Chapter 71: Competitors

Chapter 71: Competitors

A flash of white light filled a large tent. When it faded, Chance and Bella stood where it had been. Across from them, perched upon a wooden stool, was an elderly man wearing spectacles and holding a long sheet of paper.

Names? he asked while Chance glanced around the room.

Bella, Bella said, pointing at herself. She poked Chance in the chest. Chance.

Non-cultivators to the exit on the left. He jotted their names down on the paper.

Were cultivators, Bella said.

The old man blinked. He glanced up at them, adjusting his spectacles, then just shrugged. Exit on the right. Move quickly, or another arrival might show up inside you. Thats never a pretty sight.

They quickly stepped off the stone circle and headed in the direction the man had indicated. Stepping out of the tent, they emerged into a sunny field. Wisps of white trailed along the ground, moving slowly past them. It took Chance a moment to realize that they were clouds.

Wooden posts made a rough path away from the tent and over to what looked to be a waiting area. Dozens of chairs had been set out, but only a few had been taken. Several men wearing robes that matched Ishtas stood around the area. On the other side of the tent, presumably accessed by the other exit, was a massive crowd. There must have been hundreds of people, all packed into long lines leading off to another section of the field.

Far in the distance, a massive city rose over the horizon. It wasnt nearly as big as Gleam, but its walls still towered over everything.

Not that many cultivators, Chance observed, swiping his hand through a misty cloud. It was colder than hed been expecting. He grimaced, wiping his hand dry on his pants.

Our test will probably be harder, but it cant be worse waiting in a line that long, Bella said. They made their way down their marked path, walking up to a Dancing Cloud sect member standing at the entrance of the rest area.

He gave them a warm smile as they approached. Youre both cultivators?

We are, Bella said. Not too many others in the group. Are there going to be enough for you to do the test?

Oh, that should be no problem. Well fill in the empty slots with volunteers from the sect if we need to, the man said with a dismissive wave. Just a reminder, this test will not be safe. Youre both a bit young. Are you sure youre confident about this?

You cant tell us what it is, can you? Chance asked.

The sect member shook his head. Afraid not. That removes the equal playing field.

Ah well. Were still doing it.

Then feel free to find a seat amongst the other cultivators. Fighting before the trial starts is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate disqualification. You got here at a good time. We should be getting started quite shortly.

He waved them onward into the small seating area. The chairs had been arranged in a square, making it impossible not to make eye contact with the other cultivators that had made it there before them.

Including Chance and Bella, there were only five people waiting for the trial to start. A girl roughly their age sat in the center of one of the rows, a cloak covering her hair. She carried no weapons, but her face was twisted in a sneer.

The other two cultivators sat in the row to her left. One was stocky and his skin tanned from years of hard work in the fields, while the other was just about as close to average as one could have gotten. He was a little taller than Chance, with dirty blonde hair and dull brown eyes. If there had been a crowd, he would have been practically invisible.

Chance and Bella sat down in the row opposite the dour-faced girl.

Not a lot of people here, Chance said. You think they all already tested?

Its more likely that there arent that many cultivators applying, Bella replied. Especially outside of the scholar cities, cultivators are in very high demand.

Chance nodded. He absently reached into his case, cracking it open just enough to slide one of the vials of lower quality cultivation aids out. He concealed it behind his palm as he tossed several of the pills into his mouth.

Bella shook her head as he swallowed. Im never not going to be jealous about that.

Youve got a little mud on your face, Chance said, digging through his pockets. You might want to clean that off. I think Ive got a ah! Here it is.

He took a handkerchief out and offered it to her. The girl stared at him, then snatched the small piece of cloth from his hands. She stomped back over to her chair and sat down, pointedly not looking in their direction.

That was weird, Chance muttered, sitting back down beside Bella. He felt a little bad about humiliating the girl, but it was better than an all-out fight.

The large man stood and scooted over to sit a few chairs over from Chance. He mentally prepared himself, but the man just gave him a small nod.

Nice moves. Youre trained.

I really didnt do anything. The ground was just a little wet from all the clouds up here.

The man chuckled. Be humble if you want. I recognize that style of fighting, even if its fallen out of style. I havent seen drunken martial arts in years, but its not a sight you can easily forget.

Chance rubbed the back of his head and gave the man a small grin. Well, thank you. Ive still got a lot to learn.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot, the man said. Names James. What brings you and the lass to apply to Dancing Cloud?

Mostly just travel. It seemed like a good way to look around without any major drawbacks.

Travel? James eyebrows rose and he shook his head in disbelief. He lowered his voice before speaking again. Id find a different excuse if I were you. Nobody joins a sect just to travel. Not cultivators, at least. The trials are too intensive and the chances of getting injured are high. You only do this if youre on the Path.

Arent we all on the path?

Big P, James said with a chuckle. The pursuit of Essence and the desire to get as powerful as we possibly can, for whatever reason it is that drives us. Its pretty clear you had some serious training. Youre not just from some backwater village.

Weve been in the woods for a bit. Lots of training there.

Im sure. Dont worry, Im not pressing because I care. Just some friendly advice. James gave him a half-shrug. Good luck with the trial, though. Ive done a few before, and none of them are easy. Im aiming to actually make it this time.

Good luck to you as well, Chance said. Do you know what trials normally entail?

Fighting, James said with a chuckle. Sometimes a test of how far along your cultivation path you are. Maybe some sort of fancy test, but it usually just boils down to being stronger than everyone else.

Huh. Fair enough, Chance said, rubbing his chin. Youve survived the other trials youve done, then. Wouldnt that make you pretty strong? Why havent you joined a Sect yet?

James shrugged. Havent found one Ive liked much yet. Maybe this time itll be different.

Good luck to you as well, then, Chance said. I hope you get in.

You realize were competing, right?

It was Chances turn to shrug. I dont mind. Ive come to learn things are a lot more fun when everyone is putting in their best.

So they are. James pushed himself back to his feet, giving Chance a curious glance before inclining his head and striding back over to his chair beside the other man.

The girl was still glaring in his direction, but shed wiped most of the mud off her face with the handkerchief. Chance smiled at her, which only served to make her features tighten even further.

Whoopsie. Really screwed that one. She didnt seem very nice anyway, though. Better this than wasting Bellas time when shes trying to cultivate.

And so, with most of the introductions already inadvertently out of the way, Chance had nothing better to do but cultivate. He cycled the Essence flowing through his Gate, crossing his legs and leaning back and waiting for the trial to get started.