Before the world had descended into chaos, Ewan had been a fourth-generation farmer from a small town in a province...
His family's farm had been his life, and he had been known throughout the small county for his innovative techniques and the quality of his produce. He had a knack for understanding the language of the earth, knowing just when to plant and when to harvest.
However, as he was about to deliver crops to a neighboring town... His group was attacked by the Zombies. He was lucky enough to be saved by the mysterious gray fog but the rest of his team were eaten alive or even turned into zombies as well...
Now, as he stood on the new soil of his unexpected home, Ewan felt a spark of the old passion ignite within him. He saw potential in the land, a chance to bring forth life from the earth once more. He knelt, letting the soil run through his fingers, feeling its texture and its moisture as he considered what kind of crops he should plant here.
"Mhmm?" Ewan heard the ringing bell of the watchtower and tried to recall what it meant.
Yesterday, Mr. Wadsworth had informed him about the various meanings of these sounds... It could be an alarm for approaching zombies, humans, or even a natural disaster... Well, he only recalled the bell that was meant for a horde of zombies that was approaching and the one that meant for disaster should be followed by a continuous bell
It means that the sound just now was probably meant for "approaching humans" or "only a small number of zombies ahead".
This time, however, Shane approached, extending a hand in greeting. "Ewan McAllister, right? I've heard of your arrival. Welcome to Springriver Manor," Shane said, his voice warm with the hospitality of a gracious lord.
Indeed. Shane was unfazed by the ringing bell and continued his conversation with Ewan, the newly arrived farmer whose concern was etched plainly across his face.
"Sir Shane, I think we're being attacked by the zombies... I heard the bell, am I wrong?" Ewan's voice carried the weight of worry, his eyes searching Shane's for confirmation.
"You're right, Ewan. The bell signals a group of zombies, fewer than twenty, encroaching on our estate," Shane replied, his tone steady and reassuring.
"Then, shouldn't we seek shelter or arm ourselves to assist in the defense?" Ewan's hands twitched with the instinct to fight or flee.
Shane offered a calm smile and a shake of his head, a gesture that spoke volumes of the confidence he had in his people.
"Would you like to witness how we handle such threats?" he proposed, an invitation hanging in the air between them. Shane wasn't too interested in the fight since Cloud only detected Jumper Zombies... At this time, even Gene and Lucas working together would be more than enough with their Flamethrower, Guns, and Crossbows.
Clank! Clank! Clank!
The chaotic battle unfolded before Ewan's eyes... It was a brutality that he couldn't really stomach and he even wanted to vomit.
However, he knew that he had to stay strong, as he believed that there might be a day when he would have to protect himself.
"They're amazing... Their coordination is perfect." Ewan mutterd as he felt impressed by the group of elves.
All of the five elves played their part, their coordinated movements was definitely a proof of their training and their unity as a team.
The Jumper Zombies, formidable as they might be individually, were no match for the coordinated strikes of the Elven defenders.
As the last of the zombies fell, the silence that followed was profound.
Ewan exhaled, a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"This place... it's truly safe," he murmured, a newfound respect for his protectors dawning within him. He had never even heard about elves, but whatever they are, they certainly earned his respect.
Shane nodded, watching as the Elves sheathed their weapons and returned to their posts.
The Super Soldiers then came out and carried the Jumper Zombies for Shane's looting session later on.
"Safety is our priority here at Springriver Manor. You'll find that we're well-prepared for any threat," he assured Ewan, his gaze returning to the horizon, ever vigilant.
Ewan, now reassured of his safety, descended the tower with Shane, his mind already turning to the soil he would soon cultivate, the crops he would grow, and the life he would build in this sanctuary amidst the chaos of the world outside.