Chapter 161: Nirvana four times! Field Profound Truth!

Chapter 161 Four Nirvana! Field Profound Truth!

Beast Emperor's blood entered, and Chu Zhou felt as if he had swallowed a sun. An extremely hot and scorching torrent instantly swept through every cell in his body.

The scorching torrent seemed to contain some amazing mysterious power, constantly transforming every cell in his body, and even affected his spiritual will.

Countless black impurities, even bloodshot bone scum, were squeezed out from the countless pores all over his body.

Even he has shed a layer of old skin.

His body is undergoing an astonishing transformation.

At the same time, he seemed to see a terrifying monster as towering as a mountain.

A circle of substantial brilliance suddenly erupted from that huge and boundless monster, and dozens of towering giant mountains around it, as if they were pushed by ancient giants, all flew up with a bang until Flew a hundred miles away.

The ground under the giant beast was also impacted by an incomparably terrifying invisible force, and the ground covered tens of miles, and was sunken more than ten meters deep.

While staring at this shocking scene, a faint feeling also came to Chu Zhou's heart.

Chu Zhou faintly felt that that faint feeling was very important, so he firmly grasped the feeling and tried his best to comprehend it.

After a long time, the feeling in his heart disappeared, and his body stopped transforming.

"My body has been tempered and baptized in all directions by the vast blood power of the beast emperor's blood essence. My current body strength is about twice as strong as before."

"Also, tempering my body only consumes a small part of the power of the beast emperor's blood essence, and most of the power of the beast emperor's blood essence has been converted into attribute points."

"What's more, I seem to have realized something remarkable from the little insight just now."

Name: Chu Zhou (advanced limiter, life field energy 37000 (+3000))

Attribute points: 54.1 million (+54 million)

Physical Nirvana: 70% (can be increased)

Spiritual Nirvana: 3% (can be increased)

New Moon Bloodline: Wings 100% (cannot be upgraded)

Repulsion Mystery: 0.01% (can be increased)

Basic Breathing Method (SS Level): 150th Floor (Abyss Form) (Upgradeable)

Mieshi (SS level): fifth floor (can be upgraded)

Titanium Gold Body (S-Level): Sixth Floor (Earth Body) (Upgradeable)

Phantom (SS level): 30th floor (can be upgraded)

Pagoda meditation (SSS level): twelfth floor (one hundred and eight relics) (can be upgraded)

"Hiss, the life field has increased by 3000, and the attribute points have increased by 54 million... It is really worthy of the beast emperor's blood. Just a drop, I have such an amazing harvest."

Chu Zhou was shocked to see the increase of 54 million attribute points.

He made a little calculation in his mind.

Even if he eats the flesh and blood of a monster leader, it is estimated that only a few million attribute points will be added.

It can be seen from this that the Beast Emperor is terrifying. Even a drop of blood essence contains ten times more energy than a monster leader.

Suddenly, he fixed his eyes, and he saw a new note on the property panel.

"The mystery of repulsion? What is this? Is this what I realized when I watched that terrifying giant beast burst out of power just now?"

Chu Zhou thought in doubt, and his consciousness touched the "repulsion mystery".

After a while, a reminder appeared in his mind.

"Reminder: Repulsion power is a kind of field secret. The so-called domain secret is that when a creature is promoted to the Martial God level, he perceives the existence of the rules of the universe, and then combines his martial arts knowledge and accomplishment, and then simulates the rules of the universe. unique strength."

Chu Zhou saw the prompt given by the attribute panel, and his heart suddenly beat violently.

No matter how stable his mentality is, it is difficult to be stable at this moment.

New Moon Bloodline: Wings 100% (cannot be upgraded)

Repulsion Mystery: 0.01% (can be increased)

Basic Breathing Method (SS Level): 150th Floor (Abyss Form) (Upgradeable)

Mieshi (SS level): fifth floor (can be upgraded)

Titanium Gold Body (S-Level): Sixth Floor (Earth Body) (Upgradeable)

Phantom (SS level): 30th floor (can be upgraded)

Pagoda meditation (SSS level): twelfth floor (one hundred and eight relics) (can be upgraded)

"Both body and spirit have completed Nirvana once. I am now a boundary person of the second Nirvana. Among all the boundary people who have passed Nirvana, I should be considered a strong one."

Chu Zhou was very happy to see that his body and spirit had completed a nirvana.

Then, he discovered that the two nirvana consumed a total of 3.3 million attribute points, leaving a full 50.8 million attribute points.

"Since spiritual Nirvana can still be improved, let's improve spiritual Nirvana!"

He talked to himself, let the attribute panel continue to improve the spiritual nirvana.

The property panel oscillated violently again.

At the same time, surges of surging spiritual power continuously swept out from Chu Zhou's mind, refining and transforming every cell in Chu Zhou's body.

After a long time, the transformation is over.

Name: Chu Zhou (Fourth Nirvana boundary person, life field energy 77000 (+20000))

Attribute points: 44.8 million

Physical Nirvana: one Nirvana (cannot be promoted)

Spiritual Nirvana: three times of Nirvana (cannot be promoted)

Until the blink of an eye, his spirit has completed Nirvana twice.

His life field can increase by 20000 again.

He has now become the terrifying four-time Nirvana Boundary.

For other warriors, it is extremely difficult to achieve Nirvana once.

Many gifted limiters are unable to complete Nirvana once in their entire life.

However, Chu Zhou completed four nirvana in a short time.

If this news gets out, I don’t know how many people on the border will lose their mentality.

And there are definitely not many people who can complete the boundary of the four nirvana.

Obviously, even if Chu Zhou is in the circle of Nirvana Boundary now, he is definitely at the top of the pyramid.

In fact, Chu Zhou has now faintly felt the existence of the king's threshold.

If he attacks the realm of the king at this time, it may not be impossible for him to succeed.

However, Chu Zhou has long decided that he must accumulate to the limit at the stage of the limiter before he chooses to be promoted to the king.

The king is not the end, the king is just another new beginning.

Obviously, in the boundary stage, the more people you accumulate, the stronger your potential and strength will be after being promoted to the king, which is far better than ordinary kings.

Chu Zhou naturally wants to still have amazing potential after he becomes the king, so that he can go further.

"It's a pity that after the spirit has completed three Nirvana, the mental power has skyrocketed to the limit that my body can bear, and I can't continue to improve."

Chu Zhou talked to himself, looking inside his mind.

I saw that in his mind, the spiritual relics had suddenly become 360, and each one was the size of a baby's fist, blooming with brilliance of will.
