The Cold mask is an artifact that can boost Awakener's ability in true, but that's also false– it's an artifact that'll concentrate all the power in the body at once, and the said Awakener will be able to utilize everything without care to the body.
It also blocks pain and mental distraction, the boost it gives in added mana is very small.
No matter who you are, you won't be able to do anything once the duration of using the mask passes; you'll be as powerless as a newborn.
It's also so expensive that not many people bother with it; what's the use of something that'll leave you helpless afterward?
Temur didn't care about all of that; immediately, he put on the mask, and his mind cleared as pain and other distractions he didn't know existed faded away.
The only thing on his mind was what he wanted– to Beat Arkin and get the information he wanted. Everything thing else didn't exist, the spell on him lifted with a small pop.
And do they go at it?
The two of them clashed again in the middle of the room, a blur of black and red, causing a shockwave that ate into the stone and sent pieces flying; their hand smacked into each other with bone-shaking force.
Arkin was no longer laughing. Temur was already an impressive above-average Iron but with the mask? Arkin has to actively fight back, or he might lose his life!
He clawed the air again, and a bolt of black energy blasted out, cutting the air like numerous blades. Temur jumped right, avoiding the attack that slammed into the wall and tore it in jagged lines.
Arkin's gasps of surprise were lost in the explosion that twisted his shield away and slammed into him in the aftermath, ramming him into the wall.
"I'm...impossibly!" He groaned and tried to pull himself up, but his inside felt as if it had been wring out and his connection to the summon had been lost!
His eyes swung towards the door and he took off without hesitation, driving his stumbling body forward. 'If I can just get out of here and hide! Then, when the poison wears off, I can make a comeback. Just you wait....!!"
Temur was blocking the door with his massive bulk, his mask split in two, but he was still standing even though he was breathing hard and looked as if he'd fallen any minute now. "You won't be passing."
Arkin froze, his dark eyes shifting around like a gutter rat's own. "You look as if you'll fall dead anytime soon, do you think you are in any shape to fight right now?"
It was the truth that the last attack went out with the last of his power and mask boost. Even his hands trembled at the weight of his weapon. "I...."
"And if you did block me then what? You cannot overpower me right now even though I also don't have any magic left to use. I'm physically more powerful than you right now."
Temur managed a smile. "But you are wrong; when I started this fight, it was with the intention to give my life. You schemers always think you are the best and won't see farther than your nose. Even right his coming, I just have to keep you here."
Arkin's eyes darkened. He's a man that has lived his life with almost caution, but right now, he have to take the risk or.....he leaped forward, but he wasn't fast enough.
Temur pushed the very last of his power into his weapon and he was a bit surprised that he was able to mold it. A chain ball swung towards Arkin and slammed into his head.
Temur didn't know if he succeeded before darkness claimed him.