Chapter 68: Moonlit path

Chapter 68: Moonlit path

It was a room. Chance wasnt sure what hed been expecting, but their room was probably the most stereotypical thing he could think of. There was a single, feather bed on an old frame just beneath a dusty window.

That was it. There wasnt even a desk or any form of furnishing. Just wooden walls and a place to sleep. Somehow, despite that, it didnt look uncomfortable.

Well, this is a room, Chance said.

So it is, Bella said, inspecting the bed for a moment before sitting down on the end.

Is there a reason we only got one room? Chance asked. They arent all that expensive.

Yeah. Its not safe to stay in your own room. This isnt Gleam anymore, Bella replied. People prey on travelers more than anyone else. Theres usually a bit of caution taken around newcomers since nobody knows if theyre strong cultivators, but some people are desperate enough to try anything. Nobody will care if a travelers corpse ends up in a ditch, so were prime targets.

Seriously? In a place like this? It seems so nice!

And dont forget it. It looks nice, and Im sure its not all bad, but the world outside the Scholar Cities is deadly. Supplies are limited and people will do anything for an edge up. We have to be a lot more careful out here.

Understood. Ill try to keep that in mind, Chance said with a small frown. Its just sad to hear. Is everywhere outside the cities like that?

Im no expert. Maybe not, Bella admitted. But every Ive been has, and Ive been here. Well rest until the middle of the night and set off. That should throw off anyone who might have been planning to tail us. You can sleep or cultivate first. Ill keep watch, and we can swap later.

Thanks. Wake me up whenever you get tired, Chance said, sitting down on the bed and scooting back to cross his legs. He leaned against the wall and let his eyes drift shut as he tuned out the outside world and focused on Karma and the vision hed had of the massive golden man.

Time passed quickly as he contemplated his path. Before he knew it, Bella was gently shaking him awake. Chance blinked, coming back into the real world.

Wow, that was fast. I barely realized any time passed, Chance said. The sky through the window was dark. Several hours had just slipped away from him.

Yeah. You looked so invested that I almost didnt want to bother you, Bella said with a quiet laugh.

Chance uncrossed his legs and stood up, stretching to get the blood flowing again. How long did we want to wait before I get you again?

Lets do about four hours, Bella replied. Wake me up if anything happens.

Chance nodded and she closed her eyes to meditate. After making sure that the door was closed and locked, Chance moved to look out the window at the town. The sun was already starting to set, casting it in hues of orange.

The quaint wood walls looked black in the evening lighting. It could have just been any normal village back on Earth if not for the purple hues saturating the sky. Even though they were on the run, a sense of peace washed over Chance.

There was something about Centurion that just felt right. He sent another silent thank you to Bob. It was hard to imagine what would have happened hed never met the man, but he would be forever grateful that he did.

Those looked like torches, Chance whispered. The bandits are just set up along the side of the road? I thought theyd be hiding!

So did I, Bella muttered, crawling back up to the top of the hill and squinting down at the lights. But thats a camp all right. Looks like at least twenty people. Maybe more.

Can we sneak past them?

Probably. Well just have to get off the road a little.

Chance crawled up beside Bella and squinted at the camp. He could just barely make out the forms of people walking around in it. A large log in the center of the camp caught his eye. Several lumps laid around its base, connected to it with what looked to be thick ropes.

Whats that thing? Chance asked.

Im not sure, Bella replied. Maybe a marker?

One of the lumps twitched. Chance froze, staring as hard as he could to try to make out any details. The lump moved again and a low hiss escaped his mouth.

Shit. I think those are people tied to the log.

Bella cursed. They glanced at each other, but no words needed to be said. There was going to be a change of plans. Avoiding the bandit camp was no longer an option.

I realize I should have asked this earlier, but what exactly can you do with your path? Chance asked.

Its mostly defensive, but I have some basic healing abilities as well. Im pretty sure Ill eventually be able to do a lot more offensive stuff, but itll be a while. Thats the drawback of getting started following my own path so late.

Can you protect other people?

Bella waggled a hand back and forth. Not well enough to rely on. My strongest abilities are ones that work on myself right now.

Okay. Ill be the distraction, then. You try to get everyone out, then help me after. Im sure a fair number of bandits will try to interfere with you freeing the prisoners, so our best chance is to try to split their forces.

Are you sure? Bella asked. Youve only been cultivating for a few months, Chance.

They arent cultivators, right?

Some of them might be, but I doubt a large group of cultivators would be sitting around preying on the outskirts of civilization. There are much better ways to use your powers.

Then this will be more than fine, Chance replied with a grin. Essence snaked around his chest, then dispersed into a fine golden mist around him. After all, Im lucky.