Chapter 223: New Era!

Chapter 223 New Era!

"What happened just now? Why was that terrifying person suddenly killed by Chu Zhou?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw that Meng Gan, who had had the absolute upper hand and was about to take Chu Zhou down, suddenly turned into fly ash.

They had no idea what had just happened.

Many kings are also confused, not sure why Menggan died suddenly.

Only those Martial Gods vaguely sensed that there was a terrifying phantom of the magic knife just now, which shot out from Chu Zhou's eyes, pierced through Menggan's body in an instant, and then Menggan turned into a flying dragon. Ash.

"Is this the man who left behind Chu Zhou?"

The martial gods of the three major organizations, and some of the martial gods who have taken refuge in the three major organizations, at this moment, all have a creepy feeling.

They felt that if they were the ones who faced the phantom of the magic knife just now, their fate would be no different from that of Meng Gan.

In a short while, these martial gods looked at Chu Zhou with a little more fear.

Many Martial Gods who had murderous intentions towards Chu Zhou just now also gave up their thoughts at this moment.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

When they were not sure whether Chu Zhou had other means to threaten the Valkyrie, they were not prepared to attack Chu Zhou in person.

" is this possible? Master Menggan was killed by Chu Zhou?"

Many warriors of the New Moon Organization were stunned when they saw Meng Gan suddenly turned into fly ash.

Meng Gan is the real big shot of the New Moon Organization. In the New Moon Organization, he has great prestige and a very high status.

In the New Moon Organization, many kings, even warriors, respectfully call him a lord, and even obey his orders.

Such a big man died in the hands of Chu Zhou?

This made many New Moon Organization warriors, and even some warriors, feel like their three views were smashed.

For a while, the morale of many warriors of the New Moon Organization dropped a lot.

A Martial God of the New Moon Organization, after realizing this situation, immediately yelled: "The one who died just now is just a copy of Lord Menggan. The strength of the copy is even one-tenth of that of Lord Menggan. None. Why should you be depressed?"

"It turns out that the one who died just now was just a copy of Lord Menggan?"

Many new moon warriors immediately lifted their spirits when they heard the words.

"Replica body? It turns out that the New Moon organization has mastered such a technology?"

"No wonder, just now Meng Gan said that we will meet again."

After Chu Zhou heard the words, he immediately understood what Meng Gan would say just now.

The opponent died only as a copy.

Mami is fine at all.

This also made Chu Zhou feel a sense of crisis.

Menggan is obviously eyeing him.

A clone of Menggan has the strength of a half-step martial god.

There is no doubt that Menggan's own strength is at least at the level of a martial arts god.

This is only in the Guangdong Hai area. If you look at the whole world, the number of dead warriors, kings, and other warriors is even more astonishing.

In general, because the counterattack of the three major martial arts gyms and the human alliance was too sudden, the three major organization camps were not prepared enough.

Therefore, the loss of the three major organization lineups is much more than that of the three major martial arts schools and the human alliance.

However, even so, the three major martial arts and the human alliance also suffered huge losses.

Although it is not possible to "kill one thousand enemies, self-injury eight hundred", but self-injury five hundred is unavoidable.

This counterattack also changed the pattern of the entire world.

The three major organizational forces in the Guangdong Sea area, as well as the families and forces that took refuge in the three major organizations, were basically completely eliminated.

The floating city that has been floating above the Guangdong base city was also smashed to pieces by the Martial Gods of the three major martial arts halls.

Similarly, a war castle located not far from the Guangdong base city was also destroyed by the Martial Gods of the three major martial arts halls.

It can be said that the forces of the three major organizations have basically been completely driven out of the Guangdong base city.

The base city of Guangdong Hai was once again under the complete control of the three major martial arts schools and the Human Alliance.

Globally, most of the human base cities are in the same situation as the Guangdong base city, returning to the control of the three major martial arts halls and the human alliance.

But there is also bad news...

There are some base cities that have been infiltrated too much by the three major organizations. Even if the three major martial arts gyms and the human alliance suddenly counterattacked this time, they still have not regained control of those base cities. The rebel forces are completely in control.

For example, the base city of Wudu.

There are too many Valkyrie forces and kingly forces in this heavy city, and more than half of the Valkyrie forces and kingly forces have secretly joined the three major organizations.

This led to a counterattack in this important city, which was not successful, but was completely taken away by the three major organizations and rebel forces.

Dongfang Family, Chu Zhou sat on the sofa, took a deep breath after reading the post-war summary sent to him by the Tomahawk Martial Arts Headquarters.

"A new era has arrived!"

He was talking to himself.

In the past, the earth was dominated by humans and monsters.

Now, the situation has changed dramatically. In addition to the humans and monsters who are the leaders of the three major organizations and the human alliance, the three major organizations have also become one of the masters of the earth.

Moreover, the three major organizations now also control some human base cities, and even some heavy cities like Fog City.

Two points in the world have become three points in the world!

This result does not sound so good.

But this is the result of the efforts of the three major martial arts schools and the human alliance.

If the three major martial arts schools and the human alliance do not fight back, I am afraid that countless forces within the entire human race will gradually be infiltrated by the extremely powerful three major organizations, and then the three major organizations will directly control all human beings.

This is the end of this volume. A new volume starts tomorrow.
