Chapter 110: Confrontation

Chapter 110: Confrontation

Shae sat in the hard backed chair in his house, hunched over a map spread out over the table with a bitter expression on his face. His fingers drummed on his knees as he stared blankly. It barely even seemed to matter at this point.

Damn this job, Shae growled, rising to his feet and kicking the chair back. It hit the ground with a crash, but he didnt even glance back at it. Shae swept the map off the table and gritted his teeth so hard that they hurt. Rank 3 with that sort of support. I was played for a fool.

Shae stormed back and forth across the room, fuming. He could always set back off and try to track the boy down again, but whenever he glanced at the doorhandle, the Red Hands face flickered in the back of his mind and he pulled back.

I need them dead, Shae hissed. Both of them.

Passion is better spent in the field than inside, a cold voice said. Shae stumbled, spinning on his heel. A man stood behind him, his dark hair hanging low over his sullen face. Two purple voids spun where his eyes should have been, devoid of any real emotion.

Who in damnation are you? Shae barked, jumping back and calling on his Essence. Before he could bring any of it to bear, a powerful wave of force crashed down on the room. Shae grunted as he slammed down to one knee.

His teeth grit as he pushed back with all the force he could muster. It was all Shae could do to lift his gaze and that was enough to show him that the intruder wasnt even struggling. He was being toyed with.

Your resilience would probably be seen as admirable, the man said with a dispassionate sigh. But I cant be bothered to deal with it myself. Are you finished?

Who are you? Shae repeated, his shoulders trembling with exertion. The world felt like it was closing in around him. The knees of his pants grew damp as dark water started to trickle out of the floorboards.

You may call me Vex, the man said. You work for me.

Shaes brow creased. I work for the Shikari council.

And they work for me, Vex concluded. For the time being, at least. Thus, you too work for me.

The pressure bearing down on Shae vanished. The amount of resistance hed been forced to put up was so much that, once the restraints were gone, Shae launched to his feet and nearly tripped over himself. He staggered, catching the table and drawing in a sharp breath of air.

How do I know?

I dont care, Vex replied. You arent the only one Ive come to, but you were the closest to catching Chance and Bella. Thus, you have information I desire.

Shae paused. His eyes flicked down to the map that hed thrown from the table. A flat smile played across Vexs face and he nodded to the chair behind Shae. Sit.

After a moment of consideration, Shae picked the chair back up and sat down. It was clear that Vex was stronger than he was. Considerably stronger. There were only a few people in Gleam that were this powerful, and there were even fewer that he hadnt met at some point or another. For the time being, the smartest course of action would be to hear Vex out.

What do you want? Shae asked, his voice curt but polite. Showing too much weakness to powerful entities tended to result in death, but pushing back found the exact same result. There was a sweet spot to hit when talking to powerful cultivators, and Shae had been in Gleam for long enough to figure out just where it was.

A torrent of water rushed up beneath Vex, curling into a stool. Vex sat down on it and propped his foot up on the table, leaning his chin in the palm of his hand. Of everyone tracking Chance and Bella, you were the only one to grow close. Why?

Shae frowned. I dont know. Perhaps nobody else who was competent took the job.

Vex snorted. Perhaps. Nonetheless, you found them once. You can do it again. Where are they now, Shae?

Shae didnt ask how Vex knew his name. Powerful cultivators tended to know things like that, and asking was sure to net him nothing but either a knowing smile or a smirk. He bit back an irritated glare.

Even if he is, I should be able to track him down, Shae said with a shake of his head. Something obscures me. Jade is beyond me as well. I tried seeking her out as soon as I discovered that I was unable to locate Chance.

Dead, perhaps?

Its possible, Shae said with an uninterested shrug. She was not the smartest.

The young seldom are, Vex said with a knowing nod. And what of this Red Hand? Have you tried tracking him?

Shae paled. He glanced to the side and shook his head. No. I do not wish to greet my death so early. I know my limits. If I go after him, then I will die. He is far stronger than our records indicate. I have already updated the status for his bounty, but we will need a Duke ranked cultivator to handle him.

Vexs features tightened in anger. For a moment, Shae feared that he was about to get hammered with another wave of Essence. Instead, Vex let out a slow hiss and let himself relax once more.

I see, Vex said.

Relief filled Shae, but Vex wasnt finished.

I see that every single Shikari is an incompetent fool, Vex spat as he rose from his chair. You cower in the safety of your room, whining at your failure but refusing to take steps to solve it. The boy and that damnable girl still walk around, happy as can be, while dozens of so-called Shikari stumble and fail at every opportunity, getting killed in droves and completely failing to reach their targets. Am I correct?

Shae didnt respond. Answering that kind of question would almost certainly end with Vex putting a fist through his head. The crazed cultivator drew a slow breath and bared his teeth as he let it out.

No more of this game, Vex said. You have a manner to track the Red Hand?

Yes, but

Then I will go with you, Vex said. I tire of this game, and our time runs thin. I will not permit this to last any longer. I trust you feel I am strong enough to handle this cultivator you fear?

I think its more likely that Ill be killed on the trip over there.

Despite his thoughts, all Shae could do was nod. There was no refusing someone of Vexs strength.

I will simply have to report our departure, Shae said.

To his surprise, Vex nodded. Go. I will find you once you leave the city. Be prepared to hunt.

And with that, Vex collapsed into a puddle of black water and sank through the floorboards, vanishing and leaving Shae alone in the room. For several seconds, Shae didnt dare to move.

Then he slowly rose to his feet with a grimace, pushing the chair back. If Vex didnt care that he was reporting the task, then Vex almost certainly hadnt been lying. Shae wasnt sure if that was a good thing or not, though.

But, even with his misgivings, a cold smile tugged at the corner of Shaes lips. If he could manage to survive traveling with Vex, then the Red Hands reign would be over. Even he wasnt strong enough to handle Vex and Chance would fall soon after, when the Red Hand revealed the boys location.

Im sure hes got something to do with how Chance and Bella are hiding. Youll regret leaving me alive, Lin.

Shae strode out of his room, heading for the nearest Shikari Base to report his trip. For the level of danger the mission he was about to embark on held, his features were far too excited. He was greatly anticipating the look on the Red Hands face when Vex arrived at his side.