Chapter 107 evolution

107 evolution

"Wait a minute, I don't seem to be able to use mana yet!"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but have a headache Mana, an ubiquitous substance that appeared with the global awakening

Some call it reiki others call it mana, but all in all this was the substance that powered most extraordinary powers at the base level

In fact, back in Ye Tians previously life there used to be a popular phrase about mana

'He who wears the original glove of mana can palm the universe'

Simply put, it meant that whoever could study and control the source of mana would gain invincibility And while that might be a bit of an exaggeration since higher forms of extraordinary powers like the divine power the gods used and the demonic energy of the demons existed

This still did not retract the fact that mana was a necessity for most extraordinary items or abilities

*however whether or not mana is powerful is not the issue, rather me not being able to manipulate is the main problem here!*

Saying this in his mind Ye Tian unknowingly sighed as he couldn't believe he had forgotten such an important detail

In fact, using mana is not something particularly hard as most races in the universe know its basic manipulation methods

Heck some races are even born with the ability to manipulate it showing extraordinary strength from birth

Unfortunately, the problem was that he wasn't one of those races, rather he was a human from the blue star

And before the awakening, humans of the blue star had zero contact with mana as the blue star was completely devoid of it

Due to the current blue star humans although awakening because of mana, are unable to manipulate or store it for their own use

"But it's not like there's no way to get mana now, the issue is that if I do that then what happens next might be something even I'm not prepared for"

Murmuring under his lips Ye Tian realised he was at a dead end Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

First off, using his past life knowledge he knew that there were three ways for humans of the blue star to awaken mana

One by absorbing a mana stone like the one the clown got before, this would forcibly open up the mana veins in the body unfortunately it could also lead to death


Another is by getting someone already skilled at using mana to inject it into your body opening your mana veins And although this method and the first seem to be the same, this was a lot safer since the person doing it could at least ensure you don't die in the process And lastly using a mana technique to absorb mana in the surrounding air and unlock your mana veins smoothly

This method is not only a hundred percent success guaranteed, it is also the safest and most used in the universe

Unfortunately although Ye Tian had a few techniques in his mind, using them now would only bring suspicion to himself After all, how could a human who just experienced the awakening know a mana technique?

Could he be an alien that robbed a human's body? Can he see into the future? Could it be that he is a spy for the invaders?

Once he used a technique of unknown origin, Ye Tian knew he was bound to be suspicious, and while he wanted to gain attention and more audience members

That was the kind of attention he wanted

And that was the nature of the tower was an inanimate structure or robot in a sense

Only following a set of programs and rules that have already been ingrained in it

This meant that the tower itself or at least the part of it in charge of giving out quests was not sentient

And as for whether the liches master the one who tampered with the floor was part of the tower or some higher being who gained some control of the towers authority

For that Ye Tian was not sure, finding this out about the tower made Ye Tian feel that it was more of the latter than the former

"However, I can't be sure of which so it's best to be prepared for both or even the slim possibility it's neither and it's actually something worse"

"And to prepare for such a scenario, I need to first digest my rewards from this floor and continue to climb other floors"

Clenching his fists, Ye Tian seemed to see himself in reaching the top of the tower in the non-to-distant future

Unfortunately before he could continue to daydream the mechanical voice of the tower suddenly interrupted his thoughts

[it is detected that the trialist has completed all missions and claimed all rewards]

[congratulations trialist on clearing the first floor and becoming an official climber]

[transporting you to your personal waiting room]

Saying this the tower didn't give Ye Tian an opportunity to object before teleporting him directly out of the first floor

........ [Personal waiting room]

"Damn! No matter how many times this happens I don't think I can get used to this forceful teleportation"

Placing his right palm on his forehead, Ye Tian couldn't help but sway a bit as he felt a bit drowsy from the teleportation just now

Luckily, thanks to his strong physique he quickly shook it off before examining his current surroundings "Hmm lets see, not too big and not too small"

"Completely white surroundings a small bed a table and a chair, and a strange smell in the air that seems to be restoring my fatigue"

Taking a look at the familiar waiting room, Ye Tian sighed at its lack of aesthetics All white? If someone had told him this was a ward for mental patients Ye Tian would believe it Fortunately, Ye Tian knew that once the tower store opened he could spend a few points to customise his space

"Oh that reminds me, neither the next floor, the tower store, or a whole lot of other options would be unlocked till everyone clears the first floor"

"Sigh.., what am I going to do till then? It's not like brought any video games to the tower"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian decided to sleep till the others finished the first floor

"Tower, shutdown live broadcast and wake me up once the first floor is over"

Saying this, Ye Tian went to bed and immediately fell at sleep

It seemed that unknowingly he had built up a large amount of fatigue And