned the gate from the wall above, each carrying a plain metal spear and wearing a mixture of metal and leather armor.

Ho there, travelers! one of the men called down, raising his spear in greeting. Any news of interest?

Nothing too catching, Bella called back. Weve been camping out in the forest for the past few weeks. Nothing there but the wind.

Both guards crinkled their faces in disappointment.

Figures. Dont let us keep you, then. If youve been in the forest for weeks, take a bath before the rest of us are forced to smell it.

The other guard chuckled and waved them through. The inside of the town looked exactly how Chance had expected it to. Old, cobbled streets ran in straight lines down the city, all branching off from the main one.

Along them were single story houses, with a smattering of larger, two story ones that were mostly clustered around what seemed to be the center of the town. Lanterns dangled from metal hooks along the roads, though they were all unlit as the sun still hung high in the air above them.

An old sign leaning at a sharp angle near the entrance directed them toward the town circle which was, unsurprisingly, in the center of the town. The main road took them right up to it.

A few people dotted the road, but nobody gave them a second glance. The time in the forest had done much to dirty their clothes. They hadnt been all that fancy in the first place, so the two of them fit right in with the other townsfolk.

A bath doesnt sound that bad at all, Chance said as they came to a stop in front of a long one story building. Heavy steam rose up behind it, and even from outside, Chance could feel the warmth coming from within it.

Hence why weve stopped in front of the town bathhouse rather than going straight to an inn, Bella said, pushing the door open and stepping inside. Chance followed her in.

An old woman sitting behind a small counter squinted in their direction, then smiled and gave them a friendly nod.

Welcome. It looks like youve been on the road for a while, she said. And so young, too. I hope your travels have gone well.

Nothing too exciting, Bella replied. I suppose thats for the best. How much for the two of us?

One silver for both, the woman replied. Chance went to pull his money out, but Bella had paid the woman before hed even managed to find his money. She rolled her eyes at Chances frown.

Were not going to split a silver, Bella said. Just pay for the next one.

The old woman laughed, pulling two brown towels made from some woven plant from beneath her counter. She tossed them to Bella and Chance.

Women to the left, men to the right, she said, indicating two doors on either side of the room. Were supposed to tell you to keep your stay under an hour, but it only matters if there are a lot of other people waiting. Its pretty empty today.

She winked at them.

Thanks, Chance said. Well keep that in mind. We can meet back up outside the building.

Works for me. Bella slung the towel over her shoulder and headed over to the womens side of the bathhouse. Chance left through the other door. He was used to going long stretches of time without a shower, but something about the bathhouse just seemed so much more fun than a normal shower.