Chapter 80: & Announcement: Cultivation

Chapter 80: & Announcement: Cultivation

Bella trailed off and fell silent. Her hands tightened on the sheets at her sides, bunching them up. Chance waited for a few seconds to see if she would say anything else, but she didnt. He let a few moments pass before speaking.

What happened next? Chance asked softly.

I failed, Bella replied. I wasnt strong enough to keep from passing out. My dad died next to me, and I found my mothers corpse outside the door when I woke up.

You cant blame yourself for that. You were a kid!

I know that, Bella said, her eyes firmly fixed on the wooden floor. But I could have saved them nonetheless.

The person that showed up it was Vex, wasnt it? Chance asked.

Bella nodded. Yes. It took me far longer than it should have to realize that he was the one that actually killed my parents, and that the other cultivator that had been fighting was probably my mom trying to stop him from attacking the village. He must have convinced her that hed fled or was defeated, then followed her back to our house.

What a piece of shit. Chance put a hand on Bellas shoulder. None of that is your fault, though. Expecting a child to be able to do anything against a cultivator of that strength is ridiculous. Its not fair to yourself.

Except that, if I hadnt taken Vexs offer, I probably could have used my Essence to save them. Preservation, remember?

Did you know you had it at the time?

Bella gave a small shrug. Not really. I hadnt started cultivating yet, but people can gain access to their abilities early if theyre in a life or death situation. By taking Vexs deal, I ensured I wouldnt be able to save them.

Which is probably why he offered it, Chance said firmly. Vex looks like he actively tries to hurt people. There was no reason for him to ever even offer you that deal. If he had the power to save your parents, he would have. You were manipulated. It would have happened to anyone.

Bella finally peeled her eyes away from the ground. She gave Chance a small smile. Thanks. It feels a little better now that Ive actually told someone about it. Now that Ive put everything into words, they feel a bit stupid. It is pretty ridiculous to hold yourself accountable for something like that.

Nobody said feelings are rational. But what happened next? I dont understand why Vex kept you around.

Bella grimaced. Im not sure about that part myself. He spent some time training me, then got me into Gleam and basically vanished aside from periodic checkups. It was like hed gotten bored, but he wanted to make sure he could keep screwing my life up in case it ever got better.

Does he cultivate being an asshole?This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

A snort of laughter slipped out of Bellas lips. Honestly, maybe. It would fit. He never actually told me what his Essence was, but that cant be too far from it.

Well, whatever it is, well deal with him eventually, Chance promised. He took his hand off Bellas shoulder and rose to his feet. He walked over to the window and nodded out it. Look how far youve come. Before long, well be more than strong enough to kill Vex and avenge your parents.

Bella joined Chance. They stood quietly for a while. Bella finally nodded, setting her jaw in determination before turning away from the window and heading back over to her side of the room. Youre right. Thanks, Chance. Im glad I ran into you. I dont know what would have happened if I didnt.

A grin crossed Chances lips. I guess you can call it luck.

Bella rolled her eyes. Thats going to get old at some point. Im feeling a bit motivated right now, though. Unless you want to go do another job, Im going to get some cultivation in.

He stepped out into the sunlight, wincing slightly and raising a hand to block his eyes.

I wonder what day it is, Chance said to himself. The sun was directly overhead, so it had been at least a night. He suspected it was probably longer, but by how much he wasnt sure.

He shrugged to himself and headed off, wandering through the city. A thin cloak of golden mist trailed him as he called on his Essence. Chance closed his eyes and walked at random, taking turns whenever the fancy struck him.

After around ten minutes of walking, he opened his eyes again. Hed made his way into a small square, surrounded on all sides by tall stone buildings. Several small food stalls had been set up along their edges, and the center of the square was full of tables. A dozen men and women sat at them, talking and eating.

Chance grinned and chose one of the stalls at random. He walked up to it and got into the short line. It only took a minute until he was standing before a cheerful looking man wearing a stained apron. His ears stuck up on either side of his floppy chefs hat, tapering to long points.

Young one, you are, the chef said, giving Chance a once-over. Need more meat on your bones. You come to the right place.

Thats what I was hoping, Chance said. Uh do you take gold? I dont have any contribution points on me.

The chef slapped the wooden counter. No pay! You are too skinny.

He grabbed a round loaf of bread from a large basket and slapped it down. A serrated knife leapt to his hands and he carved the top of the bread open, expertly removing its center before pouring a thick, brown stew into it from a pot. He plopped a wooden spoon into it, then slid it over to Chance.

Oh, wow. Thank you! Chance said, taking the bowl. He paused, then pulled a gold coin out and handed it to the chef.

The man shook his head firmly. No pay.

Not pay. A tip.

A grin passed over the chefs face and he inclined his head, taking the coin and slipping it into a pocket. Chance picked the bowl of bread up and tasted the stew. His eyes lit up and it took a significant amount of willpower to keep himself from shoveling the rest of it into his gullet.

This is fantastic! Could I buy another?

That good, eh? the chef chuckled and gave him a knowing grin. Its more filling than you think!

Oh, not for me, Chance said. For a friend.

The cook wordlessly prepared a second bowl and pushed it over the counter. Chance went for his pockets and the chef shot him a sharp look, narrowing his eyes to slits and pointing his knife at him.


Chance raised his hand with a laugh. Okay, okay. Thank you.

Eat well. Come back.

I will, and Ill bring my friend, Chance promised. He took the second bowl of stew and jogged back off toward their rooms, using his luck to retrace his steps.