Chapter 60 Players Join!

Chapter 60 Players Join!

Like with the alternating of day and night, time soon passed allowing Ye Tian to achieve a lot of things

First off, under Li Xuehua and the rest persistent efforts a trace of civilization had begun to show in the new world as various tribes had begun to accept the existence of gods

With things like sacrifices, rituals and prayers adding a bit of culture to the new world, YeTian felt it would be alright to introduce players at such a time

And who knows, with their innovative thinking they might be able to bring some surprised to his world

However before that, Ye Tiqn had to complete one thing he was working on while his soul power recovers


"Pheww~ although it's been a while since I've done something like this but who knew it would take this long"

"Fortunately with this it should be enough to begin the next phase of the plan"

Hitting the last button on his computer Ye Tian sighed with satisfaction as he finally completed the site for the game New novel chapters are published on

Titled 'New world' Ye Tian posted some things about the game such as the world and how it was created by the supreme god and the seven main gods under him

An encyclopaedia on some of the various races and plants in the world and the existence of the heavenly dao or world will which served as the system manager in charge of taking care of the world and they as travellers

Also using his hacking skills which were ahead of the current blue star by a few hundred years, Ye Tian made sure it was impossible to locate him through the site

Not only that but he set several counterattack measures ready to deal with who ever tried to pry information from the site

So after doing this Ye Tian didn't stand up, rather he closed his eyes focusing on the existence of the world within him

[world level: not started (this cannot be categorised as the world as it lacks the essential rules, rather it would be best defined as a small space capable of sustaining life

However due to some unknown changes and its incredible nature it gives it the possibility to grow into the world and more]

[current soul power 500]

Taking in this information, Ye Tian wasn't to surprised after all the world seed or now the know world will had told him that the world in itself was decided in to levels

"Dimensional space, plane, small world, small thousand world, medium thousand world, great thousand world and an eternal world"

"According the world will, the universe I'm in should be a medium thousand world about be promoted to great thousand world, and the current soul world should be in between a plane and small world"

"However since my world is based on soul power and my ability it should be much easier to grow than other worlds"

"And hurry up while you're at it, I only have 500 soul power at the moment so I can only invite 50 people. Let's go around the city and find our first set of players"

Talking to kazzak, a hint of nervousness and excitement could be seen in Ye Tians eyes as he wondered just how is eventful future would play out.


City D, one of the numerous cities within the dragon country and home to variety popular forces and awakeners such as the dawn guild and the cross guild

It could be said that thanks to these two things this once random city has unknowingly become the heart of the nation as many people feel that compared to other places it should be much safer

However what they didn't know was that hidden within this densely packed city, the birth of a game that would change the blue star and maybe the would universe as they knew it was quietly being formed

"Hey kazzak I think that's the tenth one!"

Shooting another soul seed into a dying person's body, Ye Tian had this time had just invited the tenth person to join the new world

Sadly since he couldn't afford to make things like a gaming pod or virtual reality helmet at the moment, Ye Tian could only go out individually and invite people one by one to join the game

"However making sure that each of them is either on the verge of despair, suicidal or lost in thoughts of revenge is seriously slowing me down"

Feeling his current progress was too slow Ye Tian couldn't help but want to ditch his current method and just invite anybody to the game

But although he said that Ye Tian knew deep down that this was the best way

This way once they taste a bit of the benefits such as gaining strength from the game each of them would definitely drop a dependence on it making things easier for him later on

So although he complained, Ye Tian still continued with his plans, of any thing he even spent more time as he realised he had to make sure that those who were invited weren't concentrated around his neighbourhood

After all they were then it wouldn't be surprising if the next day the national security personnel started searching his neighbourhood for the mastermind

"Haha but then again even if they know it's within my neighborhood the chances are that they'd investigate me personally are too slim"

"This is especially true considering the fact that they are two other prime suspects known as Chu Ling and Mu Fan within this neighbourhood"

Chuckling lightly, Ye Tian couldn't help but laugh knowing that he had invited both of them to the new world to sever as scapegoats incase anything went wrong

"I'm sorry Chu Ling but don't worry, since you're going to be the demon queen in the future this much should be no problem for you"

"And as for you Mu Fan, didn't you always want to be the protagonist? Well here's your chance! Congratulations!"

Still laughing not a trace of regret could be heard in Ye Tians tone

However just as he was about to leave a familiar voice which he shouldn't have been able hear made his pupils dilate with disbelief

[a certain god who loves the light and to sing wonders when humans became sneaky and devious]