Chapter 118: Bait

Chapter 118: Bait

Just kill them, said one of the new cultivators, a man with an interwoven black beard and cold brown eyes. Their explanations dont matter. If Gleam had sent forces, then they would have sent much more than an assortment of Rank 3s.

Arlen nodded, but one of the other man raised a hand. His red hair floated around his head as if it were underwater. Chance couldnt place what it was, but there was something off about him.

The man beside him felt similarly wrong. His blonde hair hung in a low ponytail behind his head and his face almost looked peaceful despite the anger coming off all the other cultivators. There was an aura of danger that surrounded both of them that was so intense that Chance could feel it.

The girl used an artifact that was made in Gleam, the red haired man said, studying them through half-lidded eyes. Chance almost got the feeling that the man would actually collapse and fall asleep if he werent actively talking. It lends credence to their argument.

Be that as it may, Vernan, they still cannot be allowed to live, Rial said. They made a mockery of our sect. We should kill them and wipe the evidence of their passing from this land. Even if they are Shikari, Gleam would care little for their loss. They are only Rank 3s.

Chance wished he could speak with Ocie, but he had no idea where the artifact was. There was always a chance Ocie had just up and left to save herself, but Chance didnt even take that into consideration. Ocie wouldnt fail them. He just had to buy more time.

Gleam will care if you kill us, Chance said, raising his voice to be heard. Theyll care quite a bit. Theres a pretty big search out for three of us. If we die, theyre going to come looking to see what happened.

Vernan tilted his head to the side, then glanced at the blonde man at his side. The man remained quiet, either in deep contemplation or completely bored out of his mind. Chance couldnt tell which.

I vote we kill them, Arlen said, his fingers tightening around the shaft of his bow. This is both pointless and a waste of time. Gleam doesnt care about worthless cultivators like this. Their deaths will not be noticed.

I believe further investigation is warranted, Rial said. We should capture them. If their words are false, kill them after.

I vote to kill, Vernan said. They all spoke as if Chance and the others werent even there. Chance supposed that was reasonable enough. Now that they didnt have the city to hide behind, there really was absolutely nothing they could do against the cultivators before them.

They were quite literally bugs at their feet. Even a single thought from one of the Rank Six cultivators would likely be enough to kill all of them in a fell swoop.

The last cultivator that arrived, a woman with dark brown hair and rounded features that had still yet to speak, shook her head. If we bring Gleam down upon ourselves, we will not be able to survive their onslaught. Gleam cares little, but if even a sliver of the boys words is true, then the risk is far too great.

Two and two, Vernan observed. He looked to the blond man. As usual, then. What is your verdict, Lord Naveed?

Naveed didnt respond for several moments. His eyes bore into Chances like twin drills, but Chance didnt give his ground in the slightest. Every second he bought mattered. As soon as Naveed spoke, everything would be over.

If he really did have Gleams backing, then he would have nothing to fear. Chance did his best to pass that feeling across in his stance. Naveeds gaze lifted away from Chance, a small frown playing across his features.

And, in that moment, Chance knew that his bluff had been called.

Naveed opened his mouth. Then he paused. His brow furrowed and he tilted his head to the side, a flicker of confusion passing over his features.

Naveed? Vernan asked.

A wall of brown scales replaced the sky as the head of an enormous dragon burst from beneath the ground. If its head was to scale, then it must have been nearly a quarter the size of the entire Brackern sects city.

Chance didnt properly register its arrival. One second, the sky had been empty. The second, the enormous toothy maw had snapped shut around Vernan, Naveed, and the cultivator that Chance could only assume to be Timone.

An earthshaking crash filled the air and Bella rushed in front of Chance, slamming her hands to the ground and forming a thick wall of translucent crystal around them. The shockwave from the dragons arrival slammed into her Essence with such force that it cracked instantly, only barely managing to keep its form.

No, Bella said with a shake of her head. I still have mine.

And those wouldnt have been enough either, Ocie said. Have you forgotten what I am, Chance?

Chances eyes widened. You gave it yourself?

A small portion. More than what I gained from absorbing the artifacts in the Ancient Realm, but not by much, Ocie said. A piece of rubble cracked and rolled away from her damaged shoulder. As I said. Chance is a terrible influence. What sort of artifact gives away part of themselves for some worthless humans?

Chances mouth worked, but he couldnt find words. I I didnt realize

I know, Ocie said with a smirk. Your talent has never been thinking. Ive learned that much. You just believe so strongly that youre fighting for the right cause and things will go well that they do. And, this time, they did.

Thank you, Bella said, inclining her head. She looked to be at a similar loss for words, and had just settled for the simple two that could never properly encapsulate what they actually meant. You saved a lot of people today, Ocie.

Ocie grunted. People that will die in a few measly years anyway. But dont think Ive completely lost my mind. Dont you dare expect this again. This is an investment you hear? I expect payment for this, Chance. Not today. Not even this year. But I expect you to grow strong enough to actually enforce those impossible ideals of yours.

Why are you talking like youre about to die? Chance asked nervously. Are you

Ocie let out a bark of laughter. Im not that idiotic yet. I wouldnt kill myself for a city of worthless mortals. I might be asleep for some time, though.

Chances hands clenched at his sides. Thank you, Ocie. If Id known well, I guess I probably still would have asked you to do it. Im sorry.

Dont be, Ocie said, giving him a rocky grin. Its your nature. Just dont corrupt mine too much. And dont forget to get that payment for me when I wake up. I charge interest.

Ocies body rippled, then crumbled apart. They all stared at the pile of rubble in silence.

Youre insane, Jade muttered. I cant believe that actually worked. You put all of our lives on the bet that an intelligent artifact would willingly sacrifice itself?

That wasnt the plan, Chance replied, pressing his lips together. I owe Ocie now, but it sounds like Ive got some time to make it up to her. Until then, weve got a much more important thing to do.

What? Jade asked. Keep that massive dragon from eating us too?

If it wanted to eat us, it already would have, Bella said.

Chance nodded in the direction of the crumbling Brackern sect. People are definitely hurt in there because of what I just kicked off. I wont make anyone come with me, but Im going in to get healing to everyone I can.

You dont even have to ask, Bella said with a shake of her head.

Ill come too, Quinn said, speaking up for the first time in a while. She locked eyes with Chance for a moment, then bowed her head. Thank you. All of you.

Thank us after we keep more people from dying, Jade said. Lets go.

The others all nodded, and they set off toward the city at a run, working their way around the massive hole that now took up its front. Every second that passed could mean someones life. There would be time to rest once the damage to the people of the city was handled as best as they could.