Chapter 70: Devil!

Chapter 70 Demons!

Goku Colosseum!

Chu Zhou was completely moved when he learned about the huge bonus of the winning streak system, and made up his mind to make a fortune from it.

However, he did not act immediately.

This is reckless.

He is going to watch more than a dozen battles of superhumans first, understand their fighting style, and make full preparations before the battle.

Oriental Pearl saw Chu Zhou's obvious heartbeat, and also guessed what Chu Zhou was thinking.

However, the reminder has already been reminded.

If Chu Zhou decides to join the war, she will not stop it.

This is Chu Zhou's own decision.

"Miss Mingzhu, I see that you are also a frequent visitor to the Jidao Colosseum, so have you participated in the battles here? How many consecutive victories have you won?"

Chu Zhou suddenly looked curiously at the Oriental Pearl Tower.

"Miss Mingzhu, she has achieved ninety consecutive victories in extraordinary battles."

Before Oriental Pearl could speak, Manager Wang said with a smile.

Ninety wins in a row?

The three daughters Liu Qianqian, Yang Xin, and Qi Yan looked at the Oriental Pearl Tower in shock.

It was the first time they knew that the Oriental Pearl Tower had won 90 consecutive victories in the battle of superhumans in the Jidao Colosseum.

Only ten games away, they can complete the 100-game winning streak.Follow the latest novels at

This is a very brilliant record.

Who can advance to the extraordinary level, who is simple?

Being able to win 90 consecutive victories shows that the strength of the Oriental Pearl Tower is absolutely crushing among the extraordinary.

"Extraordinary battles, you can get 100 million for ten consecutive victories, and 3 billion for fifty consecutive victories. Doesn't this mean that Miss Mingzhu has already won 3.1 billion here?"

"Besides, Miss Mingzhu, there is only ten consecutive victories left to complete the 100-game winning streak. By then, you can still get a full 10 billion!"

Chu Zhou only cared about how much money the Oriental Pearl Tower made here.

It is calculated that Oriental Pearl TV has earned 3.1 billion in this category.

And, it seems that another 10 billion will be made soon.

His saliva is about to flow down.

Oriental Pearl could tell that Chu Zhou is a money fanatic, she smiled and said to Chu Zhou:

"It's not that easy to win a hundred in a row. No one knows what cards are hidden. I'm not absolutely sure."

It's just that although she said so, her eyes were full of confidence.

Suddenly, Chu Zhou discovered the boundary-level Colosseum, which was different from other Colosseums.

In addition to a larger area, there is also a huge stone statue standing there.

The stone statue has a blurry face, and the facial features cannot be seen clearly at all. It is also wearing a black one-piece windbreaker with a hood, holding a sword in one hand, and pointing at the sky angrily.

Although the stone statue has no facial features, it inexplicably gives people a feeling of arrogance and arrogance, as if even the gods don't pay attention to it.

The moment they saw the stone statue, Chu Zhou and the others seemed to see a fearless and powerful man who looked down on the world and looked at the common people like ants.

Although this is just a stone statue, Chu Zhou and others still feel an amazing sense of oppression.

"who is he?"

Chu Zhou couldn't help blurting out.

"He? He is the peerless miracle that was born in our Jidao Colosseum! It is also the only miracle in all Colosseums in the world."

Manager Wang spoke enthusiastically, like a devout believer, worshiping the **** of faith.

"He is indeed a miracle!" Oriental Pearl took a deep breath, and there was a hint of admiration in her beautiful eyes, "No one knows his real name, but among all the Colosseums in the world, he is the only one who has won a limit-level battle." A man with a winning streak."

"You know, the small giants at the boundary level are basically all powerful figures of major forces. With high positions and weights, they rarely come to the Colosseum to participate in battles."

"Similarly, limit-level monsters, basically each of them command hundreds of thousands of monster groups, and they are not so easy to catch..."

"In all the Colosseums around the world, boundary-level battles rarely happen."

"Even if it happens occasionally, it is basically a dream to achieve a hundred-game winning streak. It can be said that it is more difficult than reaching the sky to achieve a boundary-level hundred-game winning streak."

"In fact, not to mention the hundred-game winning streak in boundary-level battles, even the hundred-game winning streak in control-level battles, the global Colosseum has not appeared for many years."

"But this man, not only did it."

"Moreover, his hundred-game winning streak is completely different from other people's hundred-game winning streak... He killed a hundred boundary-level masters in one go..."

"In fact, according to some rumors, he may have killed more than a hundred boundary-level masters at that time..."

"Therefore, this person became a **** in the first battle and caused a sensation all over the world!"

"It was also this battle that made the Jidao Colosseum famous all over the world and became the world's number one Colosseum."

"Although no one knows his real name, everyone calls him a demon!"

Chu Zhou and the others were completely stunned at this moment!

Killing more than a hundred boundary-level small giants at once?

What kind of strength is this?

What kind of horror is it?

The name of the devil is true!

Thank you for finally having time, 08a, eliminate me, help each other 1314 and other veterans for their rewards and support!
