Hey all! Gleam is finally out on amazon and I wanted to make a special post for it. I've really loved writing this novel and I hope you've all enjoyed reading it thus far. And check out the cover, this thing is beautiful: Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ NøvᴇlFirᴇ(.)nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.If you've enjoyed Gleam, a rating/download/review would go a MASSIVE way. I'm not joking when I say every single reader and rating goes a huge distance in helping the launch do well. As a full time author, I'd really like to continue writing Gleam, but I do need to make sure it does well enough on 'zon to justify that. Thanks again so much for reading and enjoying thus far, and cheers!