Chapter 174: After a shocking night, the Ling family was destroyed!

Chapter 174 Shocking overnight, the Ling family is destroyed!

Guangdong base city.

Late at night.

Ling family.

The Ling family is an old family in the Guangdong base city. Although no king or warrior has ever been born, there is no shortage of boundary people in every generation.

There are even rumors that the Ling family has more limiters than some royal families.

The world changes and the tide ebbs and flows.

Over the years, many new royal families have risen, and many old royal families have declined.

However, the Ling family has always existed.

Therefore, the heritage of the Ling family can be said to be very deep.

Except that there is no king in charge, the background is no worse than some royal families.

In the base city of Guangdong, even the royal family will give the Ling family three points of face.

It can be said that as long as the Ling family can give birth to a king, the Ling family can become a powerful king family with profound heritage.

At this time, Chu Zhou's figure suddenly appeared outside the Ling Family Manor like a ghost.Fịndd new updates at

Ling Family Manor covers a large area, with a complex of villas, gardens, and artificial lakes.

In the base city of Guangdong, where every inch of land is expensive, sitting on such a manor shows the heritage of the Ling family.


A beep sounded.

A warrior team composed of ten people quickly appeared in front of Chu Zhou.

The situation in the base city of Guangdong is delicate, and all major forces are very cautious in secret, and the Ling family is no exception.

Therefore, several teams of warriors composed of extraordinary people were arranged to patrol the Ling Family Manor in shifts to prevent intruders.

This martial artist team rushed over immediately after discovering Chu Zhou who suddenly appeared at the gate of Lingjiazhuang.

Chu Zhou just glanced at the ten people lightly, his eyes suddenly glowed with a substantial white light, and a surge of spiritual power burst out from his eyes.

The minds of these ten Ling family warriors were instantly invaded by mental power like a tsunami.

They didn't even have time to scream, and they all died with headshots.


When these ten people died, a sharp siren sounded suddenly from the Ling Family Manor.

It should be that the Ling family installed a hidden alarm trigger device on the patrolling Ling family warriors.

Once someone dies, the alarm trigger device will automatically trigger the alarm.

The sharp siren pierced through the night, waking up all the sleeping Ling family members.

"This is the siren, someone has invaded our Ling family..."

The warriors of the Ling family got up in shock, then immediately grabbed their weapons and rushed out of the room.

There is also a team of capable warriors, who rushed towards the gate of the Ling Family Manor immediately.

However, they had just seen ten headless corpses, and before they had time to be shocked, they were overwhelmed by a tsunami-like mental force.

Then they stepped into the footsteps and headshot one after another.

"It's quite cautious, but unfortunately, the Ling family is doomed to perish today."

Chu Zhou listened to the sharp sirens piercing the night sky, looked at the Ling family villas that became bright in an instant, and saw the figures of warriors rushing out one after another, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He strode into the manor, walking like a **** of death, with an unabashedly strong killing intent on his body.

"Who are you? How dare you invade our Ling family. Court death!"

A controller holding a broad sword the size of a door panel descended from the sky while shouting, and slashed down on Chu Zhou fiercely with his sword as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him.

The powerful force surged like a raging tide.

Psychologist's group lethality, although powerful.

But it is far less exaggerated than him.

The reason why his mental attack is so terrible.

Mainly because his mental power is too strong.

It is about 360 times that of other boundary-level psychiatrists.

This made his mental attack so terrifying.

Ling Wanshou was in a daze with all the people on the boundary of the Ling family.

Chu Zhou actually killed hundreds of fighters and all ordinary people of the Ling family with just one move?

This made them extremely shocked and extremely angry.

For a family, although the number of strong people is important, the number of people is also important.

Now, their Ling family has been wiped out by Chu Zhou so many people, even if they, the boundary people, survive.

Then, their Ling family also plummeted.

The Ling family without new blood will only decline further and further.

"He's a Psychiatrist!"

Ling Wanshou and others stared at Chu Zhou in extreme anger, and then frantically rushed towards Chu Zhou.

They wanted to cut Chu Zhou into pieces and tear him into pieces.

Chu Zhou just smiled dismissively, pointing with his right hand to the 100-meter-high hexagonal pagoda in the void.

The huge hexagonal pagoda was shaken and instantly split into 360 small pagodas five to six meters high.

The three hundred and sixty small pagodas instantly surrounded Ling Wanshou and the others, and then bombarded them at the same time.

In an instant, 18 out of the more than 20 limiters of the Ling family also died with headshots.

Only Ling Wanshou is left, and there are four aging Ling family boundary members.

"I didn't expect that there are five people in your Ling family who have reached the level of Nirvana Boundary. It really has a profound foundation."

"Unfortunately, you are all going to die."

Chu Zhou said with a blank face, stretched out his palm, and spread his five fingers.

In an instant, the five world-killing sword qi shot out from his five fingers.

The four mentally damaged old and aging Ling family boundary members were unable to resist the sword energy at all, and were directly strangled into a blood mist.

Ling Wanshou reluctantly mobilized the original force in his body, gathered a shield, and barely blocked the saber energy shooting at him.

But he was also seriously injured again, coughing up blood from his mouth.

coughed up all the internal organs.

"Mie Shi Dao, you are Chu Zhou!"

Ling Wanshou looked at Chu Zhou in shock.

"Good guess. However, it's too late."

Chu Zhou sneered, and suddenly appeared beside Ling Wanshou, with his five fingers grasping Ling Wanshou's head like a dragon's claws.

Then, he launched an illusion on Ling Wanshou, asking him to transfer all the assets of the Ling family to his account.

And, tell him the location of the Ling family's treasure house.

A moment later, Chu Zhou left the Ling family.

In the entire Ling family, there was no stranger.

Not long after, powerful people from families and forces who heard the movement nearby came to the Ling family's manor.

When they saw that the entire Ling family had almost turned into headless corpses, they couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts.

Everyone was sweating coldly.
