Chapter 14: found stronghold

Chapter 14 Discovering Strongholds

Wenshan Street.

Chu Zhou, Liu Qianqian, Zhou Tong, and Jin Zhennan walked in a dimly lit alley, scanning their surroundings vigilantly.

After acting separately, they were arranged to search for fallen warriors in this area.

This area is full of crowded old houses.

is the classic poor area.

The sanitation environment is poor and the roads are broken.

"This kind of dilapidated place where the poor live, if it's not for the mission, I don't want to come here at all."

Jin Zhennan leaped across the puddle of sewage on the road, and said with disgust.

Zhou Tong also frowned. He was born and raised in an elite area full of high-tech atmosphere.

The most common ones are all kinds of skyscrapers, townhouses or single-family villas, as well as museums, libraries, art galleries and other buildings full of artistic and cultural atmosphere...

Therefore, he is very uncomfortable with the environment in the poor area.

Chu Zhou had no expression on his face. He grew up in a poor neighborhood and was used to it.

"After splitting up, we searched this area for an hour, but we still haven't found any trace of the fallen warrior."

"There is no news from Officer Gao Jun and the others."

"Our mission this time, shouldn't fail!"

Liu Qianqian said.

Chu Zhou, Zhou Tong, and Jin Zhennan frowned.

If the task just fails.

They didn't have a chance to perform at all this time, and they didn't get tempered.


Suddenly, on the ground not far away, there was a sound of glass falling and breaking.

Chu Zhou and the others rushed over immediately.

A pile of glass **** appeared in front of them.

"It's a piece of glass that fell from the dangerous building next to it."

Liu Qianqian looked up at a tall building next to her.

Chu Zhou and others also looked up.

They are all advanced apprentices, their vision is much stronger than that of ordinary humans, and they can completely achieve night vision.

They noticed that in this tall building, many walls showed signs of severe depression, as well as spider web-like cracks, and there were huge holes in some walls.

"Who said the captain didn't notice it? Didn't he just discover the falling glass? Who knows if someone threw the glass from above... The captain asked Chu Zhou to go upstairs to have a look. This is an act of prudence and responsibility."

Jin Zhennan said meaningfully, and looked at Chu Zhou playfully.

"Chu Zhou, as the captain, you won't listen to what I say, right?" Zhou Tong calmly stared into Chu Zhou's eyes.

Liu Qianqian was very angry when she saw that Zhou Tong and Jin Zhennan were clearly targeting Chu Zhou, and she wanted to say that if they wanted to search, they should go together...

However, before Liu Qianqian opened his mouth, Chu Zhou spoke.

"Alright! I happen to also think of the scene of the destruction of the Iron Claw Golden Eagle, and feel the destructive power of elite monsters for myself."

Chu Zhou glanced at Zhou Tong and Jin Zhennan indifferently, then moved his body, and rushed towards Fengmao Building like a cheetah.

He stepped heavily on the ground, and his body flew several meters into the air. One hand nimbly grasped the window sill, and with a sudden force, the whole person continued to rise.

In this way, with the help of window sills, balconies, extensions, etc. in the building, he grasped, stepped on, or borrowed strength, like a Spiderman, he kept rising on the Fengmao Building.

Soon, he came to a hole that was grabbed by the iron claw golden eagle.

He observed the hole carefully, and found that there were many powders turned into bricks and broken steel bars in the hole.

"The destructive power of the golden eagle with iron claws is really terrifying... If it is caught on a human body, it will be turned into flesh in an instant!"

Chu Zhou talked to himself and continued to climb upwards.

During this process, he saw many claw marks and bird beak peck marks left by the iron claw gold and silver.

Every trace shows the amazing destructive power of the iron claw golden sculpture.

Suddenly, Chu Zhou paused and hid against the wall. He tilted his head slightly and looked into the building.

Suddenly, he saw a glimmer of light coming from one of the halls covered with black shade cloth.

The shimmering light transmitted from the gaps in the blackout cloth is too weak.

If you are not close to here, you can't see it at all.

Chu Zhou held his breath, looked in through the gap of the blackout cloth, and faintly saw several figures with hostile faces, and a corpse covered in glass and covered in blood.

Chu Zhou's pupils shrank slightly.

He knew that this was probably the stronghold of the fallen warrior they had been trying to find.

He listened intently, trying to get some more information.

But the people inside deliberately lowered their voices, and they were blocked by blackout cloth.

Therefore, the sound that came out was very weak and vague.

Chu Zhou only vaguely heard the words "police", "plan", and "careful".

"That's them!"

Chu Zhou thought to himself, and immediately let go of the hand holding the window sill carefully, and the whole person leaped down like an ape and landed.
