Chapter 95: Pissed

Chapter 95: Pissed

Chance drifted back into consciousness. His entire body ached as if hed managed to activate every single one of his muscles and work them until they were Jell-O. A soft, warm pillow propped his head up.

Strength gradually slipped back into his body and his eyes fluttered open, discovering that his pillow was actually Bellas lap. She peered down at him, her face creased with concern. Chance? Are you awake?

Yeah. His answer came out gummy and thick. Chance grimaced and worked his lips, trying to bring some more sensation back into them. Is the thing dead?

Bella nodded. You killed it, as far as I can tell. Its body just faded away and the uneasy feeling that this island was giving off is gone.

Chance let out a sigh of relief. Good. I dont know what that was, but I never want to see it again. What about you? Are you okay?

Bella paused for a moment, then nodded through a shudder. Yes. You stopped it before it could break through the last of my defenses. I dont want to think about what would have happened if you hadnt. I felt so helpless. Did you see all those faces inside it?

I think it trapped the souls of people it killed somehow, Chance said. More strength returned to his words as he spoke. It was evil. Really evil. Somehow, it had obscured its Karma. I didnt realize that was possible.

I guess anything is possible. Its a big universe, Bella said, her gaze shifting toward the sky. One of her hands idly ran through Chances hair, but she didnt even seem to notice her own action and Chance wasnt about to point it out.

It feels nice, actually.

They sat there for several minutes, staring up at the night sky in silence. There were dozens of things that Chance wanted to speak about and he knew that Bella felt the same, but neither of them seemed to be able to find the proper words to speak and so, they didnt.

Bella suddenly seemed to become aware of what her hand was doing. She froze, suddenly going stiff. A few moments passed. Then, slowly, she let her fingers weave through his hair again.

How did you do it? Bella asked softly.

Do what?Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Resist the fear. I couldnt move at all. It was like reliving every mistake Ive ever made, magnified by a thousand. I was so confident that I was going to die. How did you resist that?

Chance didnt reply for several breaths. I didnt.

What do you mean?

I dont think anyone can resist something like that. I mean, Im sure Yamish or someone at his level could, but were nowhere near that. I was terrified too. If Id tried to resist it, I would have failed.

Then how did you fight against it? Bella asked, finally turning away from the sky to look back down at Chance. Her hair fell around her face over him, framing it against the sky.

I accepted it. The fear wasnt something I could handle, so I just acknowledged that it was beyond anything I could shoulder myself so I released the feeling.

How can you do that? Feelings arent logic. You cant just decide to ignore them.

I guess it wasnt just ignoring it, Chance admitted. It just didnt feel right to risk meeting the end of everything weve done on Centurion while terrified. There have been a lot of terrifying things that happened since I got here, but I wouldnt trade any of it for a second. I feel like Ive lived more in the last few months than I ever did on Earth, and I was thankful for that. So, when it all came down to it, I wanted to make sure I met my death feeling the way I had throughout all my time here, not just the last few moments.

You make it sound so easy. Bella let out a quiet laugh and shook her head. Maybe I should have known that would be your answer, though. Sometimes, I wonder if youre a genius or just completely insane. Maybe a bit of both.

Right now, I think Im just comfortable, Chance muttered through a yawn.

Bella burst into laughter and ruffled his hair. She pushed the strands away from his eyes and sighed. I think youve earned a rest. Im going to need to catch up with you again now. Just when were on even footing, you rank up to Knight and leave me behind.

Im sure youll catch up soon enough. Chance blinked heavily, then let his eyes shut again.

I can afford to take a few minutes to rest. My arms feel like theyre going to fall off if I try to lift them. Just a few minutes

His breathing slowed and he relaxed, slipping into the waiting embrace of sleep.


We do? Ocie asked.

Why didnt you help us fight that monster? Chance asked. I thought we were supposed to be a team, but you were about to let Bella die. What if I hadnt managed to defeat it in time? A second of difference and she could have been dead!

Ocies carved features were unreadable, but its shoulders lowered slightly in disappointment. Chance wasnt sure if he could read that as shame, as several fingers all fell off a moment later and Ocie had to grab one of its ears before it could slide down its neck and onto its chest.

I couldnt help you.

Whats that mean? Bella asked with a frown. Youre Gleam. Did Yamish say you couldnt help Chance or something like that?

No, Ocie said. It fell silent. Chance and Bella both stared at it, waiting for an answer. Finally, it let out a rumble. I didnt want to die.

You mean that thing was a threat to you as well? Bellas eyebrows rose. How strong was it?

It was from a group of monsters called Essence Eaters, Ocie said. And that particular one ate Karma. Youre right to be surprised. There arent many creatures that can seriously injure me, and there are even fewer that are technically weaker than I and still have the strength to give me pause. Essence Eaters are one of them. They are beyond deadly, especially for a sentient object such as me. It could have drained me of all my power.

Apt name, Bella said with a shudder. It was horrible.

And we could have died too, Chance pressed. Bella nearly did. Were you at more risk from it than we were?

Ocie shifted its stance. Not more effective, but equally effective. Normal cultivators at or even a little bit above your level pose little threat to me, but this was just as deadly as Yamish. I did not want to die.

And you think Bella did? Chance demanded. I understand your desire to live. Thats why I did everything I could to help you with Yamish. But were supposed to be a team, arent we?

I am

Not more important than Bella. Nor is she more important than you, Chance interrupted. I would have fought just as hard to protect you if youd been in danger, and Im sure Bella would have done the same. And yet youre willing to sit around and do nothing while she dies?

Ocie quailed under Chances verbal onslaught. Even Bella looked surprised at the scolding tone in his words, but he didnt let up.

What would you be doing right now if the Essence Eater had gotten to Bella before I stopped it? Just shrugging and going oh well, at least it wasnt me? Were supposed to be a team!

I watched over you after the fight was complete.

And after you were safe, Chance pointed out. You just said yourself that you arent scared of other normal cultivators. Teamwork takes sacrifice. If you expect us to put ourselves at risk for you, you need to do the same for us. Im not asking you to get yourself killed, but if you just stand around when someone that needs your help is about to die, I dont know if were going to be able to continue to work together.

Youd sacrifice all the potential power I could offer you in the future? Ocie asked, its head tilting to the side in befuddlement. Do you even comprehend the power I will wield, and that you will gain through me? There is a reason that Yamish himself sought me.

I want you to repeat that question to yourself and look me in the eyes while you do it, Chance said, his eyes cold. And then I want you to think about every single interaction weve ever had. Now, if I had the choice between all the power youre offering me right now and the ability to keep my friends alive, which one do you think Im going to choose?

Ocie was silent for several seconds. But my power would let you save many more in the future.

Why do I care about the future if I cant bring the people I care about with me to it?

Ocie went to respond, but Chance raised his hand.

No. Im sorry, but Im pissed at you. I dont fault you for wanting to survive, but Ive already heard your argument. Maybe you should think about it yourself before you try to explain it any more.

Ocies body crumbled away. Bella sent Chance a concerned glance.

Do you think you were too harsh on her?

No, Chance replied. It needed to hear that. I was serious about everything I said. If its just going to be self-centered, Ive got no reason to work together with it. Thats enough of this for now, though. The Essence Eater is dead. That means the island should be pretty safe to loot, right?

Bella let a smile cross her lips. Thats a really good point. It would be a shame to leave now and not see whats been waiting around for us.