Chapter 97: Imagine

Chapter 97: Imagine

Chance stood at the edge of the room next to Bella, studying the riches before them. It was impossible to know what the traps did or how long theyd been there. There was always the possibility that theyd broken down in the years and werent even a threat anymore.

It wasnt a risk that Chance wanted to take, even with his luck. He didnt want to find out that the trap was just a giant explosion that brought the island down on top of them. That would have been a fairly stupid way to trap something, but it would certainly send a message.

What should we do? Bella asked.

Maybe the things on the floor, Chance suggested after a moment of consideration. It looks like a few of them have auras as well, and theyre probably not trapped. Maybe the wires on them broke already.

Bella squinted into the room and nodded. Thats a good idea. Just be careful when walking around in there. If the weapons are trapped, then its possible there are triggers on the ground as well.

Chance grimaced. The heavy layer of dust that covered everything made it difficult to see if any of the stones beneath their feet were different from the others. If one of them had small runes on it, there was no way hed see them in time.

Both of them were well aware that there was no pressing need to take something from the armory, but theyd been searching for so long that Chance was reluctant to leave the island without something to show for it beyond a questionable ring.

That didnt mean he wanted to get himself or Bella killed for a sword that would probably end up getting sold, though. Chance rubbed his chin. There wasnt any way he could think of to get into the room and take something out without risking triggering a trap.

Maybe I should do it after all? Bella suggested. If a trap does go off, Im the most likely to survive, luck or not.

Unless its a giant hole and you fall a thousand feet down, Chance replied. Then youll be stuck down there.

Bella paled. I didnt think about that. What about Ocie? She doesnt actually get injured if that golem of hers is damaged, right? Its just controlled by Essence.

Thats a good point, actually. Chance looked at his bracelet. Im not sure if Ocie is willing to work with us right now, though.

The bracelet was still. Bella scrunched her nose in annoyance. Is she really throwing a tantrum? Isnt she the literal city of Gleam? Seems a little old for that, doesnt she?

A crack split the ground before Chances feet. He took a quick step back as stone bubbled out from within it, forming into a rocky, humanoid form. The golem straightened out to Chances height. It was Ocies closest rendition yet to a normal human, although all the features were still a little off where they should have been and its limbs were just a little too gangly.

I am not having a tantrum, Ocie ground out. Something about the way she spoke seemed off to Chance, and it took him a moment to put his finger on what it was. Her mouth moved with every word, but not in the proper shapes.

Do you want to give us a hand? Chance asked. There are some potentially useful things in here, but I saw what Im pretty sure is a trap on one of the swords, so there might be more in the room. Your body cant be injured when its in this form, can it?

Not by traps, Ocie replied with a scoff as she turned to head into the armory. I can get them.

Hold on, Chance said before the golem could step into the room. Ocies head rotated a hundred and eighty degrees to look back at him.


We dont know what kind of traps those are. What if its a poison gas or anything that reaches past the armory? Bella and I could get caught up in it as well.

Ocie crossed her arms. I can build a solid stone wall in front of the passage so nothing escapes the armory. Your idea of destroying the entire island just because theres a thief in the armory is ludicrous. Nobody would do that.

Chance and Bella exchanged a glance.

Okay, youve probably got a point, Chance admitted. Lets do that, then. Do you need me to point out the useful items?

Ocie scoffed. No. Ill just take everything down from the walls and pile it up, triggering any traps I see in the process. By the time Im done, the area will be completely safe.

Thats one way to do it, Bella said. You sure youll be okay?

Fair enough, Bella admitted. Okay, so Ocie is banned from touching any more artifacts. Should I actually just use my shirt? It wouldnt even let us bring that much more, just one or two things.

Dont do that yet, Chance said hurriedly. Theres no need for us to take all of this, is there?

Bella blinked. What do you mean?

Well, there are just two of us. I dont really have any plans of using armor or a normal sword, they dont fit my fighting style and I much prefer my urumi. The helmet isnt great for me either. I want to be able to see what Im doing.

I mean, I wouldnt need armor or a helmet either, Bella said. But thats not the point. We could sell them for a lot of gold or trade them for different artifacts.

Sure. Thats why we could take some. But we can leave some things for other people to take if they get this far too.

Bella stared at Chance. You just want to leave behind artifacts? After all this?

Well, not all of them. Wed take the ones we wanted. But do we really need two chest pieces and a bunch of swords?

What about getting the money to find your parents?

Chance frowned. I do need a lot of money for that, but if we go around carrying a ton of gear, were probably going to get attacked. Then we might have to drop everything to escape. If we just take a smaller amount, itll be easier to avoid too much attention.

Bella opened her mouth, then closed it. She looked back down to the pile of artifacts and let out a soft huff. Thats an annoyingly good point. You do realize were basically leaving behind what could be thousands of gold though, right?

Better that than losing all of it.

I could eat the rest, Ocie offered. It wont go to waste.

We should leave some for other people that come through, Chance insisted. Imagine how disappointing it would be to get to the island and go through a bunch of difficulty, only to find out that there wasnt anything here.

What difficulty? You already killed the Essence Eater.

You already got your part. We arent in a situation where we need to take everything we see and leave nothing for anyone else. Karma will pay us back.

Ocie crossed her arms. The one that had been speared snapped and fell off, cracking as it hit the ground. Ocie sighed and picked the halves back up with her free hand, pushing them back into place.

Youre just saying that because youre a Karma cultivator. What we do doesnt affect you.

Im going to follow Chances suggestion, Bella said. Hes right. Ill take the shield, then. Nothing else looks like itll be useful to me, as I dont want to wear armor or a helmet. At least a shield could synergize with my Essence.

Then Ill take the belt, Chance decided, using his shirt to pick up the belt and dropping it into his case of vials. He then wrapped his shirt around the shield and handed the package to Bella. There. I dont think youve got any good way to carry it, so well use this for now.

Thanks, Bella said, taking it from him with an embarrassed grin. She stuffed the shield into her travel bag. It didnt fully fit, but it didnt look like it would fall out anytime soon either. I didnt think wed run into anything like this or I would have brought something.

Live and learn, Chance said with a shrug. I think were done here, then. Lets head back to the tower and get off this island. Theres still a good amount of time left before the Ancient Realm closes, so maybe we can find someone that has a spare shirt and find some more things before it ends.

No complaints here, Bella said. They both looked at Ocie. The golem let out a heavy sigh.

Fine. I wont take anything else. Good luck. Ocie crumbled to pieces.

Chance chuckled. He and Bella started up the stairs, leaving the rest of the artifacts in a pile on the ground behind them.