Chapter 98: Promoted to Controller!

Chapter 98 Promoted to Controller!

Chen Bazhou looked at Chu Zhou blankly, as if looking at a monster.

Although, this is not the first time that Chu Zhou has brought him a "surprise".

But receiving this "surprise" again, he was still shocked.

It has only been eleven days since I was promoted to the extraordinary level, and I am about to be promoted to the control level. I have never heard of it being so fast.

"Chu Zhou, I think it won't take long for me to ask you for advice."

Chen Bazhou said in a low tone.

Chu Zhou laughed dumbly, and joked: "Isn't this a good thing?"

Chen Bazhou was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that if Chu Zhou could help him one day, it would be a great thing indeed.

"Hahaha, you said yes, that's a good thing. I look forward to that day, and it will come as soon as possible!"

Chen Bazhou smiled heartily, and then began to tell Chu Zhou the mystery of the controller, as well as the method and key to promote the controller.

"The key to being promoted to the control level is to condense an energy core."

"This is true whether it is a super-system warrior, an elemental warrior, or a spiritual teacher."

"It's just that the evolutionary routes are different, and the energy cores condensed are also different."

Chen Bazhou narrated seriously, and Chu Zhou also listened attentively, writing down everything without missing a word.

"Super-system fighters, rather than condensing the energy core, it is better to say that the heart is transformed into an energy core."

"Once the transformation is successful, super-system fighters can use the power of the energy heart to break the third-order gene lock and be promoted to the control level."

"Comparatively speaking, an elemental fighter needs to condense an energy tuberculosis in the body out of thin air, and control the whole body's original force through the energy tuberculosis."

"Psychic fighters must condense a spiritual relic in their brains..."


Chen Bazhou gave a very comprehensive account. He not only described the method for super-system warriors to advance to the master level, but also described the methods for elemental system warriors and psionic masters to advance to the master level.

Chu Zhou was very grateful for this.

This knowledge will be his important wealth.

In the future, if he wants to study elements and spirits, he should stop asking others for advice.

Chen Bazhou narrated for a full hour before he finished all aspects related to the control level, so that Chu Zhou had a clear understanding of the control level.

The so-called controller, as the name suggests, completely controls one's own abilities.

The key to completely controlling one's own abilities lies in the energy core.

The energy core is the key hub for controlling one's own abilities.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Finally, I would like to remind you that a lot of energy will be consumed when condensing the energy core. You'd better prepare enough genetic nutrient solution in advance."

"After the promotion is successful, notify me immediately!"

After Chen Bazhou finished speaking, he ended the contact.

"Do you need to prepare enough genetic nutrient solution?"

Chu Zhou murmured to himself, and immediately opened the Martial Arts Mall, thinking that he would always need a large amount of advanced genetic nutrient solution, so he gritted his teeth and ordered 1,000 bottles of advanced genetic nutrient solution.

A high-grade genetic nutrient solution is 10 million.

1000 tubes of advanced genetic nutrient solution is 10 billion.

Chu Zhou's account, after the end of the winning streak, originally had 11.4154 billion. He spent 1 billion to order a bottle of water for his father, and transferred 10 million pocket money to his sister, leaving 10.454 billion. Ten thousand.

Now he has spent another full 10 billion, leaving only 405.4 million in his account.




Chu Zhou's heart suddenly beat violently, like a beast that had been sleeping for endless years, suddenly awakened.

Every beat is so strong and powerful.

Chu Zhou knew clearly that his heart transformation had begun.

But not enough!

While maintaining the basic breathing method and continuously delivering life factors to the heart, he continued to inject advanced genetic nutrient solution.

10 sticks!

20 sticks!

30 sticks!


100 pieces!


Chu Zhou was constantly injecting high-grade genetic nutrient solution, and a large amount of energy, like a roaring flood, rushed towards his heart frantically.

And his heart metamorphosis became more and more intense and stronger.

A strong blood light emanated from his heart, pierced through his clothes, and turned the entire martial arts training hall into a blood red.

At the same time, the entire martial arts training room seemed to have a big furnace, and the temperature was rising sharply.

When Chu Zhou injected all 400 tubes of advanced genetic nutrient solution into his body, his heart transformation was finally completed.

At this moment, his heart suddenly turned into a translucent crystal color.

Every time it beats, a large amount of original force is sent out from it.


When Chu Zhou's heart completed its transformation, it beat extremely violently, and a circle of shock ripples spread from Chu Zhou's body.

The entire martial arts training room was shaken violently.

At the same time, cracks appeared on the glass windows and the chandelier on the second floor.

Even Chu Yu, who was playing on the first floor, felt his heart beating violently.

"Brother, are you practicing some powerful combat skills again?"

Chu Yu was shocked, and looked in the direction of the second floor with some astonishment.

At this moment, Chu Donglai also looked towards the second floor: "Is it too soon to be promoted to the control level?"

He whispered to himself.

In the martial arts training room, the moment Chu Zhou completed the transformation in his heart, he immediately and clearly felt that the invisible third-order gene lock blocked in front of him suddenly shattered.

At this moment, the force in his body surged wildly like a tide.

What also skyrocketed is his life field energy!

Chu Zhou knew that he succeeded, and he was promoted to the controller.

If the apprentice level, awakening level, and extraordinary level are considered low-level warriors, then the master level is the one that has truly entered the ranks of the strong.

The heads of many small families in the Guangdong base city are also the controllers.
