Chapter 116 Exposed!

116 Exposed!

"So here finally here human"

Entering the throne room, the first thing that came into Ye Tians hear was a voice filled with bored and laziness

Obviously, just like Ye Tians guess, the goblin Lord had already expected him to come

sitting on a huge 15 metre throne, the goblin Lord dressed in along leather robe adorned in all kind of monster skulls dangling on his neck sat there with an arm under his chin as he looked at Ye Tian with both a hint of interest and boredom in his gaze

And Ye Tian seeing this, Knew that sneaking around was definitely not going to work so he decided to face the goblin Lord head-on

Taking a quick glance at the goblin Lord who was looking at him with interest, Ye Tian just cleared his throat as he too decided to put on a straight face as they started this conversation

Seizing up each other with their eyes, it was obvious no side wanted to take a step back

"Let me guess, it was those guys that told you I was coming"

"Apart from them, I can't think of anywhere you would have learnt of my existence."

"This is especially true considering the fact that although you might not want to admit it, but you're also a prisoner of this dungeon" said Ye Tian as he stared directly into the goblin Lords eyes

In fact, just now while Ye Tuan was wondering how the goblin Lord knew of his plans, he suddenly remembered the gazes he felt on him and Apollo back when they had just approached the village

Thinking of the hundreds of eyes he felt on him, it wasn't surprising that they already knew of his existence

Plus according to him and Apollos guess, Suzaku and a few others might have broken part if not all of their seals allowing them to interfere with the outside world

And if this was true, then things such like passing information to the goblin Lord who sat at the literal entrance of their prison couldn't have been easier

However, even hearing all this the goblin Lord still didn't say anything to Ye Tian, rather he started chanting some unintelligible words from his mouth

Words that even Ye Tian in his over thousand years of living in his past life had never heard before

"Zarathalon krythar shandor, vythara luminescentis, translatum corexium."

One by one, not giving Ye Tian a chance to react, as the goblin Lord spoke the surrounding environment suddenly became gray as off all colour had been drained from it


Even he who cast the spell and Ye Tian in front of him seemed to be affected by it as their current selves whereas if they were transported to a black-and-white movie world

Noticing this change, the goblin Lord who had been quite all this while suddenly spoke up

speaking of the goblins graveyard, the goblin Lord had a serious expression on his face, obviously this was a serious matter to him

However, Ye Tian who was still in shock by everything had just happened, finally came back to his senses

It just that hearing the goblin Lords condition, Ye Tian couldn't help but hesitate as neither of those two names corresponded to any place that he had gone in his past life

*Damn! What is actually going on!*

*Not only is does he know I'm from another timeline, but he seems to have known that I would come here without the help of those guys trapped in the inner dungeon*

*If anything, this goblin Lord is most likely a split of some ancient existence in the universe, and the goblin Lord is just a model for it just like Apollo in the lyre*

Calming himself down, Ye Tian began to slowly analyse the situation in his mind trying to figure out what to do next

And in doing this, a question suddenly crossed his mind

*wait a minute, if this is some all powerful being then why can't he go there and revive the goblin God by himself?*

*if he can't, that can only mean his either trapped or restricted somewhere limiting his influence*

*in fact, it wouldn't be surprising if he was the now dead goblin god, after all beings at their level it wouldn't be surprising to leave or one or two back hands to ensure their revival in the future*

*If that's the case, then what's happening now suddenly makes a lot of sense tho that doesn't mean I can trust him*

Saying this in his mind, Ye Tian suddenly calmed down after realising his current situation might not be as dangerous as he thought

If anything, if he played his cards right then not only would he be able to seal Suzaku and leave the dungeon safely, but he might gain some knowledge about the past universe that he had no idea about

This was also not counting the fact that the goblin Lord in from of him had already agreed to erase all traces of time travel from him which was a major hidden danger

All in all, this encounter can already be described as a major win for him

Thinking of this, with a relaxed expression on his face, to the goblin Lords surprise Ye Tian agreed to his conditions without too much hesitation

"Fine, I agree. But before anything if like to ask for a few favours and a few questions"

"And don't worry it's nothing to serious, after all both of us need each others help at the moment"

Regarding his earlier confident expression, Ye Tian had a slight smile at the corner of his lips as his said this to the towering goblin Lord in front of him

Once again the momentum of both sides had reached a level playing field with both of them smiling each other not caring for the other.