Chapter 110: 'Gemini'

Chapter 110 "Gemini"

On the battlefield, day and night.


Chu Zhou stood in the midst of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood with his Dragon Tooth Saber in his hand. He took a long breath, and a trace of unconcealable fatigue flashed in his eyes.

Now, his whole body is stained red with blood, and his hair is dripping with blood.

Of course, the blood is not his, but the monster's.

It's been two days.

He fought **** battles here for two days and two nights, and basically didn't rest much.

He also went from relaxed at the beginning to tired.

There are too many monsters.

Can't finish killing at all.

Even if he is an iron man, he can't hold on to such a sleepless fight.

The beast tide was far more cruel than imagined.

He just started, and he can still shelter everyone in this line of defense.

But at the back, he can only shelter part of it.

A large number of warriors and soldiers in this section of the defense line were buried under the fangs and claws of monsters.

Fortunately, Ling Zhan, Shi Meng, and Li Qingshi all survived.

Moreover, after these two days and two nights of brutal **** battles, their potential has also been stimulated, and they have been promoted to intermediate awakeners.

"Boss, Xie Longyuan, that killer, is watching you again."

Sitting on the corpse of a truck-sized monster, Shi Meng noticed a **** and crazy gaze in the distance, and said to Chu Zhou.

Ling Zhan and Li Qingshi followed that **** and crazy gaze, and immediately saw a figure standing on a mountain of corpses tens of meters high.

That figure, holding a blood sword in his hand, with loose black hair, and bloodthirsty and crazy eyes, is like an unrivaled killing god, filled with a chilling aura.

The warriors and soldiers around the mountain of corpses were all far away.

It seems that he is afraid of the god-like figure on the mountain of corpses.

Ling Zhan and Li Qingshi, of course, knew that that person was the prestigious Xie Longyuan during this time.

"Boss, the performance of you and Xie Longyuan these two days is too crazy. Now many warriors here call you 'Twin Stars'."

"It's just that Xie Longyuan seems to be hostile to you!"

"This person feels very dangerous to me, boss, be careful."

Li Qingshi brushed a strand of hair that covered her sight to her ear, and reminded Chu Zhou with a solemn expression.

Chu Zhou glanced lightly at Xie Longyuan on the mountain of corpses, and didn't care about the other's crazy and bloodthirsty gaze.

He has also noticed that Xie Longyuan is often watching him.

It's just that he doesn't care.

"He's a somewhat interesting person...but don't worry too much about it."

He said casually, throwing away a bone that had been gnawed clean.

Then, he grabbed the leg of an extraordinary monster and urged the force to bake it.

Ling Zhan, Shi Meng, and Li Qingshi, when they heard Chu Zhou's words, their faces froze slightly, and they looked at each other with wry smiles.

They have seen how crazy Xie Longyuan's performance these two days is.

The terrifying lethality, and the terrifying murderousness that seemed to wish to chop every monster into countless pieces when killing, made everyone who witnessed it secretly terrified.

The fighters and soldiers in the entire defense line were frightened by Xie Longyuan's state, and gave Xie Longyuan the nickname of 'Blood Sword'.

Such a character, only Chu Zhou dared not to look down on him.

However, the three of Ling Zhan also knew that their boss, Chu Zhou, did have such qualifications.

Xie Longyuan's performance shocked everyone.

But their boss Chu Zhou, why not?

It is precisely because of this that Chu Zhou of the Overlord Sword and Xie Longyuan of the Blood Sword are now called the "Twin Stars" of the battlefield.

One knife and one sword, quite taste of **** for tat.

"...'Ba Dao' and 'Blood Sword', these two nicknames, the feeling of the enemy of fate is too strong. Boss, I always feel that you will confront Xie Longyuan."

Shi Meng said carelessly while wiping his gloves.

Chu Zhou didn't take Shi Meng's words to heart, he glanced at Ling Zhan, Shi Meng, and Li Qingshi, and said:

"This beast tide is a disaster, and it's also a trial. I estimate that this beast tide will last for a long time. You should also seize every opportunity of tempering and advance to the extraordinary level as soon as possible."

Ling Zhan and the three nodded seriously.

They also understand that the three of them are already far behind the captain Chu Zhou.

If they don't break through quickly, then they will really become a drag on Chu Zhou, the captain.

Although they are not as good as Chu Zhou, they are also geniuses. for new novels

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been called the Three Great Monsters of Jiangcheng in high school.

They are all ambitious and pursuing people.

Never want to be a drag on others.

Ling Zhan didn't say anything, and went to the side to practice his sword.

After two days and two nights of **** battles, his "Rainstorm Swordsmanship" became deeper and stronger.

Every time the sword is swung, there is a dense array of sword energy, which spreads out and envelops the surrounding fields with a kind of artistic conception of heavy rain.

When Chu Zhou saw Ling Zhan's swordsmanship, he couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Ling Zhan is indeed the leader of the three great monsters in Jiangcheng. Perhaps in terms of level, because the training time is too short, he has not yet improved.

But in terms of swordsmanship, he is becoming more and more proficient.

Now it is even more vague to break through the barriers of the "Rainstorm Swordplay" and create his own "Rainstorm Swordplay".

Chu Zhou is very optimistic about Ling Zhan.

In his opinion, Ling Zhan's talent is no worse than that of the Oriental Pearl.

Especially Ling Zhan's mind is very pure, and almost all his energy is concentrated on the cultivation of swordsmanship.

