Chapter 148: Counter action!

Chapter 148 Counterattack!

Late at night.

On a small hill, Chu Zhou, General Xue, and dozens of figures stood together, and the commander-in-chief of the defense line, Lu Wanjun, was suspended in front of them.

"Everyone, this operation is a counterattack against monsters."

"The purpose is to hunt down the many monster leaders behind the beast tide."

"The target each of you has to deal with, I have passed on the information to you."

"Wait a while, our side will launch a fierce attack on the monsters to cover your actions, and you must take this opportunity to sneak behind the beast horde, and then quickly kill the target!"

"As for the Beastmaster Golden Winged Thunderhawk who is manipulating the beast tide behind the scenes, I will hold it back and buy you time."

"In short, for this action, remember three words: fast, ruthless, and accurate!"

"After killing the target, return to the supply base immediately."

Lu Wanjun spoke to Chu Zhou and the others with a solemn expression.

Chu Zhou and the others nodded silently, taking Lu Wanjun's reminder to heart.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

Not long after Lu Wanjun finished speaking, the nuclear tanks, nuclear armored vehicles, missile transport vehicles, ion cannon tanks, armed helicopters, fighter jets, and drones above the defense line suddenly opened fire at the same time.

Huge shells streaked across the sky, leaving long trails.

The overwhelming artillery fire carried out saturation bombing and carpet shooting against waves of monsters coming in like waves.

Countless monsters were blasted to pieces, and blood rained down in the sky.

Millions of soldiers also frantically pulled the triggers. It was like a metal storm was set off in front of the entire defense line, and countless bullets were fired like a storm.

The densely packed monsters, like harvested wheat, fell down one after another.

The hundreds of thousands of fighters on the defense line also suddenly became excited, regardless of consumption, and frantically shot at the monster.

This is the first time that humans in this line of defense have taken the initiative to attack monsters after the beast horde appeared.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was bombarded with artillery fire, and countless monsters were stunned and turned into corpses one after another.


At this moment, Lu Wanjun suddenly gave an order, and turned into a blurred afterimage, soaring into the sky.

Whoosh whoosh...

Chu Zhou and the others looked at each other, and turned into afterimages one after another, chasing after Lu Wanjun.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a large number of flying monsters patrolling at high altitudes all the time.

But the wave of fierce human attacks just now almost wiped out all the flying monsters patrolling in the sky.

Therefore, when Chu Zhou and the others charged into the sky above the battlefield, they were not blocked or besieged by flying monsters.

These control-level arrow eagles are even more so.

Only heard the sound of sharp and hard objects piercing the flesh and blood, and dozens of arrow eagles that shot towards them like golden arrows were all pierced through the body by the thousand-star vine, and they flew in the air.


In Mirror Moon Cliff, there was a cry that pierced the sky.

That voice contained an extremely angry killing intent.

I saw a huge figure five times larger than the arrow eagles just now, soaring into the sky like a sharp arrow, appearing in the sky.

Terrible force waves emanated from it.

There is no doubt that this is the commander of Arrow Eagle.

Commander Arrowhawk looked at the dozen or so members of his family who were penetrated by the thousand-star vine, and at the figure of Chu Zhou, his sharp eyes revealed endless murderous intent.


It flapped its wings violently, setting off a huge storm that swept across dozens of miles, and itself, like a golden lightning across the sky, pierced towards Chu Zhou at a terrifying speed dozens of times the speed of sound.

Its speed is too fast and its strength is too strong, directly opening up a transparent vacuum channel in the void.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth in a radius of several miles began to shake, as if this world was about to be forcibly penetrated by the commander of the arrow eagle.

The terrifying energy fluctuations are creepy.

Arrowhawks are known for their penetrating power.

Chu Zhou once watched the video of the arrow eagle invading human cities. A boundary-level arrow eagle can penetrate hundreds of human skyscrapers in an instant.

Most of the human beings dare not take the blow head-on from the leader of the arrow eagle.

However, this does not include Chu Zhou.

"Fast, ruthless, accurate?"

Chu Zhou muttered to himself, calmly watching Commander Arrowhawk coming through like lightning, one hundred and eight miniature hexagonal pagodas suddenly shot out from his eyes, and blasted into the eyes of Commander Arrowhawk.


Commander Arrowhawk didn't even have time to let out a scream, his head exploded directly, and his huge body rushed towards Chu Zhou like inertia, and he grabbed it at will and put it into the space inside his body.

Afterwards, he beckoned, and Qianxingvine also brought over a dozen corpses of control-level arrow eagles, and he also took them into the internal space.

The space inside the body, when it first appeared, was only 10 meters wide, 10 meters long, and 10 meters high, which is 1000 cubic meters.

But when he raised the crescent bloodline to 100% of the wings, the space inside his body was also upgraded to 100 meters wide, 100 meters long, and 100 meters high, with a volume of 1 million cubic meters.

Therefore, it is enough to accommodate the corpses of these arrow eagles.

"I harvested the corpses of a Commander Arrowhawk and a dozen Control-level Arrowhawks so quickly... Not bad, very good!"

Chu Zhou was in a very good mood when he thought that these arrow eagles could add at least one million attribute points to himself.

As soon as his figure moved, he flew to the next coordinate.