Give Ling Zhan enough time to grow up. In the future, Ling Zhan's attainments in swordsmanship may shock the world, and he may become a generation of sword gods.

Many warriors' scalps were numb, unable to bear the **** killing intent on Xie Longyuan's body, they chose to stay away from Xie Longyuan one after another.


Room 304, Building 05.

Chu Zhou and others entered the room. After washing one by one, they immediately found a room and went to bed.

While Chu Zhou and the others were resting, some new situations appeared on the battlefield.

In a wilderness area dozens of miles behind the line of defense, there was a loud bang, and a large area of ​​the ground shattered, revealing a huge underground hole.

"Everything about it..."

A large number of cockroach-like monsters emerged from the underground holes.

Each of these cockroach-like monsters is the size of a house, with a hideous face, and the wings on their bodies are shining with metallic light.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Many cockroach-like monsters fluttered their wings and flew high, and soon formed dense dark clouds and flew towards Jiangcheng.

However, these cockroach monsters were discovered by a reconnaissance plane just after they appeared.

Immediately, densely packed drones descended and fired wildly, fighting against the cockroach-like monsters in the sky like dark clouds.

At the same time, there are also teams of warriors who come to support.

The monsters that appeared from behind the defense line were not just cockroach-like monsters.

There are also many insect-type monsters who are good at drilling the ground, and they also broke out from behind the defense line.

There are also some snake-like monsters that are good at water, bypassing the defense line from the depths of the big rivers, and entering the rear of the defense line.

There are also many bird monsters, which also bypassed the defense line from high above and landed behind the defense line.

A large number of monsters entered the rear of the defense line through various methods, which brought the war into a new stage.

Humans not only deal with the beast hordes in front of the defense line, but also must send a large number of manpower and weapons to deal with the monsters behind the defense line.

This also made this battle more cruel and tragic.

Every moment, countless monsters die, and so many warriors and soldiers die.

When Chu Zhou and the others woke up, they immediately received a new task notification——

"Notice: The war has entered a new stage. A large number of monsters have bypassed the defense line by drilling, diving, flying, etc., and appeared behind the defense line. As a result, our defense line was attacked by monsters back and forth. The city is under great threat..."

"Coordinates: 25.136, 34.258" near the river, a group of crocodile monsters appeared, please team Blade to clean up immediately. "

Chu Zhou and others were shocked when they saw the notification on the communication watch.

None of them expected that the war would undergo tremendous changes so quickly. Now not only the defense line would face the impact of the beast horde, but behind the defense line, monsters would also face the ravages.

"Damn it, have these monsters also learned human tactics? They even know how to bypass the defense line by drilling, diving, flying, etc., and attack us humans from behind the defense line..."

Shi Meng smashed his fist on the table, smashing the table to pieces.

Ling Zhan and Li Qingshi didn't speak, but their expressions became solemn.

They are all aware that human beings want to end this beast tide as soon as possible, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

"Take up your weapon and carry out the task!"

Chu Zhou said directly.

Soon, they rushed out of the supply base and flew towards the coordinates.

However, when they had just driven halfway, they saw a shocking scene.

I saw a figure in black with a blood sword in hand, from bottom to top, pierced through a bat-like monster with a size of more than 300 meters like lightning, bathed in endless blood rain, and rushed to the sky.


That bat-like monster screamed as it was dying.

The terrifying sound waves turned into real sound waves, sweeping for miles around.

Hundreds of other bat-like monsters the size of houses were all instantly blasted into blood mist.

The dense drones in the sky also exploded one after another.

A small piece of forest below was also shattered into dust, and countless debris flew around.

There are also dozens of nearby mountains, which have also been shattered.

The three of Ling Zhan felt as if they were going to explode after being impacted by the terrible sound wave.

Fortunately, Chu Zhou made a timely move to release the surging original force in his body, forming a gray energy shield, covering the three of Ling Zhan and isolating the sound waves.

This saved the three of Ling Zhan from death.

"It's dangerous. If the boss hadn't made a timely move, the three of us would have exploded on the spot!"

Shi Meng said with lingering fear.

"Yeah, that monster just now was too scary. It was dying, but it was able to explode such a terrifying sonic attack!"

Li Qingshi also said with a face full of luck.

The three of them, the seven orifices are bloodshot now, looking very embarrassed.

Fortunately, there is no serious problem.

"That bat-like monster just now... should be a commander-level monster!"

Ling Zhan also opened his mouth rarely, and looked solemnly at the familiar black figure in the sky.

"It's Xie Longyuan... He actually killed a commander-level monster!"

Shi Meng and Li Qingshi were secretly shocked when they saw the familiar figure bathed in blood.

They knew that Xie Longyuan was very strong.

But he didn't expect that Xie Longyuan would be so strong that he could even kill commander-level monsters.

You know, a leader-level monster is comparable to a human-level giant.

Xie Longyuan is just a controller, but he can kill a bat-like monster that is comparable to a small giant at the boundary level. This is definitely shocking news.

Chu Zhou saw the scene of Xie Longyuan killing the commander-level bat-like monster, but his expression was calm from beginning to end.

"Let's go!"

He said lightly, leading the three of Ling Zhan, and continued to rush to the mission location.

In the sky, Xie Longyuan, who was bathed in blood rain, also saw Chu Zhou and his party.

"Chu Zhou? I'm waiting for you!"

Xie Longyuan's eyes were bloodthirsty, he grinned, turned into an afterimage, and chased after Chu Zhou in the direction he left.
